The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of History Department of History
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Department News

Congratulations to our Teaching Staff on Securing the Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant


Congratulations to Prof. Stuart MCMANUS on securing the Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant 2019-22 for his research on Bringing Western History to Life: Material Culture in the New History Curriculum.


Congratulations to Prof. Ian MORLEY on securing the Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant 2019-22 for his research on Nurturing the Internationalization of Urban History Pedagogy in Hong Kong.


Academic Activities

Recapping the Academic Seminar “In the Mist of War: Some Reflections on Studying Warfare and Violence in Classical and Early Medieval China” conducted by Prof. TSE Wai Kit Wicky on 25 September 2020


Upcoming Events

9 October 2020 (Friday)
Academic Seminar
The “Black Sheep” of Early Daoxue Community: The Making of Xing Shu’s 邢恕 Historical Image
Date: 9 October 2020 (Friday)
Time: 4:30pm-6:15pm
Venue: Conducted online via Zoom
Topic: The “Black Sheep” of Early Daoxue Community: The Making of Xing Shu’s 邢恕 Historical Image
Speaker: Prof. CHEUNG Hiu Yu Jack
Language: English
Registration: Pre-registration is required, please email to
Enquiry: 3943 8541

Orgainsers: Department of History, CUHK; M.A. Programme in Comparative and Public History, Department of History, CUHK


16 October 2020 (Friday)
Academic Seminar
Power and Politics at the Colonial Seaside: Leisure in British Hong Kong
Date: 16 October 2020 (Friday)
Time: 4:30pm-6:15pm
Venue: Conducted online via Zoom
Topic: Power and Politics at the Colonial Seaside: Leisure in British Hong Kong
Speaker: Prof. POON Shuk Wah
Language: English
Registration: Pre-registration is required, please email to
Enquiry: 3943 8541

Orgainsers: Department of History, CUHK; M.A. Programme in Comparative and Public History, Department of History, CUHK


For teachers and students who have information to share with the Department,
please email your articles in both Chinese and English to by 4:00pm every Monday.

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