Lending a Helping Hand in Difficult Times Like This: 10 ELED Students Assisting in e-Material Development with Pearson

We are thrilled to learn that ten current ELED students (Erica Lau, Kenny Lau, Elizabeth Lui, Oscar Ho, Sophy Tam, Alice Yiu, Wilson Wan, Stephanie Wu, Chloe Yu and Martha Yu) were invited as volunteers to help develop free English e-materials with Pearson over the summer to support online learning in the midst of the pandemic.
Read More >Meet Mr Fung in “FungFung Classroom”

A new English learning YouTube channel, “FungFung Classroom”, has been created by our own ELED 2019 graduate, Mr. Ken Fung. We applaud his initiative and creativity in starting this channel, and we hope it reaches a wide audience of English language learners.
Read More >ELED Student Magazine

We would like to introduce the ELED student magazine, a magazine dedicated to inspiring and motivating young people who are studying English. Created by ELED students with the theme “Aspire”, the magazine is full of stories and tips on learning English for secondary school students.
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