The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of History Department of History
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Academic Activities

Recapping the Academic Seminar “一位地方文史工作者眼中的歷史田野調查” Delivered by Prof. BI Xinding of Huangshan University on 6 March 2018

Prof. BI Xinding of the Research Center of Hui Studies, Huangshan University, was invited by the Department to present a lecture to faculty members and students.

Prof. BI has devoted himself to Huizhou local culture and history for a long time and published several books on Wuyuan culture and history. In this lecture, he shared his field work experience and reminded participants to make friends with local people, attempt to maintain neutrality towards local affairs and show respect to local customs in their field study. Prof. BI also introduced the origin of Wuyuan people and Qiyun mountain’s Taosim, as well as the social change in the high-hierarchy lineage and low-hierarchy lineage before and after 1949.


Upcoming Events

The 12th Joseph Needham Memorial Lecture and The Joseph Needham Symposium

The Joseph Needham Foundation for Science and Civilisation (Hong Kong); Needham Research Institute; in association with Chung Chi College, CUHK; Centre for Chinese History; Department of History, CUHK; Division of Humanities, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, will jointly host the 12th Joseph Needham Memorial Lecture on 23 March 2018 (Friday). The speaker for this year is Prof. Martin JONES, George Pitt-Rivers Professor of Archaeological Science and Vice-Master of Darwin College, University of Cambridge.

23 March 2018 (Friday)
Food Globalization in Prehistory
Date : 23 March 2018 (Friday)
Time : 5:00pm
Venue : Lecture Theatre, Hong Kong Central Library
66 Causeway Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Topic : Food Globalization in Prehistory

In conjunction with the Joseph Needham Memorial Lecture, The Joseph Needham Symposium on Early Cultural and Scientific Transmission across Eurasia with China will be held on 26-27 March 2018 with details as follows:

Date & Time: 26 March 2018 (Monday)

27 March 2018 (Tuesday)

Venue : Cho Yiu Conference Hall
G/F, University Administrative Building
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Lecture and symposium will be conducted in English. For more information, please visit

For enquiry, please email to

Organisers: The Joseph Needham Foundation for Science and Civilisation (Hong Kong);
                  Needham Research Institute
Co-organisers: Chung Chi College, CUHK; Centre for Chinese History, Department of History, CUHK;
                      Division of Humanities, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Sponsor: Croucher Foundation


Lecture Series on Historical Anthropology

Prof. ZHANG Peiguo of the School of Sociology and Political Science, Shanghai University, has been invited by the Department to present the following lectures:

6 April 2018 (Friday)
First Lecture
Date : 6 April 2018 (Friday)
Time : 10:30am–12:15pm
Venue : Room 101, 1/F, Fung King Hey Building, CUHK
Topic : 傳統中國福利實踐的社會邏輯——基於明清社會研究的解釋
18 April 2018 (Wednesday)
Second Lecture
Date : 18 April 2018 (Wednesday)
Time : 10:30am–12:15pm
Venue : Room 101, 1/F, Fung King Hey Building, CUHK
Topic : 清代紳權的二重支配
19 April 2018 (Thursday)
Third Lecture
Date : 19 April 2018 (Thursday)
Time : 10:30am–12:15pm
Venue : Room 220, 2/F, Fung King Hey Building, CUHK
Topic : 「贏利」抑或「保護」——清末民初嘉定縣地方善舉的轉型

The lectures will be conducted in Putonghua. For enquiries, please call 3943 7198.

Organiser: Centre for Chinese History, Department of History, CUHK
Sponsor: Faculty of Arts, CUHK


For teachers and students who have information to share with the Department,
please email your articles in both Chinese and English to by 4:00pm every Tuesday.

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