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劉博士曾任中學教師及倫理宗教科統籌、香港教育大學講師及高級講師、教育博士共同指導老師、兼任助理教授和碩士論文導師、香港教育局課程發展處和香港考試及評核局委員。劉博士榮獲教育署校本課程設計計劃嘉許狀(2000年度)、香港教育大學教育及人類發展學院首屆關愛育人獎 (2021年度),以及優秀學校體驗視導獎(2021-22年度上學期)。任教科目包括:學校教育的架構和過程、價值教育、教師倫理、正向教育、正念教育、常識和通識教育等。研究興趣包括:華人地區跨國靜修活動、宗教教育、靈性健康、價值教育、正念教育、德育及倫理教育、融合教育等。劉博士2007年開始為本科生、職前教師和在職教師進行正念、身心靈健康和正向教育等教研計劃工作,曾協助籌辦多個相關研討會和教師專業培訓。她定期在國際學術期刊和學術出版社發表相關論文,以及協助國際學術期刊包括《正念》、《宗教》、《兒童靈性國際期刊》審查論文。
- 教育族志學
- 融合教育
- 教師專業發展
- 質化方法
- 宗教教育與心靈教育
- 靈性健康
- 價值教育
- CHED 4510 幼兒教育中的價值教育
- EDUC 2220 教育思想
- EDUC 3290 意義關懷與生死教育
- PGDE 5211 學校教育的架構和過程
- PGDP 5301 學校教育的架構和過程
- PGDP 5318 教學專業的倫理
- 劉雅詩(2022) : 〈職前老師的正向價值教育〉,輯於劉雅詩、盧希皿、李子建編《邁向正向幸福人生–以靜觀和正念培育兒童青少年正向價值和身心靈健康》。香港:中華書局。
- 劉雅詩(2022) : 〈甚麼是靜觀和正念?–心理、宗教及教育的視角〉,輯於劉雅詩、盧希皿、李子建編《邁向正向幸福人生–以靜觀和正念培育兒童青少年正向價值和身心靈健康》。香港:中華書局。
- 劉雅詩、盧希皿、李子建編(2022) :《邁向正向幸福人生–以靜觀和正念培育兒童青少年正向價值和身心靈健康》。香港:中華書局。
- Lau, N.S. (2022). Equality of Access? Chinese Women Practicing Chan and Transnational Meditation in Contemporary China. Religions, 13, 61. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel13010061
- Lo, H.H.M., Au, A., Cho, W.V., Lau, E.N.S., Wong, J.Y.H., Wong, S.Y.S., Yeung, J.W.K. (2022). Mindfulness-Based Intervention for Caregivers of Frail Older Chinese Adults: A Study Protocol. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 19, 5447. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19095447
- Zheng X, Zhang D, Lau ENS, Xu Z, Zhang Z, Mo PKH, Yang X, Mak ECW and Wong SYS (2022) Primary School Students’ Online Learning During Coronavirus Disease 2019: Factors Associated With Satisfaction, Perceived Effectiveness, and Preference. Front. Psychol. 13:784826. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.784826
- Lo, H.H.M., Lau, E.N.S., Tam, C.H.L. et al. (2021). Effects of a Mindful Parenting Workshop for Parents of Adolescents and Young Adults Following Social Unrest in Hong Kong. Mindfulness.https://doi.org/10.1007/s12671-021-01790-7
- Lau, N.S. (2021). Changing socio-political identity and students’ mental health: Promoting positive education and holistic education in Hong Kong. R. Wills, M. de Souza, M. Bakkar, J. M. McMahon & C. Roux, The Bloomsbury Handbook of culture and identity from Early Childhood to Early Adulthood Perceptions and Implications (—–). London: Bloomsbury Academic.
- Lau, N.S. (2021). Teaching transnational Buddhist meditation with vipassanā (neiguan內觀) and mindfulness (zhengnian正念) for healing depression in contemporary China. Religions. 12(3), 212; https://doi.org/10.3390/rel12030212
- Cheung Y.M.R. & Lau, N.S. (2021). Is Mindfulness Linked to Life Satisfaction? Testing Savoring Positive Experiences and Gratitude as Mediators. Frontiers in Psychology https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.591103
- Au, T.C. & Lau, N. S. (2021). Private music teachers’ knowledge of and attitudes toward students with autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-020-04809-5
- Co-investigator with Gu, Mingyue Michelle (PI), Y.M. Rebecca Cheung, M. M. Chiu, Corey F. Huang, Liz Jackson, J. S. Lee, Zhenlin Wang, J. Luo, M. Harrison, Lucas Kohnke. Wellbeing in online social networking. Multi-disciplinary Research Capacity Building Scheme. EdUHK, 2022-23
- Co-investigator with Tse, T.K.T. (PI). Religious Education Curricula in Hong Kong Schools: A Comparative Study across Religious Bodies and Time. General Research Fund, 2020-22
- Co-investigator with Lo, Herman H.M. (PI), Wong Samuel Y.S., Wong Janet Y.H., Yeung, Jerf W.K., Au, Alma. Mindfulness-Based Intervention for Caregivers of Frail Older Chinese Adults: Testing a Model of Intergenerational Caregiving. General Research Fund,