The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of History Department of History
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Academic Activities

Recapping the academic seminar “The Fate of a Medieval Minority: Religious Law and Greek Cultural Identity in Southern Italy (11th–13th Centuries)” conducted by Mr. James MORTON on 13 October 2017

Mr. James MORTON of the History Department, University of California, Berkeley, was invited by the Department to present a lecture to the Department’s postgraduate students.

He took the example of the Greek Orthodox Christians of southern Italy, who were conquered by the Roman Catholic Normans in the 11th century. He showed how the Greeks in southern Italy preserved their own separate system of religious law following the conquest, gaining acceptance and legitimacy for it from the Norman kings and the Latin Church of Rome. He further argued that Greek religious law in southern Italy was gradually transformed from a formal legal system to a tool to defend Greek customs, allowing the community to maintain its distinctive cultural identity.


Recapping the academic seminar “A Light in the Mine: Science, Industry, and Enlightenment in Siberia” conducted by Dr. Anna GRABER on 13 October 2017

Dr. Anna GRABER of the History Department, Nazarbayev University, was invited by the Department to present a lecture to the Department’s postgraduate students.

In this seminar, Dr. GRABER discussed about Siberian Enlightenment by examining how mines and metallurgical factories, the principle sites of Russian natural historical investigation of the earth, became significant centres of Enlightenment culture and knowledge production. She sought to offer a new interpretation of the Russian Enlightenment as a movement that was far more technical and socially and geographically diverse than previously understood.



Upcoming Events

Academic Seminar

27 October 2017 (Friday)
Hong Kong's Colonial Governance and the Chinese Community's Response to Sanitation Policies (Late 19th to Early 20th Century)
Date : 27 October 2017 (Friday)
Time : 4:30pm–6:15pm
Venue : Room 304, 3/F, Lee Shau Kee Building, CUHK
Topic : Hong Kong’s Colonial Governance and the Chinese Community’s Response to Sanitation Policies (Late 19th to Early 20th Century)
Speaker : Prof. HO Pui Yin
Language : Putonghua
Enquiry : 3943 8541


Academic Seminar

3 November 2017 (Friday)
Date : 3 November 2017 (Friday)
Time : 4:30pm–6:15pm
Venue : Room 304, 3/F, Lee Shau Kee Building, CUHK
Topic : 四川成都金沙玉璋研究
Speaker : Prof. TANG Chung
Language : Putonghua
Enquiry : 3943 8541


Yu Ying-shih Lecture in History 2017

To enhance academic and cultural exchange, Chung Chi College, New Asia College and the Department of History of the University joined hands in 2007 to establish the “Yu Ying-shih Lecture in History”. This year, Professor CHEN Jo-shui, Distinguished Professor of History and NTU Chair Professor of National Taiwan University has been invited as the guest speaker of the following two public lectures:

9 November 2017 (Thursday)
First Lecture
Date : 9 November 2017 (Thursday)
Time : 4:00 pm
Venue : Cho Yiu Hall, G/F, University Administration Building, CUHK
Topic : Yi 義 in Early Chinese Thought and its Transformations
Moderator: Prof. LEUNG Yuen Sang
Dean, Faculty of Arts, CUHK

This lecture will be conducted in Putonghua. For reservation, please email to

11 November 2017 (Saturday)
Second Lecture
Date : 11 November 2017 (Saturday)
Time : 3:00 pm
Venue : Lecture Hall, G/F, Hong Kong Museum of History
Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
Topic : Yi 義 in Traditional Chinese Culture and Thought: With Comments on Yi and Justice
Moderator: Prof. LAI Ming Chiu
Chairman, Department of History, CUHK

This lecture will be conducted in Putonghua and is jointly organised by the Committee on Yu Ying-shih Lecture in History, CUHK and the Hong Kong Museum of History.

No reservation is needed. For enquiry, please call 3943 1585/ 3943 7611.


Confronting Predicament: The Mentality and Patterns of Behavior of Chinese Intellectuals in the Second Millennium 25-26 May 2018

About this Workshop
The workshop focuses on the mental and social reactions of Chinese intellectuals in great periods of transformation during imperial and modern China. It attempts to provide early-career historians, social scientists, and researchers from different fields a chance to share findings on the cutting-edge theme of the history of Chinese intellectuals. The workshop is also open to research students and the learned public. Papers of relevance to the following four themes are welcomed:

1) Rise of neo-Confucianism and its influence on the mentality of traditional scholars
2) Changing mentality and patterns of behavior of Chinese intellectuals in times of crisis
3) Transition in the mentality of contemporary Chinese intellectuals: global capitalism, state power, and cultural identity
4) Formation and transformation of intellectual communities in modern China

Important Dates

31 December 2017 Paper proposals, CV and a 300-500 word abstract (in English or Chinese)
email to
15 January 2018 Notification of accepted proposals
1 April 2018 Submission of full papers

Organisers: Department of History, CUHK; Faculty of Arts, CUHK; Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University; Webster University


For teachers and students who have information to share with the Department,
please email your articles in both Chinese and English to by 4:00pm every Tuesday.

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