The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of History Department of History
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Research Students

M.Phil. Students 2022-23

Name Thesis Title
CHAN Ho Yin History-Writing as Redemption: The Intellectual Lift of Shou Yanxiang in the Post-revolutionary China
CHAN Wai 功業與帝業:漢魏之際的政治變革
CHEN Qingyan 阮刻《十三經注疏》與清代學術思想
CHENG On Ki 形塑「祖宗之法」——宋真宗朝立法研究
CHENG Pui On 宋徽宗的禮儀制作與「聖學」建構
CHEUNG Lok Yee 兩漢對「不正常」的論述 ── 從「妖」一字的運用看早期帝國政治文化
CHUA Eden Hwei Bing Constitution-making in Malaya: Constitution, History and Society, 1945-1957
FONG Shing Tai Immanuel The Practice of Chinese Customary Law in Hong Kong — a Common Law Jurisdiction: A Study of the Power of Tso & Tong‘s Manager
LAW Yu Him 戰場內外的國民:戰時重慶的國民塑造與宣傳動員
LIU Shixuan Freedom Unexpected: the Popular Press and Cultural Change in Guangzhou’s early Reform Era (1978-1984)
MANG Ming Fai 夷華之間:政治困境與晚金士人的思想轉型
NG Pui Chung 民國時期地方社會與天災控制——以浙江省預防螟蟲為中心進行探討 (1912-1937)
TAM Hiu Man 塑造同性愛:民國時期女學生「同性愛」的社會輿論與自我詮釋 (1919-1937)
WONG Kang Shing Radio Broadcasting in British East Asia Between the Wars
XI Xu The Boundary of Robert Hart’s Power: His Failures in 1863-1911
YE Shunan 王元翰(1565-1633)之研究


Ph.D. Students 2022-23

Name Thesis Title
CHEN Mengjia 行路難:早期中國「旅行」觀念研究
JIANG Shuqing Family Memory: Construction of Family Identity of the Lü Family in Lantian during the Song Dynasty (960-1279 C.E.)
LEE Ying Chuen Damaged Lives and Forgotten Deaths: the Social History of Workers’ Health and Safety in Hong Kong
LI King Kwan 東晉南朝之書籍生產與閲讀文化
LIU Jiayan The Obscure Gazer: A Postcolonial Reading of La Condamine’s Transatlantic Scientific Expedition
MONTERO Claudia Isabelle Violeta Filipinization of Space: American Colonial Era Monuments in the Philippines, c.1898-1935
REBONG Ma. Donna Solis Discourses on Disability during the American Colonial Period (1903-1935)
RONG Zongliu 清代女性財產權研究——以福建土地契約為中心
YANG Zhishui 近代東北的土地墾殖與地權關係
ZHAO Xiaoxi 港口與城市:近代天津之貿易網絡,1862-1949
ZHU Gehui 從津渡到口岸:近代長江下游地區的社會嬗變
ZOU Ningning Women and their Status: A Comparative Study on the Religious Images of Female Patrons in the Carolingian Dynasty and Tang China, 700-99 C.E. 
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