劉志偉教授的研究涉獵明清社會經濟史的多個領域,已發表論著繁多,如在美國發表的 “Lineage on the Sand: The Case of Shawan” 和 “Lineage, Market, Pirate, and Dan: Ethnicity in the Pearl River Aelta of South China” ,在《歷史研究》發表的《地域社會的結構過程:歷史學與人類學的對話》、《宗族與地方社會的國家認同——明清華南地區宗族發展的意識形態基礎》、《叢鄉豪的歷史到士人的記憶————由黃佐《自敍先世行狀》看明代地方勢力的轉變》,在《清史研究》上發表的《地域空間中的國家秩序:珠江三角洲沙田-民田格局的形成》等論文。
LIU Zhiwei
Professor, Department of History; Executive Vice Dean, School of Asia-Pacific Studies; Director,Centre for Historical Anthropology, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, PRC
Liu Zhiwei graduated from the Sun Yat-sen University. He joined the Department of History, Sun Yat-sen University in 1983 and since then he has been a professor there. He has also served as visiting professor and visiting scholar at Oxford University, Yale University, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and National Chi Nan University Taiwan.
Prof. Liu specializes in Ming-Qing social and economic history. His recent publications include《在國家與社會之間 -- 明清廣東戶籍賦役制度研究》(in Chinese), "Lineage on the Sand: The Case of Shawan", "Lineage Market, Pirate, and Dan: Ethnicity in the Pearl River Aelta of South China", 〈地域社會的結構過程:歷史學與人類學的對話〉(in Chinese), 〈宗族與地方社會的國家認同 -- 明清華南地區宗族發展的意識形態基礎〉(in Chinese), 〈叢鄉豪的歷史到士人的記憶 -- 由黃佐《自敍先世行狀》看明代地方勢力的轉變〉(in Chinese), 〈地域空間中的國家秩序:珠江三角洲沙田-民田格局的形成〉(in Chinese) 等。
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梁其姿教授中學就讀於聖保羅男女中學。1975年畢業於香港大學歷史系。畢業後獲法國政府獎學金赴巴黎社會科學高等研究院深造,1980年冬獲歷史學博士學位 。1982年受聘於台灣中央研究院為研究人員。曾任該院中山人文社會科學研究所所長、兼任台灣大學歷史系教授、蔣經國國際學術交流基金會副執行長。現任香港中文大學歷史系講座教授。
LEUNG Ki Che Angela Professor of History, Department of History, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Professor Leung was born and educated in Hong Kong. She got her Ph.D. degree from Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris in the winter of 1980. She was research fellow of the Institute of History and Philology of the Academia Sinica of Taipei before joining the Chinese University of Hong Kong as Professor of History in the summer of 2008. While in Taiwan, she was also Director of the Sun Yat-sen Institute for Social Sciences and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, and Vice-President of the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange.
Professor Leung has published widely in the fields of late Imperial Chinese Social History and social history of medicine. Her publications include Shishan yu jiaohua. Ming Qing di cishan zuzhi (To provide charity and moral education) (Taipei 1997), Medicine for Women in Imperial China (Leiden 2006), Leprosy in China: A History (Colulmbia University Press 2009), and many articles in the fields of Ming-Qing social history and medical history.
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蔡志祥,日本東京大學文學博士。曾任香港歷史檔案署助理檔案主任、香港科技大學人文學部副教授及華南研究中心主任。現職香港中文大學歷史系教授、《比較及公眾史學文學碩士課程》總監。專攻中國社會史及商業史、節日與民間宗教以及近代中國的家庭、宗族與族群關係。著有《打醮:香港的節日與地域社會》 、《乾泰隆文書(1):土地契約》、《乾泰隆文書(2):商業契據》、《香港歷史文化與社會》三冊(合編)以及有關中國傳統節日、家庭、宗族、市場和商業等學術論文數十篇。目前正在進行的撰書計畫包括:《家族企業與商業網絡》、《酬神與超幽:南中國的節日與民間宗教》
CHOI Chi Cheung Professor, Department of History, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Director, MA in Comparative and Public History, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Prof. Choi received his Doctor of Letters degree from the University of Tokyo. Before joining the History Department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, he held positions as Assistant Archivist of the Public records Office, Hong Kong Government, Associate Professor of the Humanities Division, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Director of the South China Research Center, HKUST.
He is interested in Chinese social and business history, festival and public religion, Modern Chinese family and lineage and studies of ethnicity. His publications include: Jiao festival: Festivals and local societies in Hong Kong; Land documents of the Qian Tye Lung Company; Business documents of the Qian Tye Lung Company, Hong Kong History, culture and Society (co-ed., 3 volumnes). His current book projects include: Family Enterprises and Business Networks; Thanksgiving and Salvation: festivals and public religion in South China.
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