The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of History Department of History
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M.A. Programme

The M.A. Programme in Comparative and Public History stresses the importance of a global perspective in the study of history, achieved through comparative and cross-cultural research methods. An understanding of such an approach is essential to the study of Integrated Humanities or Liberal (Arts) Studies.


  • Appreciate Hong Kong’s people and culture
  • Learn more about modern China, particularly in the context of China’s development as a rising world power
  • Understand the challenges and opportunities relating to globalization
  • View Chinese history through global lens, and likewise understand global events from a Chinese perspective
  • Apply historical knowledge to contemporary issues

Distinctive Features

  • Course selection flexibility: students are offered maximum freedom in their choice of courses
  • A bi-literate (Chinese and English) and tri-lingual (Cantonese, Putonghua and English) learning environment
  • Cultivation of creativity and originality: emphasis on cultivating student’s ability to conduct original research
  • Studying method and examinations place less emphasis on memorization
  • Fieldwork is an integral part in the study of History. Students have many opportunities for conducting field researches in Hong Kong, Mainland or overseas countries throughout the academic year
  • Academic Advisory System: Every student will be assigned an academic advisor providing general supervision on studying and adaptation to the University
  • A choice of evening and Saturday courses is available
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