The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of History Department of History
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Department News

New Book Release by Prof. LEUNG Yuen Sang


A Documentary History of Public Health in Hong Kong


LEUNG Yuen Sang et. al. (eds)


The Chinese University Press

Year of Publication:

October 2018


Always dedicated to enhance the academic culture of history students, the 18th Society of History Department, Histperus, organises a book fair from 14 to 18 January 2019, between 10:00am and 5:30pm at the University Cultural Square. All CUHK students and staff are cordially welcomed.

For enquiry, please email to

The 18th Society of History Department


Students who wish to change their course enrolment for Term 2 are reminded to do so via the CUSIS during the following specified add/drop periods:

Undergraduate programme: Between 8:30pm on 14 January 2019 and 8:30pm on 20 January 2019
Postgraduate programmes: Between 10am on 7 January 2019 and 5:30pm on 21 January 2019


“Scholarship for History Undergraduate Students to Undertake Research Work” and “Study Abroad at the Universities in Europe and America” were established with a generous support of the Eminence History Department Fund, CUHK to be awarded to students, aiming at encouraging and supporting History major students to conduct overseas academic research, and History undergraduates and local MPhil graduates for further studies abroad at universities in Europe and America.

Both scholarships are now open for applications.

• Scholarship for History Undergraduate Students to Undertake Research Work
   Application deadline: 15 June 2019

• Study Abroad at the Universities in Europe and America
   Application deadlines: 1st round — 31 January 2019; 2nd round — 31 May 2019

For more information, please visit
Undergraduate students:
Postgraduate students:


Academic Activities

Admission Talk on MA Programme in Comparative and Public History and an Academic Talk on “The One Belt One Road Initiative and Role of Hong Kong in Geopolitics Perspective” Delivered by Dr. SIU Kam Wah at United College on 7 December 2018

Dr. SIU Kam Wah delivered an admission talk on the MA Programme in Comparative and Public History and an academic talk on “The One Belt One Road Initiative and Role of Hong Kong in Geopolitics Perspective” to about 100 undergraduate students and teachers of Hezhou University at United College on 7 December 2018. Participating students showed a strong interest in the MA Programme.

Report by Dr. SIU Kam Wah


Upcoming Events

Academic Seminar

17 January 2019 (Thursday)
Chineseness and China in Ontario (Canada’s) History Curriculum, 1945 to 1990
Date : 17 January 2019 (Thursday)
Time : 2:30pm-4:15pm
Venue : Room 103, 1/F, Y. C. Liang Hall, CUHK
Topic : Chineseness and China in Ontario (Canada’s) History Curriculum, 1945 to 1990

Speaker :

Dr. CHIA Yeow Tong
School of Education and Social Work
The University of Sydney
Language : English
Enquiry : 3943 7198


Academic Seminar

21 January 2019 (Monday)
Date : 21 January 2019 (Monday)
Time : 4:30pm-6:15pm
Venue : Room 214, 2/F, Li Dak Sum Building, CUHK
Topic : 漢代時期東亞知識的傳播:以《論語》為中心

Speaker :

Prof. KIM Kyung-Ho
The Academy of East Asian Studies
SungKyunkwan University
Language : Putonghua
Enquiry : 3943 8541


For teachers and students who have information to share with the Department,
please email your articles in both Chinese and English to by 4:00pm every Tuesday.

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