Career Development Board
Terms of Reference and Composition:
- To advise the University on all matters related to graduate employment.
- To maintain awareness of the University in respect of community needs.
- To promote employers' interest in and understanding of graduates of the University.
- To advise the Career Planning and Development Centre on the induction of graduating students into employment and on ways and means for improving the employment opportunities of graduates of the University.
- A person to be invited by the Vice-Chancellor
- A representative from the Civil Service Bureau of the Government Secretariat
- Two school principals invited by the Vice-Chancellor
- Not more than 15 persons invited by the Vice-Chancellor from the business, industrial and professional community
- One teacher from each Faculty of the University, appointed by the Vice-Chancellor
- President of the Federation of Alumni Associations, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (ex-officio)
- The University Dean of Students (ex-officio)
- The Director of Student Affairs (ex-officio)
- Two representatives from the Student Union of The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Chairman of the Convocation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (ex-officio)
To be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor
- The terms of office of all members other than the ex-officio members shall be two years, dating from August the first in the year of appointment.
- Members are eligible for re-appointment.
- The Board shall meet at least once each year.
- The quorum shall be six members.
- The Vice-Chancellor or the Chairman may invite any person to attend a meeting of the Board.
Contact Information of Secretariat: