BAO Kejie (鮑可杰)
PhD (2019) in Physics
Supervised by Prof. ZHU Junyi
B.S. in physics, University of Science and Technology of China 2013~2017;
MPhil. in physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 2017~2019;
PHD. In physics, he Chinese University of Hong Kong 2019~present.
Research Interest:
Condensed matter physics, Density functional theory, two dimensional materials, etc
Research and Professional Experience:
30 degree twisted bilayer graphene and surfactant effect in CZTS surface.
Awards and Honors:
Yao, W., Wang, E., Bao, C., Zhang, Y., Zhang, K., Bao, K., ... & Zhu, J. (2018). Quasicrystalline 30 twisted bilayer graphene as an incommensurate superlattice with strong interlayer coupling. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(27), 6928-6933.
Conference Presentations:
APS (America physics society) 2019 about 30 degree twisted bilayer graphene.
Other Skills: