Department of Educational Psychology

FAN Xitao, Ph.D.

Dean of Education, Wei Lun Professor of Educational Psychology, BA (Kunming Inst. of Tech.), MA (Brigham Young), PhD (Texas A&M)

I currently serve as the dean of the Faculty of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China. Previously, I served as Presidential Chair Professor and Dean of the School of Humanities & Social Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), China; Chair Professor of educational psychology, and Dean of the Faculty of Education, University of Macau, and as interim Vice Rector (Academic Affairs) of University of Macau, China. Before I joined the University of Macau, I served as Curry Memorial Professor, full professor, and associate professor in the Curry School of Education, University of Virginia, (USA), and was an associate professor and assistant professor in Utah State University (USA). I obtained my Ph.D. (1993) in educational psychology from Texas A&M University (USA), my M.A. (1989) in TESL from Brigham Young University (USA), and my B.A. (1982) in English education from the Kunming Institute of Technology (China). I have research/teaching interests in research methods and applications in social and behavioral sciences, structural equation modeling and applications, meta-analytic studies, educational/psychological measurement, and inter-disciplinary research in education/psychology. I served as the editor (2004-2010) and associate editor (2000-2004) of Educational and Psychological Measurement (SAGE Publications). I was an elected AERA Fellow (2012; American Educational Research Association). I have been involved in numerous research projects funded by U.S. federal agencies (e.g., the National Science Foundation, Institute of Education Science under the Department of Education, National Institute of Health) and other organizations, and those funded by University of Macau. I have published over 200 research journal articles and book chapters in competitive scholarly outlets in education and psychology on a range of topics, and my research has been widely cited by scholars internationally.
Research methods and applications in social and behavioral sciences;
Multivariate methods and applications;
Meta-analytic studies;
Educational/psychological measurement;
Inter-disciplinary research in education/psychology