The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of History Department of History
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Department News

Congratulations to Prof. HE Xiaoqing Rowena on being awarded as a Luce East Asia Fellow

Congratulations to Professor HE Xiaoqing Rowena on being awarded as a Luce East Asia Fellow at the National Humanities Center (NHC) for academic year 2022-23 with the project One Generation, Two Loyalties?: Evening Chats in Hong Kong.  Established in 1978 and located in the Research Triangle Park of North Carolina, NHC is the world’s leading independent institution exclusively dedicated to fostering advanced research in the Humanities. Fellowships at NHC are considered among the most prestigious in the world. There is a strong competition for this residential fellowship every year.  Professor HE is one of the 33 fellows chosen from an international competition of 592 applicants [Details …].





Mr. LAU Chung Yan Brian will leave the Department on 25 April 2022. We would like to extend our appreciation to Mr. LAU for his contributions to the Department of History.



Academic Activities

Recapping the “Workshops for the First-Year RPg Students 2021-22” held on 8 April 2022

The “Workshops for the First Year RPg Students 2021-22” in three sessions were satisfactorily concluded on 8 April 2022.  The Workshops offered an interactive platform for the Department’s research postgraduate students to exchange and discuss their research findings.




Upcoming Events

World History Seminar (2021-22)

21 April 2022 (Thursday)
Lecture 11
West African and World History: A New Perspective
Date: 21 April 2022 (Thursday)
Time: 5:00pm-6:30pm
Venue: Conducted online via ZOOM (Meeting ID: 990 8868 4183)
Topic: West African and World History: A New Perspective
Speaker: Prof. Toby GREEN
Professor of Precolonial and Lusophone African History and Culture
Department of History, King’s College London
Language: English

Organisers: Centre for Comparative and Public History, Department of History, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Enquiry: 3943 8541



Academic Seminar

30 April 2022 (Saturday)
Date: 30 April 2022 (Saturday)
Time: 3:00pm-4:00pm
Venue: Online via ZOOM
(Meeting ID: 931 7115 8888 | Passcode: 202200)
Online via Tencent Meeting (Mainland)
(Meeting ID: 478 4780 9346 | Passcode: 202200)
Topic: 戰時繁榮:抗戰時期溫州的社會與經濟
Speaker: Prof. FENG Xiaocai
Department of History, East China Normal University
Language: Putonghua
Enquiry: 3943 8659

Organisers: M.A. Programme in Comparative and Public History, Department of History, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Alumni Association of M.A. in Comparative and Public History, The Chinese University of Hong Kong




The newsletter will resume in September 2022.

The Department of History wishes you all a fruitful and enjoyable summer!




For teachers and students who have information to share with the Department, please email your articles in both Chinese and English to by 4:00pm every Monday.

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