The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of History Department of History
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Department News

Congratulations to the Graduates of the 2020-21 M.A. Programme in Comparative and Public History!

The group photo-taking session for the M.A. Programme in Comparative and Public History was held at the Lady Shaw Building Rooftop Garden on 5 November 2021, with the presence of faculty members and graduates. Prof. CHEUNG Sui Wai, Chairman of the Department, and Prof. HE Xi, the M.A. Programme Director, were invited to present the Scholarship awards to Ms. CHAN Yu Christy, Mr. JIAO Zongye, and Mr. LIU Shixuan as encouragement for their pursuit of academic excellence.




Department News

Recapping the “Further Study Sharing Session 2021-22” held on 5 November 2021

Further Study Sharing Session of the M.A. Programme in Comparative and Public History was successfully held on 5 November 2021. Prof. HE Xi, the Programme Director, illustrated the key points on applying the M.Phil. Programme of the Department of History to around 30 current M.A. Programme students. Two M.Phil. and Ph.D. students of our Department were also invited to share their application experience in the sharing session.




Recapping the Academic Seminar “鴉片戰爭再詮釋” conducted by Prof. LUK Chi Hung Gary on 5 November 2021

In the Graduate Seminar on 5 November, Prof Gary LUK gave a lecture titled “Reinterpreting the Opium War,” in which he shared with postgraduate students his research on the Opium War (1839-1842), which used the analytical frameworks of “frontier” and “borderland” to reinterpret the nature of the war and its significance in Qing frontier history, British imperial and colonial history as well as Asian maritime history. Using primary materials gathered from archives in Hong Kong, China, the UK and North America, he explained how the clashes between the Qing sea frontier and the British wartime frontier ushered in a new era of the Chinese junk trade, piracy, and Chinese-foreign cooperation in what he conceptualizes as the “littoral borderlands.” Departing from the perspectives of diplomacy, trade and economics, Prof LUK studied the bottom-up, social perspective of how ordinary people lived and thrived during the Opium war. He then shared his research on the Chinese accommodation of foreigners in the lower section of the Pearl River delta during the Opium War and the region’s social ecology in late imperial times. Lastly, he talked about his own research experience, encouraging students to find new angles and materials to reinterpret old topics, visit archives and libraries and conduct field work overseas and broaden their scope by reading widely, venturing outside their academic disciplines and using their imagination to find new ideas.




Recapping the Academic Seminar “傳統律法在現代法庭:影響《大清律例》財產繼承原則的幾個案例” conducted by Prof. CHEUNG Sui Wai on 6 November 2021

Prof. CHEUNG Sui Wai, Chairman of the Department, was invited by the Centre for Chinese History to deliver a lecture entitled “傳統律法在現代法庭:影響《大清律例》財產繼承原則的幾個案例” on 6 November 2021.

Prof. CHEUNG introduced the inheritance right in both the Qing Code and modern law. He then used some cases to show how the court used these codes on the cases concerning inheritance right. At the end of the lecture, Prof. CHEUNG discussed the interpretation of the Qing Code in these cases with the audience.




Recapping the “Information Seminar for the M.A. Programme in Comparative and Public History” held on 6 November 2021

Information Seminar for the M.A. Programme in Comparative and Public History was successfully held on 6 November 2021. Prof. HE Xi, the Programme Director, introduced our M.A. Programme to around 20 prospective students. Audience took this opportunity to know more about the details of the Programme.




Upcoming Events

Workshops for the Final-Year RPg Students 2021-22

19 November 2021 (Friday)
Workshop (I)
Date: 19 November 2021 (Friday)
Time: 9:30am-1:00pm
Venue: Room 101, Fung King Hey Building, CUHK
Moderator: CHEUNG Ka Lok


Presenter Topic Language
CHAN Timothy
Cheuk Yin
廉李公案——清末民初之城市・書業・網絡 Putonghua
HE Ziyang 湖南水口山鉛鋅礦局與禮和洋行之商業糾紛 (1916-1920) Putonghua
CHU Mengyu “過渡時代” 的一位知識分子——蔣維喬 (1873-1958) Putonghua
YU Wing Yun Verna The Aspiring Democrats: The Early Intellectual Experience of “Liberal” Communist Party Intellectuals in the 1930s and 1940s English
MOK Chak Ming 探討前漢徙民實邊與屯田問題 Cantonese
WU Wai Man The Urban Council as a Political Institution in Hong Kong, 1935-1973 English

26 November 2021 (Friday)
Workshop (II)
Date: 26 November 2021 (Friday)
Time: 9:30am-1:00pm
Venue: Room 101, Fung King Hey Building, CUHK
Moderator: LAW Yu Him


Presenter Topic Language
LAI Yan 中醫教育專業化與廣東中醫藥專門學校的成立 Putonghua
HUANG Xinyu 照明與近代上海的城市生活,1850s-1930s Putonghua
ZHANG Zhao 禮與集權—由長沙國諸侯王的喪葬行為看西漢諸侯王級的葬制 Putonghua
LEE Suk Chi The First Company Sale of China’s First State-Owned-Enterprise in 1884 English
SHERPA Diki Making Tepos more Useful: Extending Judicial Administration in Early Colonial Hong Kong, 1848-1857 English
YANG Zhishui 馬賊・護路隊・警察:1900年遼東半島的地方武裝與地緣政治 Putonghua
ZHAO Yuanying 過眼空花:兩宋之際士大夫心態研究 Putonghua


For enquiry, please call 3943 7448.



19 November 2021 (Friday)
Academic Seminar
Date: 19 November 2021 (Friday)
Time: 4:30pm-7:15pm
Venue: Room 106, Y. C. Liang Hall, CUHK;

Online via Zoom
(Meeting ID: 992 4269 1954 | Passcode: 096323);

Online via VooV
(Meeting ID: 384 9708 9949 | Passcode: 096323)

(All in-person seats are reserved for our research students. Other interested parties are welcome to attend via ZOOM or VooV Meeting.)
Topic: 我如何在《東吳歷史學報》出版有關周茂蘭血疏貼黃題跋藁的論文
Speaker: Prof. PUK Wing Kin
Language: Putonghua
Enquiry: 3943 8541



26 November 2021 (Friday)
Academic Seminar
Date: 26 November 2021 (Friday)
Time: 4:30pm-7:15pm
Venue: Room 106, Y. C. Liang Hall, CUHK;

Online via Zoom
(Meeting ID: 992 4269 1954 | Passcode: 096323)

(All in-person seats are reserved for our research students. Other interested parties are welcome to attend via ZOOM.)
Topic: 不懂游泳的人為何會研究中國游泳史?
Speaker: Prof. POON Shuk Wah
Language: Putonghua
Enquiry: 3943 8541



For teachers and students who have information to share with the Department, please email your articles in both Chinese and English to by 4:00pm every Monday.

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