The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of History Department of History
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Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year holiday!



Course Enrolments

Term 2, 2021-22 commences today. Students who wish to change their course enrolment for Term 2 are reminded to do so via the CUSIS during the following specified add/drop periods:

Undergraduate programme: Between 8:30pm on 17 January 2022 and 8:30pm on 23 January 2022
Postgraduate programmes: Between 10am on 10 January 2022 and 5:30pm on 24 January 2022




“Man of in Betweenness”: Interview with Professor LEUNG Yuen Sang

Report by Ophelie C


「結合傳統與現代 融會中國與西方」書法前留影。


比較及公眾史學課是中大歷史系深受專業人士歡迎的碩士課程,筆者有律師朋友和傳媒朋友攻讀,都大讚得益匪淺。而當初為香港引入這熱門學科的人就是梁元生教授——他擔當橋樑,引進美國公眾史學正統,兼採中西事例,在香港發展出這門糅合歷史與現實、融會傳統與現代的學科。跟梁教授訪談,他常自言是「Man of in Betweenness」 (不落二邊、存在於兩者之間的人,簡稱「之間人」),這個「之間」的概念更貫穿其學術成就以至人生觀。

赴笈美國成公眾史學創始人助教 為中國引入新治史方向

「因為我自己都是關心現實的人,現實就是社會如何生活,如何學一些自己認為有意義、有價值的東西。」梁教授這樣解釋他對公眾史學的興趣。冥冥中或者也注定由他將公眾史從美國引入中國,原來他跟美國公眾史學先驅羅拔‧凱利教授 (Prof. Robert KELLEY) 淵源甚深,70年代末在美國當研究生時,正正是大師幾個助教之一,因此常有機會跟這位公眾史學創始人交流,而那時候剛好就是凱利教授創立和積極推動公眾史學之時期。

「我跟他相識是因為教書…」梁教授細說與凱利教授的相處點滴,「他平時跟助教相處時常常會提起公眾史,鼓勵研究生投入Public History範疇的研究。他積極推動這個研究方向,又跟我們分享一些想法,說『這些是當代史學的一個很重要的發展』」。

梁教授憶述,凱利教授私下常常強調公眾史的現實應用,就如他在《公眾史學家》(The Public Historian) 創刊號所言,希望課程的培訓有助畢業生未來在職場專業崗位發揮所長,「學了歷史,有些方法和知識可以應用的」,他認為在政界、商界、法律界、博物館、檔案管理等領域內都有可供歷史學家發揮專長之處。


梁教授 (中) 與其博士論文導師、著名歷史學家徐中約教授 (左) 於美國加州大學
聖塔芭芭拉分校合影; 美國公眾史學先驅羅拔‧凱利教授(右)

大概在凱利教授的耳濡目染下,公眾史學的種子早埋藏在梁教授心底,並在90年代末中大歷史系面臨收生及經費不足時發芽。前系主任蘇基朗教授曾公開這麼說:「幸虧從美國加州大學聖塔芭芭拉分校回來的梁元生教授,他推介了母校的 Public History 課程。」據說就是梁在課程改革會議上提出了這個重大發展方向,後來課程茁壯成長,學生不乏政界、商界鉅人,不單扭轉中大歷史系急劇萎縮的危機,更吸引內地不少學府紛紛向中大取經。這算是不負前輩期望,成功將這門學科發揚光大了吧?但梁教授不願居功,只淡然說:「這是很多同事一起討論的結果。」

Public History 翻譯成「公眾史」而非「公共史」,背後也有深思。梁教授解釋:「選擇就是公共與公眾吧!我們認為是以人為主,因為『公共』牽涉的是一個概念式的問題… 當你研究學術史或思想史,『公共』(的概念)是很重要的,但如果我們研究民眾史、研究人的歷史,那當然是『公眾』會好一點。所以我常覺得這課程很強調公眾,即社群(Community),是關乎社區的歷史。」

醉心史料研究 日看數小時舊報縮微影片


梁教授特別提到舊上海的報章《教會新報》和《萬國公報》,他興致勃勃地說:「史料是吸引的,看到當時的人是如何報道,當時的人寫甚麼… 那些人報道的是當時發生的事情啊!例如船期、興建第一座發電廠之類,這些就是當時民眾有興趣的東西。」「以前你要等一星期才能看,現在還可以一口氣看下去呢!」

這兩份報章的靈魂人物就是梁教授碩士論文主角林樂知,是林的史料牽引他對上海史越挖越深,「上海史算是我的老本行,最核心的研究就是放在上海史,而這是偶然的。因為我的第一本書是寫林樂知,林樂知就是在上海,他在上海有57年時間那麼長… 我本來沒打算研究上海,只是因為他在上海…」。梁教授如今是上海近代史的權威,由上海社科院前副院長熊月之教授主編的《海外上海學》中,「名家剪影」章節有專文探討他對上海學的研究和貢獻,當中特別讚揚他「提供了一個極佳的研究視角,以『聯繫人』作為分析上海道台的立腳點,從而使書中包含的內容顯得異常豐富」。


梁教授是第一個提出以「聯繫人」角度研究中國近代史的人,《海外上海學》形容「這與那種純粹的官制研究有着很大的不同」。那他這個嶄新的概念從何以來呢?他說靈感來自澳洲土著在殖民地政府下所擔當的角色,「我是第一個這樣寫的人… 那時我在看一本有關澳洲歷史的書,發覺有些土人專門被安排充當 Linkage Man (聯繫人),我看了就覺得這個對我的研究很合用啊」。

而這個「聯繫人」觀念就是梁教授現在常說的「之間人」雛型,他解釋:「我給道台一個觀念叫Linkage Man,如何連繫呢?第一是中央官員與地方關係的中間人、另一是西方文化與傳統中國文化的中間連繫人物,最後就是商人與文士、仕紳中間的連繫人物… 這三個 (層面) 分別就是地方史、中西交流史和政治行政史。」

這種「之間」的相互連繫也有助其比較史觀的形成,他熱衷比較香港、上海與新加坡的城巿文化和發展,他解釋:「研究三個城巿就是要將比較、連繫層面放進去… 看她對不同事物或外來衝擊是如何應對的,這就是透過比較。而比較可以平行發展的,即大家沒有互相參照的… 另一個則是相連的,即連繫性的層面,那一定是大家有交集的。看商人的交集、移民的交集,甚至消息,例如你看到一個電報的網絡… 這些都會令這些城巿有很大的互相影響,例如出版。」

說到出版,有個人一直縈繞梁教授心頭:商務印書館英文部前主任鄺富灼。「他本是一個台山仔,然後赴美留學23年… 餘生在上海做很多翻譯和商務 (印書館) 的工作,引入很多英文書。現在已沒多少人知道了,以前所有中學生、大學生讀的英文課本都其實出自他那兒。」梁教授如數家珍般細說鄺的生平,原來他已研究對方逾25年,「我認為他是很重要的一個人,將英文、將西方知識透過讀本傳播,在他們的那個時代,有多少人會讀英文?但有他以後就人人都讀了,因為有了教科書」。


梁教授承認揀選研究對象時,除了受到史料牽引,研究的題目或者也折射了本身的人生觀。「我跟進了鄺富灼二十多年這麼長時間,我也思考,他的人生值不值得我花這麼多時間…我覺得這些人物的生命與我們關心的東西有連繫,或者與我自身的經歷有連繫。」「我覺得我研究甚麼人物呢?可能就是背後的概念,就像剛才所說的『之間人』,你為何感興趣呢?原來他是共享你的人生態度,慢慢發覺自己研究的那些人都是 somewhere in between (存在於之間的)。」

這一點,可能與梁教授自身經歷有關。他小時候常常搬家轉校,11歲已在新界9個地方住過,「我在天水圍、元朗墟、東頭村去到火炭、拔子窩、大圍然後去到上水,上水住古洞,之後才到吉澳的」,他最記得當年在上水東莞學校雖然只讀了半年,但深得老師歡心。他自小深得師長器重,筆者聽聞中大以前幾間書院各自為政,他就讀時卻竟自由穿梭於三所學院之間,「三個系主任我都認識的,我入了崇基,那崇基那位羅球慶主任教了我四年;新亞的孫國棟主任則聘請我做研究助理… 聯合的劉偉民主任跟我認識較久,關係亦很深刻」。

及至在中大任職,他一直有多重身份,除在歷史系任教及曾當系主任之外,亦曾兼任文學院院長、崇基學院院長、人文學科研究所所長、當代中國文化研究中心主任等要職,遊走於各專業領域之間。而學術研究方面,「之間」概念明顯是其治史核心——他一直在中國與西方、歷史與現實、傳統與現代之間探索,都是跨地域、跨學科和跨時段的課題。他對「之間」的哲學有一套精闢的見解,他強調,中西文化交融絕不是中西方各佔一半,他闡釋:「中間是只有 Middle Way (中道),中間是很窄的,In Betweenness 就是,嘩!大到不得了,總之就是在這兩個邊緣之間就可以有很多地方。」這套哲學也可以應用在人生取捨上,他說:「這釋放了自己,就不用走走一條那麼窄的路。若只有中間、中間只有一條線般走得那麼辛苦啊!但你身處之間就海闊天空了。」




New Appointment

Our welcome to Ms. POON Fung Yee Monny, who has joined the Department of History as Clerical Assistant with effect from 22 December 2021. Ms. POON will be assisting with matters of the Undergraduate programme.




Dr. LO Shuk Ying left the Department on 4 January 2022. We would like to extend our appreciation to Dr. LO for her contributions to the Department of History.



Academic Activities

Recapping the “Workshops for the Final-Year RPg Students 2021-22” held on 26 November 2021

The two-session “Workshops for the Final Year RPg Students 2021-22” were satisfactorily concluded on 26 November 2021. The Workshops offered an interactive platform for the Department’s research postgraduate students to exchange and discuss their research findings.




Recapping the Academic Seminar “不懂游泳的人為何會研究中國游泳史?《閒暇、身體與政治:近代中國游泳文化” conducted by Prof. POON Shuk Wah on 26 November 2021

In the Graduate Seminar on 26 November, Prof. POON Shuk Wah gave a lecture titled “How a Non-swimmer Decided to Research the History of Swimming in China: The Writing Process of Leisure, Body and Politics: A History of Swimming in Modern China.” Her book examines the relationship between leisure and politics by analyzing the formation and development of the swimming culture in modern China. She explained that swimming was a significant driving force of social and political change in modern China and political authorities often extended their power into the swimming pool, attempting to regulate the leisure space and the bodies of common people according to the ideology of the state. After the communist regime was founded in 1949, leisure and national politics became further intertwined. Swimming was part of the process of constructing the propaganda culture, with images of Mao swimming in the river burnishing his image of “red” and “brightness” (紅、光、亮). “Mass swimming” also became a political activity through which the masses practiced and performed Maoism. Prof. POON also shared with students her experience of choosing and researching the topic of her book, how she gathered information from archives and field trips as well as tips on how to navigate the complex revision process.




Recapping the Academic Seminar “The Writing of the Empires and the Regional Variation in the Development of Intensive Agriculture during the Han Period” conducted by Prof. LAM Weng Cheong on 3 December 2021

In the Graduate Seminar on 3 December, Prof. LAM Weng Cheong gave a lecture on “The Writing of the Empires and the Regional Variation in the Development of Intensive Agriculture during the Han Period.” Through archaeological evidence, Prof. LAM looked into the governance of the Han dynasty amid environmental and ecological changes. He found the governance of the Han dynasty faced very different environments and hence the dynasty’s top-down relations with the regions were vastly different. The differences in the relations between the central and regional authorities may hence had affected the empire’s writing style in its communications with its subordinates.



Recapping the “Conference on the Battle of Hong Kong’s 80th Anniversary” on 8 December 2021

The “Conference on the Battle of Hong Kong’s 80th Anniversary” was successfully held on 8 December 2021 in CUHK. Members of the Organising Committee, Ms. YIP Pui Chu of Joint Publishing (Hong Kong), Prof. CHEUNG Sui Wai of CUHK, Dr. TAM Ka Chai of Hong Kong Baptist University, and Mr. WONG Kwan Kin of Lingnan University delivered the opening speeches, followed by a keynote speech given by Prof. LIU Shu-yong of Lingnan University.

Participants exchanged views on themes relating to “Politics and Military”, “Society and Culture”, “Literature and Religion” during the period of Hong Kong’s occupation by the Japanese. Lastly, Prof. CHEUNG Sui Wai made the concluding remarks.



Recapping the “Admission Information Session for M.Phil. & Ph.D. in History” on 23 December 2021

The online Admission Information Session for M.Phil. and Ph.D. in History was held on 23 December 2021, hosted by Prof. PUK Wing Kin and Prof. Ian MORLEY, giving prospective students a brief overview of our research programmes, admissions requirements and application procedures. Attendees took the opportunity to chat with the hosts and ask questions.



Upcoming Events

22 January 2022 (Saturday)
Lecture Series on Legal History in the New Territories
傳統律法在現代法庭 III
Date: 22 January 2022 (Saturday)
Time: 2:00pm-4:00pm
Venue: LT5, 3/F, Cheng Yu Tung Building, CUHK
Topic: 新界沿用的中國法律和習俗:
Speaker: Mr. Valentine S.T. YIM
Bernacchi Chambers
Language: Cantonese
Enquiry: 3943 8541

Origaniser: Centre for Chinese History, Department of History, The Chinese University of Hong Kong



For teachers and students who have information to share with the Department, please email your articles in both Chinese and English to by 4:00pm every Monday.

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