Home People Postgraduate JIA Lingyu

JIA Lingyu (贾玲玉)

MSE-PhD (2020) in Physics

Supervised by Prof Wang Jian fang




B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering, Jilin University, 2012-2016;
M.S. in Materials Science, Harbin Institute of Technology, 2016-2018;
PhD student, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2020-present

Research Interest:

To synthesize doped transition metal oxide nanoparticles for photocatalytic H2O2/NH3 production

Research and Professional Experience:

2020.8-present: The Chinese University of Hong Kong, PhD student
2020.4-2020.7: The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Research assistant
2018.8-2019.5: Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School, PKUSZ, China, Research assistant
2016.9-2018.7: College of Materials Science and Engineering, Materials Science, Harbin Institute of Technology

Awards and Honors:

  • Hong Kong PhD Fellowship, 2020
  • First-class Scholarship of Harbin Institute of Technology, June 2017 and June 2018 (twice)
  • First-class Scholarship of Jilin University, June 2016
  • National Encouragement Scholarship, December 2015, October 2014 and December 2013 (thrice)
  • Dong rong’s Scholarship, June 2014
  • Excellent Postgraduate in HIT, June 2018
  • Excellent Undergraduate in JLU, June 2016, December 2015 and October 2014 (thrice)
  • Excellent Undergraduate of School of Materials in JLU, December 2013
  • "Yongguan Cup" 6th Chinese College Student Foundry Technology Design Competition, National Third Prize, June 2015


  • Lingyu Jia, Peigang He*, Dechang Jia*, Shuai Fu, Meng Wang, Meiling Wang, Xiaoming Duan, Zhihua Yang and Yu Zhou, Immobilization behavior of Sr in geopolymer and its ceramic product. Journal of the American Ceramic Society 2019, DOI:10.1111/jace.16811.
  • Peigang He*, Lingyu Jia, Guoru Ma, Ruifei Wang, Jingkun Yuan, Xiaoming Duan, Zhihua Yang and Dechang Jia*, Effects of fiber contents on the mechanical and microwave absorbent properties of carbon fiber felt reinforced geopolymer composites. Ceramics International 2018, 44, 10726 - 10734.
  • Jingkun Yuan, Peigang He*, Xiaomin Liang, Dechang Jia*, Lingyu Jia, Delong Cai, Zhihua Yang, Xiaoming Duan, Shengjin Wang and Yu Zhou, Thermal evolution of lithium ion substituted cesium-based geopolymer under high temperature treatment, Part I: effects of holding temperature. Ceramics International 2018, 44, 10047 - 10054.

Conference Presentations:

Attending the Tenth International Conference on High-Performance Ceramics and Giving Presentation (Title: Preparation and properties of Fe3O4/graphene reinforced geopolymer composites), CICC-10, 2017

Other Skills:

Computer Aided Design (CAD), Computer-Aided Three-Dimensional Interactive Appli (CATIA)