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戴坤博士曾於北京大學教育學院任博士後研究員。研究興趣包括:國際與比較教育,跨文化學習與適應,跨境教育流動等方面。戴坤博士的研究成果被多本國際刊物發表,例如, Higher Education Research and Development, Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, Teaching in Higher Education, Journal of Studies in International Education, International Journal of Intercultural Relations, Compare, 以及《北京大學教育評論》。他的專著《Transitioning ‘In-Between’ Chinese Students’ Navigating Experiences in Transnational Higher Education Programmes》在國際知名學術出版機構之一Brill出版。此外,戴坤博士還擔任眾多國際知名刊物審稿人,例如,Frontiers in Psychology, Higher Education, Cambridge Journal of Education, 以及 Compare等。他還擔任Routledge與Springer出版社專著審稿人,Journal of International Students的副編輯。戴坤博士被北京大學評為2020年度優秀博士後。
- 比較教育
- 教育政策
- 高等教育
- 建立跨文化能力:體驗式學習
- 叙事研究法
- 留學教育
- 質化方法
- 教育社會學
- BECE 3210 香港幼兒教育政策與實踐
- PEDU 6210 教育政策與社會
- PEDU 6211 教育與發展 — 國際視域
- PEDU 6402 教育研究中的質化方法
- PGDE 5211 學校教育的架構和過程
- Dai, K. (2022). Transitioning ‘in-between’: Chinese Students’ navigating experiences in transnational higher education. Leiden, the Netherlands: Brill.
- Dai, K. (2021). Learning through, with and against contradictions: An exploration of Chinese students’ experiences in transnational higher education programmes. In Zhang, Z, C., Grimshaw, T., & Shi, X, S. (Eds), International student education in tertiary settings: Interrogating programmes and processes in diverse contexts (pp. 210-227). London: Routledge.
- Dai, K*., Matthews, K, E., & Shen, W. (Accepted). “It is difficult for students to contribute”: Investigating possibilities for pedagogical partnerships in Chinese universities. Teaching in Higher Education. doi: 10.1080/13562517.2021.2015752
- Hu. Y., & Dai, K*. (2021). Foreign-born Chinese students learning in China: (Re)shaping intercultural identity in higher education institution. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 80, 89-98. doi: 10.1016/j.ijintrel.2020.11.010
- Dai, K*., & Hardy, I. (2020). Shaping a sense of in-betweenness: A Chinese doctoral student’s intercultural learning journey at an Australian university. Oxford Review of Education. doi: 10.1080/03054985.2020.1825369.