School of Journalism and Communication, CUHK - News Archive
Created Date Title
12/2013 Mentorship Programme 2014 Launching Party
12/2013 Apply to the PhD Program in Communication, CUHK via Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme 2014/15
11/2013 Alumni Homecoming Day 2013 – “One person One Story” Book-signing Activity
11/2013 Monday.COME "The Vintage(2013)Special Screening with Discussion Session"
11/2013 Professor Christine Huang awarded the Vice-Chancellor's Exemplary Teaching Award and the Faculty of Social Science Exemplary Teaching Award 2012
11/2013 Public Talk by David Hesmondhalph, a Scholar in Media and Music Industries
11/2013 Varsity collaboration with Huffington Post
11/2013 Public Talk by Mr. Yuegang Lo, a Veteran Journalist in Mainland China
11/2013 CUHK - Thomson Reuters Foundation Financial Journalism Training Programme and Workshop
11/2013 Roving Exhibition of CUJA Award-Winning Works
11/2013 《蘋果》獲中大新聞獎
11/2013 Applications for Postgraduate Programmes 2014-15
11/2013 Monday.COME "Labour Movement and the Formation of Collective Negotiation System in China"
11/2013 中大新聞獎 明報大贏家
11/2013 Creative Sharing Session on the Movie “Doomsday Party”
11/2013 第六屆中大新聞獎 鼓勵業界監察政府
11/2013 Major Student Won the General Education Student’s Best Work Award
11/2013 Symposium on Quality in Communication Research and Teaching in the US and Europe
10/2013 Monday.COME "Survive in Hollywood"
10/2013 Public Talk by Prof. Stuart Cunningham, a Scholar in Creative Industry
10/2013 Statement of the School of Journalism and Communication, the Chinese University of Hong Kong
10/2013 CUHK Orientation Day for Undergraduate Admissions 2013
10/2013 Public Talk by Prof. Jeong-Nam Kim, a Scholar in Situational Theory of Problem Solving
10/2013 Monday.COME "My Perfect Summer Semeste"
10/2013 Sharing of ‘CANTOPOPSIBILITY’ by C AllStar