Prof. TSANG Wai-chung, Arthur
BA & BEd (HKU, 1st Hons), MSc & TEFL (Oxford), PhD (Institute of Education, University College London)Assistant Professor
For approximately 10 years prior to joining the department, Arthur (or Art for short) taught English at various primary and secondary schools as well as a number of tertiary institutions. He also provided training in English for specific purposes for government departments, well-established learning centres, and corporates such as The Peninsula and DHL. As a teacher educator, Art delivers various English education-related courses at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.Research Interests
- Oral communication in language education (e.g. listening, speaking, and inter-cultural communication)
- Learners’ perceptions, emotions, experiences, and well-being
- Innovative language teaching methods (especially learning beyond the classroom)
Google Scholar:
Highlights- Tsang, A. (online first). ‘The best way to learn a language is not to learn it!’: Hedonism and insights into successful EFL learners’ experiences in engagement with spoken (listening) and written (reading) input. TESOL Quarterly.
- Tsang, A. (online first). The roads not taken: Greater emphasis needed on ‘sounds’, ‘actual listening’, and ‘spoken input’. RELC Journal.
- Tsang, A. (2022). FL listening motivation, interest, linguistic self-confidence, and overall proficiency: A complete double mediation model. System, 108, 102833.
- Tsang, A.* & Lam, A. L. K.#(accepted). Striking a balance between researchers’ and learners’ voices in L2/FL empirical studies: A guide to the group repertory grid approach. Journal of Language, Identity & Education.
- Yeung, S. S., Tsang, A.*, Lam, W. W. C., & Law, T. S. T. (accepted). Maternal education, classroom emotions, and literacy outcomes among Grade 3/4 EFL learners. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development.
- Tsang, A.*, Aubrey, S., & Yuan, R. (accepted). Multiculturalism and multilingualism in higher education: Intercultural activity participation and opportunities for language learning. International Journal of Multilingualism.
- Wang, Z., Tsang, A.*, Yuan, R., & Yang, M. (accepted). Probing curriculum coherence in pre-service teacher education: An exploratory study. Journal of Education for Teaching.
- Tsang, A.* & Dang, B. Y. Y. (accepted). Examining the relationships between medium of instruction in secondary education and learners’ academic achievement and perceptions in English-medium tertiary education. Journal of Further and Higher Education.
- Tsang, A.* & Dewaele, J-M. (online first). The relationships between young FL learners’ classroom emotions (anxiety, boredom, & enjoyment), engagement, and FL proficiency. Applied Linguistics Review.
- Aubrey, S.* & Tsang, A. (online first). Capitalizing on international students to promote cross-cultural learning in an English language education program. Journal of Education for Teaching.
- Tsang, A.*, Dang, B. Y. Y., & Moorhouse, B. L. (online first). An examination of learners’ homework engagement, academic achievement, and perceptions. Educational Studies.
- Dang, B. Y. Y., Ho, E.*, & Tsang, A. (online first). Learner's assessment preferences in higher education: A comparison study of high-achievers and low-achievers. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher.
- Tsang, A. (online first). The relationship between EFL learners’ anxiety in oral presentations, self perceived pronunciation, and speaking proficiency. Language Teaching Research.
- Tsang, A. (online first). EFL listening, pronunciation, and teachers’ accents in the present era: An investigation into pre- and in-service teachers’ cognition. Language Teaching Research.
- Yuan, R., Tsang, A., Li, S.* (online first). Collaborative learning between Chinese and international students in an English as a medium of instruction environment: Friend or Foe? Language Teaching Research.
- Tsang, A.*, Yang, M., & Yuan, R. (online first). The relationships between participation in intercultural activities on campus, whole-person development, and academic achievement: A mixed-methods study. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development.
- Tsang, A.*, Paran, A., & Lau, W. W. F. (online first). The language and non-language benefits of literature in foreign language education: An exploratory study of learners’ views. Language Teaching Research.
- Tsang, A. (online first). The value of a semi-formal peer mentorship program for first-year students’ studies, socialization and adaptation. Active learning in higher education.
- Tsang, A.(2022). Self-access learning of English intonation with speech software: Examining learners’ perceptions with a focus on their concerns and negative comments. Language Learning in Higher Education, 12(1), 209-229.
- Tsang, A.*, Wu, S.#, & Ho, O. # (2022). The tricky 's': how to teach food and foods? Modern English Teacher, 31(2), 65-68.
- Tsang, A. (2022). Comparing and contrasting intra- and inter-cultural relations and perceptions among mainstream and minority students in multicultural classrooms in higher education. Intercultural Education, 33(1), 99-113.
- Cheng, A. H. H. #, & Tsang, A.* (2022). Uses and understanding of connectives: An embedded case study of ESL learners of different proficiency. Language Awareness, 31(2), 155-174.
- Tsang, A.*, & Yuan, R. (2022). Examining home and international students’ awareness of, attitudes towards and participation in intercultural activities on campus. Journal of Studies in International Education, 26(3), 390-409.
- Tsang, A. (2022). Examining the relationship between language and cross-cultural encounters: Avenues for promoting intercultural interaction. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 43(2), 98-110.
- Tsang, A. (2022). Effects of narrow listening on ESL learners’ pronunciation and fluency: An ‘MP3 flood’ programme turning mundane homework into an engaging hobby. Language Teaching Research, 26(3), 434-454.
- Tsang, A.*, & Paran, A. (2021). Learners’ views of literature in EFL education from curricular and assessment perspectives. The Curriculum Journal, 32(3), 459-474.
- Tsang, A.(2021). A Simple ‘mmm’ Technique to Teach Word Stress and Intonation in English. English Teaching Forum, 59(3), 27-30.
- Tsang, A. (2021). A neglected facet in ELT: Communication with less proficient speakers. English Teaching professional, 133, 39-41.
- Tsang, A.* & Lo, F.# (2020). Bilingual education through a pluri-centric approach: A case study of the effects of simultaneously learning two languages on L1 and L2 reading and writing proficiency. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 67, 100927.
- Yip, W. P. H.# & Tsang, A.*(2020). “It means one more piece of homework!”: Learners’ demotivation in EFL extensive reading. The Journal of AsiaTEFL, 17(4), 1158-1546.
- Tsang, A. (2020). Are learners ready for Englishes in the EFL classroom? A large-scale survey of learners’ views of teachers’ accents and non-standard accents. System, 94, 102298.
- Tsang, A. (2020). Back to basics: Art Tsang introduces an innovative and effective way of teaching parts of speech. Modern English Teacher, 29(4), 51-54.
- Tsang, A. (2020). The relationship between tertiary-level students’ self-perceived presentation delivery and public speaking anxiety: A mixed-methods study. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 45(7), 1060-1072.
- Tsang, A. (2020). The synergistic effect of phonology and songs on enhancing second/foreign language listening abilities. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 30(2), 193-349.
- Yeung, S. S. S., Ng, M. L., Qiao, S., & Tsang, A.* (2020). Effects of explicit L2 vocabulary instruction on developing kindergarten children’s target and general vocabulary and phonological awareness. Reading and Writing, 33, 671–689.
- Tsang, A.*& Lam, M. Y.# (2020). Tertiary-level students’ goals, motivation and self-initiated actions for improving English and delivery skills for oral presentations: An exploratory qualitative study in the context of self-regulated learning. In E. Balashov (Ed.), Self-Regulated Learning, Cognition and Metacognition (pp. 165-195). New York: Nova Science Publishers.
- Tsang, A. (2020). Why English accents and pronunciation ‘still’ matter for teachers nowadays: A mixed-methods study on learners’ perceptions. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 41(2), 140-156.
- Tsang, A.(2020). Enhancing learners’ awareness of oral presentation (delivery) skills in the context of self-regulated learning. Active learning in higher education, 21(1), 39-50.
- Tsang, A.*, Fung, D., & Yau, A. H. Y. (2019). Evaluating supplementary and mainstream ESL/EFL education: Learners’ views from secondary- and tertiary-level perspectives. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 62, 61-71.
- Tsang, A. (2019). Re-conceptualizing speaking, listening and pronunciation: Glocalizing TESOL in the contexts of World Englishes and English as a Lingua Franca/an international language. TESOL Quarterly, 53(2), 580-588.
- Tsang, A.(2018). Positive effects of a program on oral presentation skills: High- and low-proficient learners’ self-evaluations and perspectives. Assessment & evaluation in higher education, 43(5), 760-771.
- Tsang, A. (2017). Judgement of countability and plural marking in English by native and non-native English speakers. Language Awareness, 26(4), 343-359.
- Tsang, A. (2017). EFL/ESL Teachers’ General Language Proficiency and Learners’ Engagement. RELC Journal, 48(1), 99-113.
*Corresponding author
#Mentee/Research Assistant/Supervisee
Recent Grants obtained as the PI
Grant | Project Title | Other investigators | Period | Amount funded & Remarks | |
1 | General Research Fund (GRF)
University Grants Committee |
Towards a fuller understanding of positive emotions and learning within and beyond the EFL classroom: A longitudinal mixed-methods study of enjoyment, time on task, and proficiency development | Jean-Marc Dewaele (Co-I)
Susanna Yeung Siu Sze (Co-I) |
Ongoing | HKD 530320 |
2 | Research Grants on Education
The Spencer Foundation |
The journey of empathy development through on-campus intercultural engagement: A mixed-methods phenomenological case study | / | 2023 onwards | USD 49520
(Max limit: 50000)
Competitiveness: Global, <10% of proposals funded |
3 | Direct Grant for Research 2020-21 (4th round), Education Panel
Examining the relationships between English as a foreign language proficiency and learning beyond the classroom through homework and tutorial classes | / | Ongoing | HKD 79800 |
4 | Language Learning Early Career Research Grant
Language Learning |
A holistic examination of the relationships between language proficiency and input beyond the classroom | / | Ongoing | USD 9240 (Max limit: 10000)
Competitiveness: Global, 3 proposals funded, see Language Learning, volume 71, issue 3 |
5 | Grant Scheme for Internationalization of Curriculum by TDLEG, 2019-2022
Capitalizing on CUHK international students to learn about English language education and use across the globe: A simple and sustainable IaH initiative | Scott Aubrey
Wendy Lou (Co-I) |
2020 – 2022 | HKD 73992 |
6 | Direct Grant for Research 2018-19 (1st round), Education Panel
A pilot study of “effectiveness of, perception of, and participation in cross-cultural activities: Implications for language and whole-person education” | Yuan Rui (Co-I) | 2019 – 2020 | HKD 41005 |
7 | Quality Enhancement Support Scheme (QESS)
Committee on Self-financing Post-secondary Education |
Enhancing students’ presentation skills, spoken English and confidence in presentations | / | 2017 – 2019 | HKD 1794000
Competitiveness: Local, around 35% of the proposals funded |
Recent Contributions and Services (selected)
At CUHK- Chief coordinator, BA (English Studies) and BEd (English Language Education) programme (2019 – present)
- Core task force member and convenor, the new e-platform initiative at the faculty of education (2020 – present)
- Mentor for international students (2018 – present)
- Committee Member, HKEAA (2021 – present)
- Consultant (English language education), Pearson Education (2020 – present)
- Speaker, nine talks on English learning for young children organized by TWGHs with over 1500 enrolments (2021)
- Speaker, eleven talks on English speaking at secondary schools in Hong Kong (2019)
- Reviewer, local universities (2020)
- Reviewer for multiple language-related and education journals, 2018-present
- Language-related: Computer Assisted Language Learning, International Journal of Applied Linguistics, Journal of Language, Identity & Education, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, Journal of psycholinguistic research, Language Assessment Quarterly, Language Awareness, Language Teaching Research, Language Testing, TESOL Quarterly, TESOL Journal, The Language Learning Journal, and The RELC Journal
- General education: Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, Cogent Education, Evaluation and Program Planning, Frontiers in Psychology, Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, Studies in Educational Evaluation, Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, and The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher
- Editorial Board member
- TESOL Journal (2022 – present)
- The Journal of AsiaTEFL (2022 – present)
- The RELC Journal (2022 – present)
- Language Teaching Research Quarterly (2021 – present)
Updated on 15th January, 2023