WU, Shih-chia
WU, Shih-chia Ph.D.
Book: 《向時尚品牌學風格行銷 Style Marketing》 (2021, March)。積木文化出版。www.istylemarketing.com Audiobook: 《向時尚品牌學風格行銷 Style Marketing》 (2022, April)。積木文化出版。https://www.books.com.tw/products/E070001850?loc=P_0052_001 Journal Articles: Ip, C. Y., Wu, S. C., Liu, H. C., & Liang, C. (2018). Social entrepreneurial intentions of students from Hong Kong. Journal of Entrepreneurship, 27(1), 47-64. Ip, C. Y., Liang, C., Wu, S. C., Law, K. M. Y., & Liu, H. C. (2018). Enhancing social entrepreneurial intentions through entrepreneurial creativity: A comparative study between Taiwan and Hong Kong. CREATIVITY RESEARCH JOURNAL, 30(2), 132-142. Ip, C. Y., Wu, S. C., Liu, H. C., & Liang, C. (2017). Revisiting the antecedents of social entrepreneurial intentions in Hong Kong. International Journal of Educational Psychology, 6(3), 301-323. Shih-Chia Wu (2008). The comparison between Communications & Public Relations studies – High Education as the example. 新聞大學, 2008 (02): 106-112. Chapters in Edited Books: Conference Papers and Presentation: Wu,S.C.,& Luk,W.H. (2022, July). How does the motivation of watching live streaming commerce affect online purchase intention? Paper presented at the 2022 BledCom, 29th International Public Relations Research Symposium (BledCom), Bled, Slovenia. Chan,C.H.,& Wu,S.C. (2022, July). The impact of marketing communication strategies on online consumer-brand community engagement during COVID-19 pandemic. Paper presented at the 2022 BledCom, 29th International Public Relations Research Symposium (BledCom), Bled, Slovenia. Wu,S.C., & Chiu,T.Y.(2022, July) A study of Memes, Conformity and Watching Intention: Squid Game as an example. Paper presented at the 2022 BledCom, 29th International Public Relations Research Symposium (BledCom), Bled, Slovenia. Wu, S. C., Yang, C., Lou, H., Wang, N., & Zhang, Y. (2022, May). 直播間之互動性對品牌忠誠度的影響-以淘寶店鋪為例[Paper presentation]. Interdisciplinary Narration Conference 2022, Tamkang University, Taiwan. Wang, Z., Jaio, F., & Wu, S. C. (2022, May). 數位濾鏡的視覺表達與對受眾之影響初探 [Paper presentation]. Interdisciplinary Narration Conference 2022, Tamkang University, Taiwan. Wu, S. C., Cai, Q., Mo. Y. T. (2021, July). Serving whom? Examining the motives and types of corporate social responsibility actions “during” a public health crisis. Paper presented at the 28th International Public Relations Research Symposium (BledCom), Bled, Slovenia. Chan, C. H., Wu, S. C. (2021, July). Reversible or irreversible user engagement behavior changes during COVID-19 pandemic: a case study of a top restaurant brand in Taiwan. Paper presented at the 28th International Public Relations Research Symposium (BledCom), Bled, Slovenia. Wu, S. C., Cheung, T. M., & Tang, W. C. (2020, July). Key-Opinion-Consumers (KOCs): the emerging influencers contributing to the purchase intention. Paper presented at the 27th International Public Relations Research Symposium (BledCom), Bled, Slovenia. Mao, Y. S., Wu, S. C., Xiao, H. G., Zou, J., Diao, H. L. & Xia, C. X. (2019, July). 共享經濟下之企業信任修復策略對用戶感知風險和品牌信任的影響研究 -- 以滴滴順風車樂清女孩遇害事件為例. Paper presented at the 12th PRAD & 4th PRSC Conference, Xiamen, China. Wu, S. C. & Chan, C. Y. (2019, July). What values motivate Millennials to share in social network sites? Paper presented in the WCA ABC 2019 Conference, Wellington, New Zealand. Wu, S .C., Wong, Y. P., Wong, Y. H., Sham, H. T., Leung, C. M., Lai, S. Y. & Ip, K. Y. (2019, July). Influencer or Celebrity? Who gains more trust on Instagram? Paper presented at the 26th International Public Relations Research Symposium (BledCom), Bled, Slovenia. Wu, S. C. & Hilburg A. (2018, July). The intersection of Litigation, Reputation & Brand Trust: The High Cost of Low Trust. Paper presented at the 2018 BledCom, 25th International Public Relations Research Symposium (BledCom), Bled, Slovenia. Ip, C. Y., Liang, C., Wu, S.-C., & Liu, H.-C. (2017, November). Outlines of the social entrepreneurial intentions of university students in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 2017 International Conference of Taiwan Association for Educational Communications and Technology, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan. Wu, S. C. (2017, Aug). Communicating with China Millennials. Paper presented at the 2017 IABC APAC Fusion Conference, Singapore. Ip, C. Y., Wu, S.-C., Liu, H.-C., & Liang, C. (2017, July 5). Alternative antecedents of social entrepreneurial intention: An investigation of college students from Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 2017 International Conference on Business and Information, International Business Academics Consortium, Hiroshima, Japan. Huang, W. J., Wu, S. C. (2017, June). VR技術引導新聞產業變革的探討. Paper presented at the Research Institute for Digital Culture and Humanities (RIDCH) Conferences 2017, Hong Kong, China. Wu, S. C. & students (2017, April). Communicating with China Millennials. Paper presented in IABC Hong Kong Conference, Hong Kong, China. Wu, S. C., Chen, J., & Du, W. J. (2017, April). PayEasy: My paddy field adoption movement: a CSR practice in Taiwan. Paper presented at the 7th Annual International Research Exchange & Faculty Development Conference, Hong Kong, China. Media Reports: Human Resources Hong Kong (March 2019), Instant messaging blurs the line between work and personal life 社交媒體模糊工作與生活界線 自由時報 (2017.12.6), https://ent.ltn.com.tw/news/breakingnews/2275080 網紅?千禧世代 Vogue.com (Sept 15, 2017) ,「千禧世代媒體使用與傳播行為大調查」 Telum Media (Aug 15, 2017), “Cracking the Chinese millennial code: how to communicate with millennials?” (P. 4-5) Others: Shih-Chia Wu (2016). The challenges and transformation of global luxury industry, Market Column, Ppaper Business Magazine. Shih-Chia Wu (2016). The critical moment of fashion marketing, Market Column, Ppaper Business Magazine. Shih-Chia Wu (2016). Experience is in power. Fashionable living and traveling, Market Column, Ppaper Business Magazine. Shih-Chia Wu (2015). Brand extension: the dining jouney of luxury brand, Market Column, Ppaper Business Magazine. Shih-Chia Wu (2015). The digital journey of luxury Brand, Market Column, Ppaper Business Magazine.