
Academic Staff

HO Sui-chu, Esther

Research Professor & Emeritus Professor

HO Sui-chu, Esther

BSc, DipEd, MA (Ed) (CUHK), PhD (UBC)

Director of Hong Kong Centre for International Student Assessment
Editor of Education Journal
BSc, DipEd, MA(Ed) (CUHK), PhD (UBC). Experiences include teaching in Hong Kong primary and secondary schools; Project Manager of HKPISA-2000 to HKPISA-2015; Principal Investigator of HK-HBSC 2017-18 international study; Founding and Steering committee of UNESCO Network of Education Quality Monitoring in Asia-Pacific Region. Professional Consultant of Macau-PISA-2003; China-PISA 2006 Trial Study and Shanghai-PISA 2009; Chairman and Member of OECD/PISA Analysis and Dissemination Group (2009-2015¬¬) Fulbright Scholar at Pennsylvania State University (2004) and Johns Hopkins University (2010); Research Associate of the project Education and Development in South China. Teaching consultant of the World Bank in the District Primary Educational Program, India. Principal Investigator of Home School Collaboration Project and Longitudinal Study of Adolescents in Hong Kong (HKLSA Project 2012-2022). Courses taught include School Effectiveness and School Restructuring; Structure and Process of Schooling; Educational Policy and Practice in Hong Kong; Family, Community and School: Policy & Practices; Education and Society in Hong Kong; Quantitative Analysis in Classroom & School Settings. Research interests include: Parental Involvement in Children’s Education, Home School Community Collaboration, School Effectiveness and School Reform, Decentralization and School-based Management, Research Methodology in Education, Multilevel Analysis in Educational Research.

Research Interests
  • Education Policy
  • Educational Leadership
  • Gender Studies
  • Quantitative methods
  • School and Community
  • School Effectiveness and School Improvement
  • Sociology of Education
  • Longitudinal Studies
  • International Student Assessment
Recent Publications
  • Ho, S.C., Tse, T. K. C. & Sum, K. W. (2020). A different ‘feel’, a different will: Institutional habitus and the choice of higher educational institutions in Hong Kong. International Journal of Educational Research, 100.
  • Keung, Chrysa P.C. and Ho, Esther S.C. (2019). Structure and Agency in Adolescents’ Expectations of Pursuing Post-secondary Education. Research in Higher Education. Springer Outstanding Paper Award 2020 Hong Kong Studies Annual Conference.
  • Ho, Esther S.C. & Lau K.L.(2018). Reading engagement and reading literacy performance: effective policy and practices at home and in school. Journal of Research in Reading 41(4): 657-679.
  • 何瑞珠、李文浩、李仕傑 (2018) 「家庭參與及商校協作」:培育學生面對挑戰的希望感, 《教育學報》,2018 年,第 46 卷第 1 期.
  • HO, S.C. & Sum, K. W. (2017). Construction and Validation of the Career and Educational Decision Self-Efficacy Inventory for Secondary Students (CEDSIS). Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. First Published 17 Oct 2017 Sage Publications Inc.
  • 何瑞珠, 黃善國, 姜培芝, 岑國榮(2017) 從PISA剖析香港青少年對升讀高等教育的期望. 《教育學報》,2017 年,第 45 卷第 1 期: 47-69.
  • 何瑞珠 (2016) 青少年的生涯規劃:家庭、學校與社區協作《香港教師中心學報》第十五卷: 1-16.
  • HO, S.C. (2016) “The use of large scale assessment (PISA): Insights for policy and practice in the case of Hong Kong”. Research Papers in Education v31 n5 p516-528
    DOI: 10.1080/02671522.2016.1225351
  • Ho, S. C. & Lam, Y. P. (2016) Multilevel Analyses of Families Influence on Adolescents Literacy Performances. Int. J. Quantitative Research in Education, Vol. 3. No 1/2 58-78.
  • Ho, S.C. & Willms, J. D. (1996). The effects of parental involvement on eighth grade achievement. Sociology of Education, 69 (2): 126-141
  • Ho Sui Chu (Ed 2017). What We Learned from PISA: The Outstanding Performance of Students in Hong Kong and East Asia. Worldscientific: Singapore. 424 pp
  • Ho, S, C, & Kwong W. M. (2013) Parental Involvement on Children’s Education, Springer Briefs in Education. Springer: Singapore. 162 pages Book DOI 10.1007/978-981-4021-99-9
  • Ho S. C. (Ed., 2013). Multilevel Analysis of the PISA Data: Insight for Policy and Practice, Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research, The ChineseUniversity of Hong Kong.
  • Ho, S. C. (2012). Asia-Pacific Education System Review Series Number 5 – Student Learning Assessment. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Bangkok
  • 何瑞珠 盧乃桂 (2010) 從國際評估計劃剖析香港及東亞社會的教育品質與均等《教育研究》2010第一期 頁1-8. 中國 北京 教育科學出版社
  • 何瑞珠, 黃善國, 姜培芝, 岑國榮(2017) 從PISA剖析香港青少年對升讀高等教育的期望. 《教育學報》,2017 年,第 45 卷第 1 期: 47-69.
  • 何瑞珠 (2016) 青少年的生涯規劃:家庭、學校與社區協作《香港教師中心學報》第十五卷: 1-16.
Research Projects