The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of History Department of History
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Department News

Staffing Arrangements on University Holiday on Lunar New Year’s Eve

The following staffing arrangements for the University holiday on Lunar New Year’s Eve will apply on 27 January 2017. Departments/units should arrange for skeleton staff to be on duty on this morning to handle urgent matters and enquiries. Offices will be closed in the afternoon. Skeleton staff (Terms [B] or [C]) on duty on this morning will be given compensation off of half a day.

For essential service units such as the University Health Service, the University Library, the operations team of the Information Technology Services Centre, the Security Office, the Transport Office, and the Estates Management Office, adequate workforce should remain on duty to provide basic services.

Source: CUHK Newsletter, no. 488 [4 December 2016],


Application for the Leung Hung Kee Scholarships for Distinguished History Undergraduate Students to Undertake Research Work

Leung Hung Kee Scholarships for Distinguished History Undergraduate Students to Undertake Research Work are now open for application. The application deadline is 15 March 2017. Late or incomplete applications will NOT be considered. For details of the Scholarships and the application form, please download at:

Should you have any questions, please call at 3943 7117 or email to



Our welcome to Miss WONG Shun Sharon, who joins the Division Office as a General Clerk with effect from 23 January 2017. Miss WONG will assist in matters relating to the MA Programme in Comparative and Public History.


Academic Activities

Recapping the talk The Chinese Temples Ordinance (1928) as a Tool of Social Control under the Colonial Hong Kong of the Talk Series on “Temples, Charities and Social Control” under the Colonial Hong Kong delivered by Dr. MA Muk Chi at the Hong Kong Museum of History on 14 January 2017

Dr. MA gave a public talk and shared with an audience of over 120 on the significant impact of the Chinese Temples Ordinance on local communities. Through a case study of Chinese temples in Hong Kong, including Tin Hau Temple in Yau Ma Tei, Kwun Yam Temple in Hung Hom and Pak Tai Temple in Cheung Chau, he reviewed the implementation of the Chinese Temples Ordinance and how the Secretary of Chinese Affairs used the Ordinance to break down the traditional system of local self-government and strengthen direct governance of local communities by the colonial government.


Welcome to Students from the Department of History, Sun Yat-sen University

Students from the Department of History of Sun Yat-sen University visited the Department on 17 January 2017 and participated in a lecture delivered by Prof. HE Xi. They greatly enjoyed the discussions at the lecture.


Upcoming Events


Southeast Asia in Evolution: Trans-Pacific Agency and the City, c. 1850–1941

The period between the mid-nineteenth century and the onset of World War Two bore witness to major economic, political, environmental, and cultural developments in Southeast (SE) Asia. Broadly referred to the region’s modernisation phase much of this evolution was fuelled not just by colonialism or revolution but by the region’s shifting relationship with nations in the Americas, principally the United States (US). Notably, much of this advancement transpired within urban locales: towns and cities bore witness to many changes in their built form, and to how life was being lived within them.

This conference accordingly invites papers that engage with the theme of SE Asian-US connectivity between the mid-1800s and 1941. What, how, and why these developments came about within urban places are to be discussed in the context of the event. Particularly welcome are contributions that investigate the effect of American culture, economics, and politics upon Southeast Asian’s ‘progress’. Contributions that explore American Exceptionalism and imperialism, American civilisation and changing mores and customs in SE Asia, transportation, city designing, governance, industry, plus social and religious issues as well as the Asian grasp of modernity itself are encouraged. Papers with a cross-disciplinary and comparative approach are also welcome.

Abstracts of up to 250 words, along with paper title, name, affiliation, and contact details should be submitted on or before the deadline of Friday, 27 January 2017. For papers accepted by scholars based outside of Hong Kong SAR, financial assistance to cover accommodation and airport pick-up costs will be available. For additional information, or to submit a paper proposal, please contact Prof. Ian MORLEY, Department of History, The Chinese University of Hong Kong,


The next newsletter will be released on 6 February 2017.
Greetings from the Department of History.
We wish you and your family a prosperous Year of the Rooster!
Gongxi gongxi!


For teachers and students who have information to share with the Department,
please email your articles in both Chinese and English to by 4:00pm every Tuesday.

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