The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of History Department of History
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Mr. LAU Wing Kei Paul left the Department on 18 November 2020. The Department would like to extend its appreciation to Paul for his contributions to the Department.


Academic Activities

Recapping the Academic Seminar “Beyond Treason and Collaboration: Accommodating Foreigners in the Hong Kong Region during the Opium War” conducted by Dr. Gary Chi-hung LUK on 12 November 2020

Dr. Gary Chi-hung LUK of the Department of Chinese Culture, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, was invited by the Department to deliver a lecture entitled “Beyond Treason and Collaboration: Accommodating Foreigners in the Hong Kong Region during the Opium War” on 12 November 2020.

Dr. LUK argued that the terms “collaborator” and “Han traitor” (Hanjian, 漢奸) were insufficient to explain how and why people in the Pearl River Delta traded with the British invaders during the Opium War. While “collaborator” was used by British people, “Han traitor” was more often used by modern Chinese, both words were loaded with anti-foreign nationalist or statist assumptions. Instead, Dr. LUK employed a bottom-up approach focusing on the ordinary people rather than political or economic factors. Though the British and the Qing official reports, maps, newspapers, drawings, and other sources, Dr. LUK looked at the traders in the ad-hoc markets popped up in Tungkoo Bay, Jishuimen, Jianshazui, and Longgu Islands during the wartime, whom were only subjected to the Qing naval control but free from social control systems like Baojia. Dr. LUK found out that these traders usually had a low economic and social status in Chinese society, without strong kin ties. Their trades with the British foreigners were an economic adaptive strategy necessary for survival. In fact, trading with foreigners had become an inseparable part of life for people living in the Pearl River Delta. This phenomenon could not be simply explained by the two terms “collaborator” and “Han traitor”.


Recapping the “Workshops for the Final-Year RPg Students 2020-21” held on 13 November 2020

The Division of History organised the “Workshops for the Final-Year RPg Students 2020-21”, which offered an interactive sharing platform for the Department’s research postgraduate students to exchange and discuss their research findings. Prof. CHEUNG Sui Wai, Division Head, delivered opening remarks to the research postgraduate students and heartened them to sustain their fighting spirit in learning, set and stick to the study goals, and keep on doing research every day. He also encouraged students to take advantage of their presentations and discussions to gain and expend their experience.


Recapping the Academic Seminar “Militias in Eighteenth-Century France and America: The Paradoxes of Relying on Citizen-Soldiers” conducted by Prof. Noah SHUSTERMAN on 13 November 2020


Upcoming Events

26 November 2020 (Thursday)
Academic Seminar
The Chinese Commercial News Affair: The Kuomintang’s Overseas Networks and its Diasporic Sovereignty in the Cold War Philippines
Date: 26 November 2020 (Thursday)
Time: 4:30pm-6:00pm
Venue: Conducted online via Zoom (Meeting ID: 979 2530 6076)
Topic: The Chinese Commercial News Affair: The Kuomintang’s Overseas Networks and its Diasporic Sovereignty in the Cold War Philippines
Speaker: Dr. KUNG Chien Wen
Department of History, National University of Singapore
Language: English
Enquiry: 3943 8541


Workshops for the Final-Year RPg Students 2020-21

27 November 2020 (Friday)
RPg Workshop (II)
Date: 27 November 2020 (Friday)
Time: 1:00pm–4:00pm
Venue: Conducted online via Zoom (Meeting ID: 949 6250 6678)
Moderator: LAO Ching Yin
Presenter Topic Language
CHEUNG Chi Wai 建國初期基督教青年會的改造之路——以1950年全國總幹事會議為中心 Cantonese
CAO Huiyi 取桐為利:清末民國四川萬縣的桐油貿易與地方社會 (1890-1949) Putonghua
LAN Tu 西北邊疆的衛所、水利與族群:以明清甘州為例 Putonghua
WANG Yongxi 水利與秩序:以16-20世紀的陝西清濁河流域為中心 Putonghua
ZHAO Xiaoxi 從慈善事業看近代天津地方社會的發展軌跡——以天津廣仁堂為例 Putonghua
ZHU Gehui 長江通商口岸之間的貿易競爭:以1860-1880年代的蕪湖與鎮江為例 Putonghua

4 December 2020 (Friday)
RPg Workshop (III)
Date: 4 December 2020 (Friday)
Time: 9:30am–1:00pm
Venue: Conducted online via Zoom (Meeting ID: 949 6250 6678)
Moderator: CHEUNG Ka Lok
Presenter Topic Language
ZOU Yuqi 漢代銅鏡區域流通與生產:以關中和古荊州為中心 Putonghua
GUO Yejia 「苦女」成「典範」:政治動員與風俗改良下的惠安女性 (1930s-1960s) Putonghua
ZHAN Jingyu 新生活的同調:廣東政府的女性塑造 Putonghua
CHEUNG Shin Yee 從出土絲織文物看兩漢絲織業 Cantonese
WU Yixuan 出土文獻所見秦漢的巫術知識與巫術儀式 Putonghua
LAU Tsz Kwan 文武殊塗:漢末三國的文武之爭 Cantonese
LEE Wai Ho 荊州西陵——江陵軍區與軍鎮督 Cantonese

For enquiry, please call 3943 7448.


27 November 2020 (Friday)
Academic Seminar
History, Memory, and Civic Education
Date: 27 November 2020 (Friday)
Time: 4:30pm-6:15pm
Venue: Conducted online via Zoom
Topic: History, Memory, and Civic Education
Speaker: Prof. HE Xiaoqing Rowena
Language: English
Registration: Pre-registration is required, please email to
Enquiry: 3943 8541

Orgainsers: Department of History, CUHK; M.A. Programme in Comparative and Public History, Department of History, CUHK


4 December 2020 (Friday)
Academic Seminar
The Early Globalization of Iron and the Spread of Iron Technology in Ancient East Asia
Date: 4 December 2020 (Friday)
Time: 4:30pm-6:15pm
Venue: Conducted online via Zoom
Topic: The Early Globalization of Iron and the Spread of Iron Technology in Ancient East Asia
Speaker: Prof. LAM Weng Cheong
Language: English
Registration: Pre-registration is required, please email to
Enquiry: 3943 8541

Orgainsers: Department of History, CUHK; M.A. Programme in Comparative and Public History, Department of History, CUHK


For teachers and students who have information to share with the Department,
please email your articles in both Chinese and English to by 4:00pm every Monday.

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