Academic Staff
Assistant Professor
B. Digital Media (Griffith University, Australia), M. Digital Design with First Class Honours (Griffith University, Australia), PhD (The University of Queensland)
phone 3943 6401
office HTB 412
- CV
Dr. DAI Kun is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Educational Administration and Policy, Faculty of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He holds a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree with first-class honours in digital media/design from Griffith University, Australia. Then, he completed his PhD at The University of Queensland. Dr Dai’s research interests include international and comparative education, transnational higher education and related policy, international student mobility, intercultural learning and adjustment. Dr Dai’s work has appeared in several international peer-reviewed journals, such as the Journal of Studies in International Education, Compare, Higher Education Research & Development, International Journal of Intercultural Relations, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, and Oxford Review of Education. His first book, entitled: ‘Transitioning ‘In-Between’ Chinese Students’ Navigating Experiences in Transnational Higher Education Programmes’, has been published by Brill. Furthermore, Dr Dai serves as an associate editor of the Journal of International Students and referees for many international journals, such as Frontiers in Psychology, Journal of Studies in International Education, Higher Education, and Cambridge Journal of Education. He also serves as book proposal referee for Routledge and Springer. Moreover, Dr Dai has gained several nationally competitive research grants from China Postdoc Science Foundation. He has been awarded as the 2020 outstanding postdoc research fellow by Peking University.
- Comparative Education
- Education Policy
- Higher Education
- Intercultural Studies
- Narrative Study
- Overseas Education
- Qualitative Methods
- Sociology of Education
- BECE 3210 Early Childhood Educational Policy and Practices in Hong Kong
- PEDU 6210 Educational Policy and Society
- PEDU 6211 Education and Development in International Perspectives
- PEDU 6402 Qualitative Method in Educational Research
- PGDE 5211 Structure & Process of Schooling
- Dai, K. (2022). Transitioning ‘in-between’: Chinese Students’ navigating experiences in transnational higher education. Leiden, the Netherlands: Brill.
- Dai, K. (2021). Learning through, with and against contradictions: An exploration of Chinese students’ experiences in transnational higher education programmes. In Zhang, Z, C., Grimshaw, T., & Shi, X, S. (Eds), International student education in tertiary settings: Interrogating programmes and processes in diverse contexts (pp. 210-227). London: Routledge.
- Dai, K*., Matthews, K, E., & Shen, W. (Accepted). “It is difficult for students to contribute”: Investigating possibilities for pedagogical partnerships in Chinese universities. Teaching in Higher Education. doi: 10.1080/13562517.2021.2015752
- Hu. Y., & Dai, K*. (2021). Foreign-born Chinese students learning in China: (Re)shaping intercultural identity in higher education institution. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 80, 89-98. doi: 10.1016/j.ijintrel.2020.11.010
- Dai, K*., & Hardy, I. (2020). Shaping a sense of in-betweenness: A Chinese doctoral student’s intercultural learning journey at an Australian university. Oxford Review of Education. doi: 10.1080/03054985.2020.1825369.