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Organizing Team



Florrie Fei-Yin Ng, Ph.D.,
Department of Educational Psychology,
the Chinese University of Hong Kong

Qian Wang, Ph.D.,
Department of Psychology,
the Chinese University of Hong Kong

International Advisor

Xinyin Chen, Ph.D.,
Graduate School of Education,
University of Pennsylvania

Organizing Committee

Liane Alampay, Ph.D.,
Department of Psychology,
Ateneo de Manila University

Keumjoo Kwak, Ph.D.,
Department of Psychology,
Seoul National University

Jo-Pei Tan, DPhil.,
Department of Social Care and Social Work,
Manchester Metropolitan University

Yoko Yamamoto, Ph.D.,
Department of Education,
Brown University

Qing Zhou, Ph.D.,
Department of Psychology,
University of California, Berkeley

Hours Copyright 2018. The Chinese University of Hong Kong. All rights reserved.
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