With the support and guidance of teacher educators who co-ordinate the “CU in the CLOUD” programme, student teachers of the Faculty of Education of The Chinese University of Hong Kong have designed a series of free online lessons covering various subjects and topics for primary, secondary and kindergarten students in Hong Kong. These productive and interactive online lessons will not only provide participating school children with subject knowledge, but also enhance their learning interest.
For course details, please email to
CU in the CLOUD, Faculty of Education
Press Release:
1. 文匯報:同心抗疫|中大設網上平台支援數千名中小學生 (2022.4.4)
2. 星島日報:中大網上學習平台辦直播課堂及講座 助文憑試考生備戰 (2022.4.4)
3. 香港經濟日報:【提早暑假】中大設網上學習平台辦逾40堂直播 體育課程特別受歡迎 (2022.4.4)
4. 巴士的報:中大網上學習平台設直播課堂及講座 助考生追回學習進度 (2022.4.4)
5. 東網:疫情停課影響學習 中大教育學院師生設網上學習平台 (2022.4.5)
Review previous teaching videos
Biology: https://bit.ly/30CcML2
Mathematics (Secondary): https://bit.ly/38jfTvy
Mathematics (Primary): https://bit.ly/30mQcpC
Early Childhood Education: https://bit.ly/3cezzSa
Other subjects(eg. Chi,Eng,PE,ICT, BAFS etc.): https://bit.ly/3uoX7wL