馬敏 華中師範大學校長、歷史文化學院教授
馬敏教授曾任華中師範大學歷史文化學院首任院長、華中師範大學副校長。現任教育部首屆社會科學委員會委員,中央馬克思主義理論研究和建設工程教材編寫組主要專家,教育部歷史教學指導委員會主任委員,國家社科基金(歷史)評審組成員,中國歷史學會副會長,中國社會史學會副會長, 中國經濟史學會副會長,中國辛亥革命研究會理事,湖北省社會科學界聯合會副主席,湖北省學位委員會委員。
馬敏教授主要從事中國近現代史的研究,研究方向為辛亥革命史、社會經濟史、中國商會史博覽會史、教會大學史等。自1985年以來,馬教授先後主持國家社會科學基金、教育部等重點社科研究項目10餘項,出版學術專著六部, 主編學術著作七部,在《中國社會科學》、《歷史研究》、《近代史研究》等權威和核心刊物上發表中英文學術論 文100餘篇。
MA Min President and Professor, Huazhong Normal University, Wuhan, PRC
Ma Min graduated from the History Department of the Huazhong Normal University in 1981, and obtained the Doctor’s degree in History in 1987. From 1989 to 1997, Prof. Ma Min served as visiting researcher and visiting scholar in Princeton University, Yale University and Oxford University.
Prof. Ma was the founding Dean of the Institute of History and Culture, Vice-President of the Huazhong Normal University. Since 2003, he has become the President the University.
Prof. Ma mainly engages in the research of China’s Modern and Contemporary History. His research focuses on the history of 1911 Revolution, social economy, Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Church University. He has undertaken over ten research projects supported by National Society Science Fund and Education Ministry since 1985. He has also published five books and over 100 papers in Chinese and English.
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陳春聲 中山大學副校長、歷史系教授
陳春聲教授先後在美國、英國、瑞典、日本、新加坡、俄羅斯等國家和香港、臺灣等地區的多間大學長期講學和從事合作研究,曾在加拿大麥吉爾大學進行博士後研究,兼任國內、國際 10 餘所大學的客座教授或學術顧問。
CHEN Chunsheng Vice-President and Professor, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, PRC
Having graduated from the Department of History of Sun Yat-sen University in 1982, Chen Chunsheng obtained his doctorate in history from Xiamen University. Prof. Chen is Vice President of Sun Yat-sen University and Professor in the History Department.
Professor Chen Chunsheng engages mainly in the teaching and research of the Chinese social and economic history, historical anthropology and historiographical theories. He has made considerable accomplishments in the fields of cliometrics and historical anthropology, winning the First Prize for Social Science Achievements from Guangdong Provincial Government twice and the First Prize for Research Achievements in Humanities and Social Sciences from the Ministry of Education once.
Professor Chen Chunsheng has lectured in and collaborated with researchers from universities in America, Britain, Sweden, Japan, Singapore, Russia, Hong Kong and Taiwan, etc. He completed his postdoctoral research at McGill University in Canada. He is a visiting professor or academic consultant in more than 10 universities at home and abroad.
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梁元生 香港中文大學歷史系講座教授兼系主任、崇基學院院長
梁元生教授的研究興趣集中於「現代」與「傳統」之間、東方及西方之間、史學和文學之間的「跨地域」、「跨學科」和「跨時段」的各種課題;專研範圍包括近現代中國的儒學史及基督教史、城市文化,以及海外華人社會。近年編著作品包括《晚清上海:一個城市的歷史記憶》、《邊緣與之間》、《新加坡華人社會史論》、《基督教與中國》、The Legitimation of New Orders: Case Studies in World History,以及Christian Responses to Asian Challenges: A Glocalization View on Christian Higher Education in East Asia等。
LEUNG Yuen Sang Professor of History and Chairman, Department of History; Head, Chung Chi College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Leung Yuen Sang has a B.A. (Hons) degree (1972) and an M.Phil. in History degree (1974)from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and a Ph.D. degree in History from the University of California (Santa Barbara) (1980). Prof. Leung taught in National University of Singapore and the California State University (Los Angeles). Now he is Professor of History and Department Chairman at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is also Head of the University’s Chung Chi College.
Professor Leung’s research interest is centered on the “n-between”.He traverses topics that are in-between “modernity” and “tradition”, in-between the East and the West, in-between historiography and literature, and that are “intraregional”, “interdisciplinary”, and “intertemporal”. To be more specific, Professor Leung has studied Confucianism and Christianity in modern China, Chinese urban culture and overseas Chinese communities. His recent works include: Wanqing shanghai: yige chengshi de lishi jiyi (Late Qing Shanghai: the Historical Memory of a City), Bianyuan yu zhijian (Of the Marginal and the In-between), Xinjiapo huaren shehui shilun (On the Social History of Singaporean Chinese), Jidujiao yu zhongguo (Christianity and China), The Legitimation of New Orders: Case Studies in World History, and Christian Responses to Asian Challenges: A Glocalization View on Christian Higher Education in East Asia, etc.
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