The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of History Department of History
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Department News

Announcing the Launch of Our New Social Media Platforms of MA Programme in Comparative and Public History!

We are very excited to share with you that our new social media platforms of MA Programme in Comparative and Public History on Facebook, Twitter and WeChat were in placed.

We will be sharing a variety of useful content to keep our students, alumni, prospective students and visitors on top of all the latest department news, upcoming events, promotions and more!

Please check out our page, and be sure to LIKE and FOLLOW us!

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Academic Activities

Recapping the Academic Seminar “從瀏河鎮到上海,18到19世紀海港的轉移” conducted by Prof. David FAURE on 26 October 2018

In this lecture, Prof. David FAURE examined how Liuhezhen’s (Liu River Town) role in trade from the 18th through 19th centuries was replaced by Shanghai. In 1816, Jin Duanbiao, a resident of Liuhezhen, wrote Liuhezhen Jilue (A Brief Account of Liuhezhen) where he documented the prosperity of Liuhezhen from 1685 and her decline at the end of the 18th century. Jin Duanbiao noted that hundreds of thousands of silver was shipped from Liuhezhen to Suzhou every month. From this, Prof. FAURE pointed out that Liuhezhen was not only the center of the bean cake trade, but also played an important role in the exchange of different currencies such as copper coins and silver. At the end of the 18th century, the Liu River silted up and the town declined. Shanghai gradually replaced Liuhezhen as the destination for south-bound vessels from northern China becoming the new banking center for monetary exchange.


Upcoming Events

Workshops for the Final-Year RPg Students 2018-19

Date: 9 November 2018 (Friday)
Time: 9:30am–12:30pm
Venue: Room 101, 1/F, Fung King Hey Building, CUHK
Moderator: CAO Huiyi

Presenter Topic Medium
Isabelle Violeta
The Role of History and Culture towards Development, Control and Protection of Built Heritage: The Case of Manila, Philippines English
HO Chung Hang
Adolescence and Republican China English
LAI Yan 廣東公益女子學校:20世紀初期廣東女性的初等教育的個案研究 Putonghua
WANG Hongmei 16-18世紀的婦女出版與「閨秀」身份的建構 Putonghua
LI Zigui 新聞的秩序:路透社與《字林西報/北華捷報》的早期合作 (1870-1901) Putonghua
CHEUNG Laura Business in the Informal Empire: British Commercial Interests in China, 1870-1914 Putonghua
MA Chaoran 從幫差到納厘:清中後期重慶城的商業財稅研究 Putonghua

Date: 9 November 2018 (Friday)
Time: 2:30pm–5:30pm
Venue: Room 101, 1/F, Fung King Hey Building, CUHK
Moderator: WANG Jiayao

Presenter Topic Medium
HUANG Xinyu 上海華界居民對飲用水的觀念與飲用方式的變遷,1902-1937 Putonghua
JIA Bo 娛樂與教化——現代中文歌劇在上海1920-1949 Putonghua
HE Wei 廣西西江流域的木業經營特色 (1897-1945) Putonghua
CHEUNG Ka Lok Town Planning of New Kowloon and Colonial Governance in Hong Kong, 1898-1941 English
ZHENG Weian 香港居民回廣東探親帶來的物資與信息流動 (1949—1966) Putonghua
LO Ka Fai 逆流而上——戰後香港海洋漁業的發展 (1945-1999) Putonghua

Date: 16 November 2018 (Friday)
Time: 9:30am–12:30pm
Venue: Room 101, 1/F, Fung King Hey Building, CUHK
Moderator: WANG Jiayao

Presenter Topic Medium
LAU Tin Long 華夷雜處下的帝國管治方式——以秦漢時期巴蜀地區的「道」為中心 Cantonese
YANG Songyu 由出土簡牘材料再探西漢騎士的戰馬問題 Putonghua
LI Hua 與權力的距離——三至六世紀瑯邪王氏歸葬變遷 Putonghua
TSE Nga Yin 墓葬所見賵賻現象與兩周社會變革——以關中地區為中心 Putonghua
HO Chun Him 晚商殷墟族邑問題再探討 Putonghua

For enquiry, please call 3943 8541.


Academic Seminar

9 November 2018 (Friday)
The Second Generation of the Chinese Maritime Customs’ History Studies: New Sources and New Methodology on Modern Chinese History
Date : 9 November 2018 (Friday)
Time : 4:30pm–6:15pm
Venue : Room 302, 3/F, Lee Shau Kee Building, CUHK
Topic : The Second Generation of the Chinese Maritime Customs’ History Studies: New Sources and New Methodology on Modern Chinese History
Speaker : Prof. Takeshi HAMASHITA
Department of History, Sun Yat-sen University
Language : Putonghua
Enquiry : 3943 8541


Yu Ying-shih Lecture in History 2018

To enhance academic and cultural exchange, Chung Chi College, New Asia College and the Department of History of the University joined hands in 2007 to establish the “Yu Ying-shih Lecture in History”. This year, Professor Michael NYLAN of History Department, University of California at Berkeley has been invited as the guest speaker of the following two public lectures:

11 November 2018 (Sunday)
First Lecture
Date : 11 November 2018 (Sunday)
Time : 3:00pm
Venue : Lecture Theatre, G/F, Hong Kong Central Library
66 Causeway Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Topic : Yu Ying-shih the Historian
Moderator :  Prof. POO Mu-chou
Department of History, CUHK
Language : English

This lecture is jointly organised by the Steering Committee on Yu Ying-shih Lecture in History, CUHK and the Hong Kong Public Libraries.

No reservation is needed. For enquiry, please call 3943 1585/ 3943 7611.

12 November 2018 (Monday)
Second Lecture
Date : 12 November 2018 (Monday)
Time : 4:00pm
Venue : Cho Yiu Hall, G/F, University Administration Building, CUHK
Topic : Yu Ying-shih the Sage
Moderator :  Prof. HUANG Yong
Department of Philosophy, CUHK
Language : English

For reservation, please email to


Public Lectures on History 2018-19

The second lecture of Public Lectures on History 2018-19 will be held in November 2018. Professor YIP Hon Ming, Adjunct Professor of History Department, CUHK, has been invited as the guest speaker to deliver a public lecture.

15 November 2018 (Thursday)
The Legacy of Mao Zedong
Date : 15 November 2018 (Thursday)
Time : 7:00pm–8:30pm
Venue : Lecture Theatre, G/F, Hong Kong Central Library
66 Causeway Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Topic : The Legacy of Mao Zedong
Speaker :  Prof. YIP Hon Ming
Adjunct Professor, Department of History, CUHK
Moderator : Prof. HO Pui Yin
Vice Chair and Professor
Department of History, CUHK
Language : Cantonese

Admission is free; reservation is required.
– For online registration and more information, please visit
– Call at 3943 8541

Organisers:Department of History, CUHK; Centre for Comparative and Public History, Department of History, CUHK; MA Programme in Comparative and Public History, Department of History, CUHK; Hong Kong Public Libraries, Leisure and Cultural Services Department


Academic Seminar

16 November 2018 (Friday)
Date : 16 November 2018 (Friday)
Time : 4:30pm–6:15pm
Venue : Room 302, 3/F, Lee Shau Kee Building, CUHK
Topic : 當直接統治遭遇邊疆風俗:18到19世紀湖南新闢苗區與改土歸流區的比較研究
Speaker : Dr. XIE Xiaohui
Department of History, Sun Yat-sen University
Language : Putonghua
Enquiry : 3943 8541


Academic Seminar

23 November 2018 (Friday)
Date : 23 November 2018 (Friday)
Time : 4:30pm–6:15pm
Venue : Room 302, 3/F, Lee Shau Kee Building, CUHK
Topic : 文本與禮儀:文字對鄉土社會的改造
Speaker : Prof. HE Xi
Language : Putonghua
Enquiry : 3943 8541


Information Seminar

24 November 2018 (Saturday)
Information Seminar for the MA Programme in Comparative and Public History
Date : 24 November 2018 (Saturday)
Time : 2:00pm–3:00pm
Venue : Room 402, Yasumoto International Academic Park, CUHK
Speaker : Prof. CHEUNG Sui Wai
Language : Cantonese
Enquiry : 3943 8659


For teachers and students who have information to share with the Department,
please email your articles in both Chinese and English to by 4:00pm every Tuesday.

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