Dr Rosetta Mui is currently a lecturer in the Department of Sports Science and Physical Education at CUHK. Before joining SSPE, she has served in the PE Department in HKBU and the Department of Psychology in HKU. Dr Mui was an elite athlete in Chinese Martial Arts (Wushu), represented Hong Kong in international competitions including Asian Games and East Asian Games. She is also an experienced manager, who has led the Hong Kong Wushu team as coach and team manager to various international championships.
Research Interests
Cognitive science & Motor learning
Observational learning
Selected Publications
Chung, P.K., Mui, R, Zhao, Y.N., & Liu, J. D. (2014). Training Effects of Water Tai Chi on Health Indicators among Chinese Older Females in Hong Kong. International Journal of Physical Education, Sports and Health, 1(2): 20-24
Mui, R., Hazelgrove, M., Pearce, J.M. & Heyes, C.M. (2008). Automatic imitation in budgerigars. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London: B, 275: 2547-2553
Mui, R., Haselgrove, M., Futter, J., McGregor, A., Heyes, C., Pearce, J.M. (2007). The Discrimination of Biological Motion by Budgerigars and Pigeons. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 33(4): 371-380
Badyaev, A.V., K.P. Oh, Mui, R. (2006). Evolution of sex-biased maternal effects in birds: II. Contrasting sex-specific oocyte clustering in native and recently established populations. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 19: 909-921
Courses Taught
Research Methods
Teaching Badminton
Teaching Practice
Selected Honours and Awards
Overseas Research Studentship, British council, 2004-2007
Hong Kong Wushu Representative, Asian Game, 1998
Selected Professional Services
Chair, Program Validation Panel. BSc (Hons) in Sports Management with Coaching, Hong Kong College of Technology
External Examiner. Diploma Yi Jin Programme, Hong Kong Institute of Technology
External Examiner. Higher Diploma in Fitness, Coaching and Sports Management, Hong Kong College of Technology
Member, Executive Committee. Hong Kong Wushu Union