The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of History Department of History
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Department News

Welcome back!
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year holiday!


Term 2, 2017-18 commences today. Students who wish to change their course enrolment for Term 2 are reminded to do so via the CUSIS during the following specified add/drop periods:

Undergraduate programme: Between 8:30pm on 15 January 2018 and 8:30pm on 21 January 2018.
Postgraduate programmes: Between 10am on 8 January 2018 and 5:30pm on 22 January 2018.


New Book Release by Prof. Willy LAM Wo Lap


Routledge Handbook of the Chinese Communist Party


Willy LAM Wo Lap



Year of Publication:

August, 2017



Ms. Patti TSUI left the Department on 3 January 2018. We would like to extend our appreciation to Patti for her contributions to the Department of History for all these years.


Ms. Rachel CHEUNG serves as Executive Officer I with effect from 27 December 2017, assisting the Chairman and teaching members of the Department in administrative and related matters.


Academic Activities

Recapping the Public Lectures on History 2017–18 “抗戰時期香港的文學和電影” delivered by Prof. Leo LEE Ou Fan on 30 November 2017

The two-session “Public Lectures on History 2017–18” held at the Hong Kong Central Library were successfully concluded on 30 November 2017. Delivered by Prof. Leo LEE Ou Fan, Sin Wai Kin Professor of Chinese Culture, the second lecture, “抗戰時期香港的文學和電影”, was well received by an audience of 150.

Owing to the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War in 1937, several prominent writers and filmmakers from Shanghai came to Hong Kong to seek temporary refuge, accompanied by their unfinished works. They interacted productively with their Hong Kong counterparts, with their ideas on writing and film-making having a direct impact on Hong Kong culture.


Recapping the academic seminar “怡和軒與林文慶:早期新加坡華人社會史的一章” conducted by Prof. LEUNG Yuen Sang on 1 December 2017

Using the Ee Hoe Hean Club as the starting point for studying the social history of early Chinese Singaporeans, Professor LEUNG Yuen Sang elaborated in depth the cultural and power space constructed by the Ee Hoe Hean Club. He pointed out migrants from southern China who were Chinese-educated (such as Tan Kah Kee (陳嘉庚)) usually gathered on the second floor of the Ee Hoe Hean Club, while the Baba Nyonya (Straits Chinese土生華人) who were English-educated held their activities on the third floor. They often went upstairs or downstairs, facilitating the exchange and integration of these two cultures. Furthermore, the Ee Hoe Hean Club succeeded in recruiting many more Chinese leaders of different groups following the reform by Tan Kah Kee. It became a political space for the early Chinese Singaporean society, exerting a great influence on the control and decision-making of political and economic matters.


Recapping the Signing Ceremony for the Transfer of Oral History Archive by the Department of History to the CUHK Library on 18 December 2017

The Department has transferred the outcomes of the project “HK Young Prisoners’ Oral History Archive (YPOHA)” to the CUHK Library for perpetuity, with the signing ceremony held on 18 December 2017 at Room 116, Fung King Hey Building.

The archive transferred is part of the project outcomes for the Hong Kong oral history project, titled “The Colony and ‘Patriotic Youths’ (I): Remembering 1967: The Live Experience of ‘Young Patriots’ in Colonial Hong Kong”. Prof. YIP Hon Ming, the Department’s Honorary Adjunct Professor and former Department Chair, was the project investigator.

The agreement was signed by Ms. Louise JONES, University Librarian, and Prof. LAI Ming Chiu, Chairman of History Department. Prof. YIP Hon Ming delivered a speech to debrief the project.

The ceremony was attended by Dr. Louisa LAM, Mr. Ryun LEE, Dr. Maria LAU of the CUHK Library; and Prof. HO Pui Yin, Prof. CHEUNG Sui Wai, Prof. PUK Wing Kin and Prof. CHEUNG Hiu Yu, faculty members of the Department. At the end of the signing ceremony, participants from both units eagerly took the opportunity to exchange views for further cooperation.


Upcoming Events

Workshops for the Final-Year RPg Students 2017-18

Date: 12 January 2018 (Friday)
Time: 9:30am–12:30pm
Venue: Room 101, 1/F, Fung King Hey Building, CUHK
Moderator: WANG Jiayao

Speaker Topic Medium
DENG Lingling 陶寺遺址陶鈴的使用及功能探析 Putonghua
XU Fei 中國輪軸機械鑽孔實驗研究 Putonghua
WANG Yongxi 明清陝西三原縣的士商群體與城鄉變遷研究(1520s-1880s) Putonghua
CHUNG Yan Hon Michael 明清之際西式傳華火炮對中國城防系統的影響—以江陰之變為例 Putonghua
WAN Yuk Ping 西漢時期的漢匈「邊界」 Putonghua /

Date: 12 January 2018 (Friday)
Time: 2:30pm–5:30pm
Venue: Room 101, 1/F, Fung King Hey Building, CUHK
Moderator: CHEUNG Ka Lok

Speaker Topic Medium
BAK Jia How  邊佳蘭:英殖民時期的柔佛鄉村華人社會、產業變遷與地方治理(1910-1948) Putonghua 
WANG Hui 移民、家鄉與國家:潮汕僑鄉的社會轉變,1939-1958 Putonghua
LEE Chih-hsien  城市、鄉村與九皇爺:新加坡大成巷葱茅園村的發展與消失(1906-1980) Putonghua 
MAO Di 面對鼠疫:1895年澳門華人的死亡管理 Putonghua
GUO Yejia 清末時期泉州地區的瘟疫、儀式與地方社會報告 Putonghua
LAI Kai Yan 夾縫裏的傳奇:鄉人的流動與順德昌教鄉潭頭坊 (1856-1950) Putonghua

Date: 19 January 2018 (Friday)
Time: 9:30am–12:30pm
Venue: Room 220, 2/F, Fung King Hey Building, CUHK
Moderator: CHEUNG Ka Lok

Speaker Topic Medium
KAR Yuen Lam 香港華人社會的花柳病問題 Putonghua
ZHANG Yan 國民政府治理黃河的政策、技術與水利工程初探(1927-1937) Putonghua
SUN Xiaoji 私營企業國有化:吳蘊初的化工企業研究(1935-1956) Putonghua

Date: 19 January 2018 (Friday)
Time: 2:30pm–5:30pm
Venue: Room 101, 1/F, Fung King Hey Building, CUHK
Moderator: WANG Jiayao

Speaker Topic Medium
TSE Hiu Tung  Late-Victorian Advice Literature: How it Represented and Advocated Respectable Culture English 
LEUNG Wai Ming  Redistribution Arenas: Taxation, Property Rights and Elites Competition in Sixteenth Century China Shangyu English 
CHUK Ka Chun 從「齡」開始:唐代婦女與社會變革的關係 Putonghua
JIANG Benmo 「法律」還是「條理」:民初大理院判例適用問題的再討論 Putonghua
ZHAN Jingyu 國貨與仇貨—動盪時局中的商品“國籍”爭議(1928-1940) Putonghua

For enquiry, please call 3943 8541.


Lecture Series on Comparative and Public History: In Search of Popular Culture in Hong Kong

The lecture series is co-organised by the MA Programme in Comparative and Public History, Department of History, the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Museum of History. The following lectures will be held on Saturdays in January 2018 at the Lecture Hall, G/F, Hong Kong Museum of History:

13 January 2018 (Saturday)
First Lecture
Date : 13 January 2018 (Saturday)
Time : 3:00pm–5:00pm
Topic : Gamble and Gambling Farmers in Late Qing Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau
Speakers : Prof. HO Hon Wai
Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
20 January 2018 (Saturday)
Second Lecture
Date : 20 January 2018 (Saturday)
Time : 3:00pm–5:00pm
Topic : Popular Culture under Colonial Governance: Dragon Boat Races in Hong Kong
Speaker : Dr. MA Muk Chi
27 January 2018 (Saturday)
Third Lecture
Date : 27 January 2018 (Saturday)
Time : 3:00pm–5:00pm
Topic : Looking at Animals in Hong Kong: From Circus Shows to Zoos
Speaker : Prof. POON Shuk Wah

The lectures will be conducted in Cantonese. No reservation is needed. Seats are available on a first-come-first-served basis. For enquiry, please call 3943 8659.


For teachers and students who have information to share with the Department,
please email your articles in both Chinese and English to by 4:00pm every Tuesday.

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