CUSA1061 Innovative Chemistry STEM Programme: Can Chemistry Save the World?

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Programme Introduction / 活動簡介 Programme Objectives / 課程目標 Date and Time
Bad Weather Arrangement COVID-19 Situation Arrangement Medium of Instruction
Venue Organizing Unit Teachers
Programme Contents Enrollment Quota Credit
Tuition Fee Application Procedure Application Deadline



Programme Introduction

Science and technology improve our quality of life, at the same time leading our planet to pressing issues such as resource depletion, pollution and climate change. For many, chemistry is often associated with danger or hazardous substances. However, we consider chemistry as a world saver because it plays an essential role in making our planet more sustainable.


In this programme, students will learn how chemistry can be applied to achieve global sustainable development. In the morning, students will attend lectures on theories and chemical analyses for developing sustainable products. Students will also learn the most advanced technologies in tackling environmental pollution and energy crisis. Equipped with the specific scientific knowledge from the lectures, students will make use of what they have learnt to perform exciting experiments in the afternoon. The experiments include to prepare skincare products and functional nanoparticles from eco-friendly materials, and to analyse chemical products using advanced instruments.


Learning should not be confined to classrooms. In addition to STEM education, students are going to have a glimpse into our chemistry curriculum and CUHK. Admission talk, laboratory tour, campus tour and CUHK treasure hunt will be arranged for students to make the programme more fruitful and enjoyable.





我們深明學習不應局限於課室內,因此除了 STEM 教育外,也為同學預備了一系列課外活動,如入學講座、實驗室參觀、校園遊及中大定向,務求增加同學對化學系課程及中大的認識,也令他們有更充實和愉快的活動學習體驗。


Programme Objectives

After attending the programme, students are expected to:

  1. Understand the importance of sustainable development
  2. Acquire concrete chemical knowledge for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
  3. Gain a thorough understanding of latest technologies for sustainable development
  4. Gain hands-on experience on synthesizing sustainable products by utilizing the knowledge gained
  5. Have a comprehensive understanding of chemical instrumentation for pollution control
  6. Gain hands-on experience on chemical analysis using advanced instruments
  7. Know more about the Chemistry curriculum of CUHK
  8. Have a touch of knowledge of CUHK



  1. 明白可持續發展的重要性
  2. 獲取達致可持續發展目標的相關化學知識
  3. 全面認識推動可持續發展的最新科技
  4. 了解如何運用課堂知識製作可持續產品
  5. 深入了解如何透過化學儀器分析實行污染管制
  6. 懂得如何利用先進儀器進行化學分析
  7. 認識中大化學系課程
  8. 對中大有更多認識


Date and Time

22 – 25 August 2022   :      9:30 am – 4:30 pm

26 August 2022       :      9:30 am – 4:30 pm (Make-up class)


Bad Weather Arrangement

In case of cancellation of class during 22 – 25 August 2022 due to bad weather or other reasons, make-up class will be arranged on 26 August 2022, 9:30 am – 4:30 pm.


COVID-19 Situation Arrangement

In case of any worsening pandemic situation, or any restriction of HKSAR government / University policy concerning summer courses, this course might be cancelled with a full refund to applicants.


Medium of Instruction

Cantonese supplemented with English



The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Organizing Unit

Department of Chemistry, CUHK



Prof. NGAI To (Department of Chemistry, CUHK)

Dr. CHAN Ka-long Donald (Department of Chemistry, CUHK)

Dr. HAU Chun-kit Sam (Department of Chemistry, CUHK)

Dr. LO Chui-man Cat (Department of Chemistry, CUHK)


Programme Contents

22 August 2022 (Monday)


9:30 am – 4:30 pm

Opening Ceremony


  • Experts sharing from BASF#

Understanding Chemistry Department

  • Laboratory visit

Group Activity

Campus tour and CUHK treasure hunt

23 August 2022 (Tuesday)


9:30 am – 4:30 pm


  • Extractions, Analysis and Applications of Essential Oils in Skin Care Products
    • Functional groups in organic compounds
    • Extraction techniques to obtain essential oil from natural plants
    • Analytical methods for essential oil
    • Functions of essential oil


DIY Multi-functional Skin Ointment

24 August 2022 (Wednesday)


9:30 am – 4:30 pm


  • Clean Water and Sanitation
    • Is our water clean
    • How to purify our drinking water?
    • What is sanitation?
    • How chemistry can be applied on our daily water treatment?


Preparation of Gold Nanoparticles using Tea – demonstration of a green chemistry experiment

25 August 2022 (Thursday)


9:30 am – 4:30 pm


  • Applications of Chemistry in Pollution Control
    • What are chemical pollutants?
    • Analysis and control of chemical pollutants
  • Advanced Technologies for Renewable Energy
    • Types of renewable energy
    • Roles of green chemistry


Instrumental Analyses of Skin Care Products

Understanding Chemistry Department

  • Admission talk

Closing Ceremony

26 August 2022  (Friday)


 9:30 am – 4:30 pm

Make-up class


Enrollment Quota

30 students who will be in S5 or S6 in 2022/23



A certificate of attendance will be awarded to students who attain at least 75% attendance.


Tuition Fee

HKD 3,500


Application Procedure

Students should complete the enrollment form online at:


Application Deadline

15 July 2022