The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of History Department of History
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Academic Activities

Recapping the World History Seminar “Byzantine Astronomy: An Orientalized Modern Research Topic” conducted by Prof. Maria MAVROUDI on 10 March 2022

Prof. Maria MAVROUDI from the Departments of History and Classics, University of California, Berkeley, was invited by the Centre for Comparative and Public History to deliver a lecture entitled “Byzantine Astronomy: An Orientalized Modern Research Topic” on 10 March 2022. Prof. MAVROUDI started the lecture by presenting the history of Byzantine science. Specifically, she examined how the medieval Greek science fared under the narratives on the history of science owed their main ideas to sixteenth- and seventeenth- century thinkers. She approached this research conundrum by comparing with that of modern narratives on ancient, medieval and modern Chinese science. In standardized histories of science, there has been the marginalization of Byzantine science, especially astronomy, which is also one of the most neglected fields in Byzantine studies. She postulated a reappraisal of Byzantine scientific texts to counter the general understanding of Byzantine civilization as predominantly introverted. The lecture concluded by drawing parallels with traditional Chinese science which was previously thought as unsophisticated and highlighting the need to uncover the underappreciated field of Byzantine science.



Upcoming Events

World History Seminar (2021-22)

24 March 2022 (Thursday)
Lecture 8
The Morisco Problem in Sixteenth-Century Spain
Date: 24 March 2022 (Thursday)
Time: 5:30pm-7:00pm
Venue: Conducted online via ZOOM (Meeting ID: 990 8868 4183)
Topic: The Morisco Problem in Sixteenth-Century Spain
Speaker: Dr. Stephanie M. CAVANAUGH
Exeter College, University of Oxford
Language: English
31 March 2022 (Thursday)
Lecture 9
Classicising Learning and Empire: Byzantine Contexts, Chinese Comparisons
Date: 31 March 2022 (Thursday)
Time: 5:00pm-6:30pm
Venue: Conducted online via ZOOM (Meeting ID: 990 8868 4183)
Topic: Classicising Learning and Empire: Byzantine Contexts, Chinese Comparisons
Speaker: Prof. Niels GAUL
School of History, Classics & Archaeology
University of Edinburgh
Language: English

Organisers: Centre for Comparative and Public History, Department of History, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Enquiry: 3943 8541



Workshops for the First-Year RPg Students 2021-22

1 April 2022 (Friday)
RPg Workshop (I)
Date: 1 April 2022 (Friday)
Time: 9:30am-12:30pm
Venue: Conducted online via ZOOM (Meeting ID: 926 4240 6754)
Moderator: CHEN Mengjia


Presenter Topic Language
CHEN Qingyan 阮刻十三經刊刻背景初探 Putonghua
ZHAO Xiaoxi 港口與城市:近代天津之貿易網絡,1862-1900 Putonghua
ZHU Gehui 貿易、城防與善後:第一次鴉片戰爭中的鎮江 Putonghua
LIU Shixuan 事件、經歷和神話:對於當下「八十年代」敘述模式的反思與補充 Putonghua
ZOU Ningning Images of Female Patrons in the Carolingian and Tang Dynasties English
1 April 2022 (Friday)
RPg Workshop (II)
Date: 1 April 2022 (Friday)
Time: 2:30pm-5:30pm
Venue: Conducted online via ZOOM (Meeting ID: 926 4240 6754)
Moderator: LAW Yu Him


Presenter Topic Language
CHEN Mengjia 早期中國的「行神」信仰 Putonghua
CHEUNG Lok Yee 兩漢對「不正常」的論述——從「妖」一字的意涵談起 Cantonese
CHAN Wai 功業與帝業:漢魏之際的政治變革 Cantonese
LI King Kwan 東晉南朝之書籍生產與閲讀文化 Putonghua
CHUA Eden Hwei Bing The Origins of the Malayan Constitution English
WONG Kang Shing The Defiant Youth: Early Years of Cathay Pacific, 1946-1959 English
8 April 2022 (Friday)
RPg Workshop (III)
Date: 8 April 2022 (Friday)
Time: 2:30pm-5:30pm
Venue: Conducted online via ZOOM (Meeting ID: 926 4240 6754)
Moderator: CHEN Mengjia


Presenter Topic Language
LAW Yu Him 戰時重慶的國民建構:以新生活模範區為中心 Cantonese
TAM Hiu Man 公開的情感:女學生生活及同性情誼 (1919-1937) Cantonese
CHENG Pui On 宋徽宗的禮儀制作與「聖學」建構 Cantonese
JIANG Shuqing The Construction of Family Identity of the Lü Family in Lantian during the Northern Song Period (960-1127 CE) English
MANG Ming Fai 變夷為夏:晚金統治危機下的「古學運動」 Cantonese

For enquiry, please call 3943 7448.



For teachers and students who have information to share with the Department, please email your articles in both Chinese and English to by 4:00pm every Monday.

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