Interesting Sites
Astronomy Sites:
Astronomy World (天文園)
Hong Kong Space Museum (香港太空館)
Solar Eclipse - 11th Aug. 99 (日全食:九九年八月十一日)
Sky and Telescope
Cosmology Review
Views of the Solar System (太陽系巡禮)
Hubble Space Telescope (哈勃太空望遠鏡-最新相片及資訊)
Lunar Phase and Eclipse (日食及月食)
The Messier Catalog (梅西爾星團星雲表)
Amazing Space
Sky Events (每月星空動態)
SETI Institute (天外智慧生物搜索計劃)
Current Solar Images (即日太陽影象)
Planetary Alignment (行星連線)
Science Sites:
GEE 239M - Perspectives in Physical Sciences (物理科學概論)
Physics World (物理園)
Hong Kong Science Museum (香港科學館)
Amusement Park Physics (遊樂場物理)
Physics 2000 (物理二千)
Visual Quantum Mechanics (虛擬量子力學)
Nobel Prize in Physics (諾貝爾物理學獎)
The Albatross Project (信天翁研究計劃)
Physics Department of CUHK (中大物理系)
School Net
Weather Underground of Hong Kong (香港地下天文台)
Hong Kong Observatory (香港天文台)
Lost Civilisations (失落的文明)