Faculty handbook 2022-23
Faculty Almanac 院曆

- The Faculty of Education [教育學院簡介]
- Dean's Foreword [院長導言]
- The Faculty [學院]
- Department of Curriculum and Instruction [課程與教學學系]
- Department of Educational Administration and Policy [教育行政與政策學系]
- Department of Educational Psychology [教育心理學系]
- Department of Sports Science and Physical Education [體育運動科學系]
- Physical Education Unit [體育部]
- Adjunct/Honorary/Part-time Staff of Departments [各學系客座、名譽及兼任成員]
- Research and Development [學術研究與發展]
- Higher Degree Programmes [高級學位課程]
- Overview [概況]
- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Degree Programme [哲學博士學位課程]
- Doctor of Education (D.Ed.) Degree Programme [教育博士學位課程]
- Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) Degree Programme [哲學碩士學位課程]
- Master of Education (M.Ed.) Degree Programme [教育碩士學位課程]
- Master of Arts (M.A.) Degree Programme in Chinese Language Education [ 中國語文教育文學碩士學位課程 ]
- Master of Arts (M.A.) Degree Programme in Early Childhood Education [幼兒教育文學碩士學位課程]
- Master of Arts (M.A.) Degree Programme in English Language Teaching [英語教學文學碩士學位課程]
- Master of Arts (M.A.) Degree Programme in Professional Educational Psychology [專業教育心理學文學碩士學位課程]
- Master of Arts (M.A.) Degree Programme in School Guidance and Counselling [學校諮商與輔導文學碩士學位課程]
- Master of Arts (M.A.) Degree Programme in School Improvement and Leadership [學校改善及領導文學碩士學位課程]
- Master of Science (M.Sc.) Degree Programme in Mathematics Education [ 數學教育理學碩士學位課程 ]
- Master of Science (M.Sc) Degree Programme in Sports Science and Physical Activity 運動科學與體力活動理學碩士學位課程
- Course List and Description [科目總表及概要]
- Postgraduate Diploma Programmes [學士後文憑課程]
- Overview [概況]
- Postgraduate Diploma in Education Programme [學位教師教育文憑課程]
- Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Primary) Programme [學位教師教育文憑(小學)課程]
- Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Early Childhood Education) Programme [學位教師教育文憑(幼兒教育)課程]
- Course List and Description [科目總表及概要]
- Full-time Undergraduate Programmes [全日制學士學位課程]
- Overview [概況]
- Educational Core Component Requirements [教育核心科目規定]
- Bachelor of Arts (Chinese Language Studies) and Bachelor of Education (Chinese Language Education) Co-terminal Double Degree Programme (5-yr Programme) [文學士(中國語文研究)及教育學士(中國語文教育)同期結業雙學位課程] (五年制課程)
- Bachelor of Arts (English Studies) and Bachelor of Education (English Language Education) Co-terminal Double Degree Programme (5-yr Programme) [文學士(英國語文研究)及教育學士(英國語文教育)同期結業雙學位課程] (五年制課程)
- Bachelor of Education (Mathematics and Mathematics Education) Programme (5-yr Programme) [教育學士(數學及數學教育)學位課程] (五年制課程)
- Bachelor of Education (Liberal Studies) Programme (5-yr Programme) [教育學士(通識教育)學位課程] (五年制課程)
- Bachelor of Education (Physical Education, Exercise Science and Health) Programme (5-yr Programme) [教育學士(健康與體育運動科學)學位課程] (五年制課程)
- Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Education) Programme (5-yr Programme) [教育學士(幼兒教育)學位課程] (五年制課程)
- Bachelor of Science (Learning Design and Technology) Programme (4-year Programme) [理學士(學習設計與科技)學位課程] (四年制課程)
- Bachelor of Science (Exercise Science and Health Education) Programme (2-yr Programme) [理學士(運動科學與健康教育)課程] (二年制課程)
- Bachelor of Arts (Early Childhood Education) Programme (2-yr Programme) [文學士(幼兒教育)課程] (二年制課程)
- Minor Programme in Education [教育副修課程]
- Physical Education Programmes [體育科目]
- Office of School Partnership and Community Engagement [學校夥伴及社區聯繫辦公室]
- Regulations (學業規則)
- General Regulations Governing Postgraduate Studies [研究生總學則]
- Supplementary Regulations for Postgraduate Diploma in Education Programmes [學位教師教育文憑課程附則]
- General Regulations Governing Full-time Undergraduate Studies [全日制本科生總學則]
- Others (其他)
- Useful Information [常用資料]
- [大學]
- Faculty of Education [教育學院]
B1. Faculty Office [院務室]
B2. Programmes [課程]
B3. Department of Curriculum and Instruction (CRI) [課程與教學學系]
B4. Department of Educational Administration and Policy (EAP) [教育行政與政策學系]
B5. Department of Educational Psychology (EPS) [教育心理學系]
B6. Department of Sports Science and Physical Education (SSPE) [體育運動科學系]
B7. Physical Education Unit (PEU) [體育部]
B8. Centre for University and School Partnership (CUSP) [大學與學校夥伴協作中心]
B9. Centre for Language Education and Multiliteracies Research (CLEMR) [語文教育及多元素養研究中心]
B10. Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research (HKIER) [香港教育研究所]
B10.1. Centre for Research and Development of Putonghua Education (CRDPE) [普通話教育研究及發展中心]
B10.2. Centre for Learning Sciences and Technologies (CLST) [學習科學與科技中心]
B10.3. EdDataX Research Centre (EdDataX) [教育數據研究中心]
B10.4. Hong Kong Centre for the Development of Educational Leadership (HKCDEL) [香港教育領導發展中心]
B10.5. Hong Kong Centre for International Student Assessment (HKCISA) [香港學生能力國際評估中心]
B10.6. Quality School Improvement Project (QSIP) [優質學校改進計劃]