Theoretical background
Built upon the findings of previous research into the nature of children's reading, spelling, and writing acquisition, this course attempts to bring to course participants a better understanding of the general progression of reading development and insight into what causes variation in students' reading and writing acquisition. The theoretical framework is aligned with cognitive theory with an emphasis on cognitive modeling and scaffolding as important teaching strategies for teachers to support struggling readers.
Course materials
The course utilizes local primary textbooks and curriculum guidelines suggested by the Education Bureau as references. Core curriculum materials for teaching vocabulary, character and word identification, reading fluency, reading comprehension, and writing are developed to support teachers' classroom teaching after completion of the training course.
Course format
Training takes a dynamic approach, with a combination of lectures, case studies, lesson planning and analyses, and demonstrations to guide participants to apply what they have learned in practice.
To enhance participants' understanding of specific learning difficulties and how the disorder affects learning. |
To introduce the three-tiered Response-to-Intervention model and its implications for early intervention. |
To strengthen participants' knowledge of language structures, meta-linguistic awareness and its relationships to reading acquisition, with an aim to assisting them in implementing quality language teaching. |
To equip participants with skills to implement small group supplemental instruction and individualized intensive instruction. |
To enhance participants' counseling skills in dealing with the emotional and familial problems encountered by students with specific learning difficulties. |
The course is designed for primary school Chinese language teachers. Teachers who are responsible for school curriculum development and for student support are also welcome to take the course.
Days |
Focus |
Basic Understanding of specific learning difficulties |
Identification and assessment of dyslexia in Hong Kong |
Enhancing the quality of classroom instruction: Vocabulary |
Enhancing the quality of classroom teaching: Word identification |
Enhancing the quality of classroom teaching: Syntax |
Enhancing the quality of classroom teaching: Fluency and comprehension |
Enhancing the quality of classroom teaching: Writing |
The Three-tiered Response-to-Intervention Model |
Principles of small group supplemental instruction |
Principles of individualized intensive instruction |
Counselling SpLD students and their families |
Community resources and assistive technology for SpLD students |
Please click here to download the conceptual framework.