Scholarship & Financial Assistance
The Scholarships and Financial Aid Section of the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid (OAFA) is a central unit which is responsible for coordinating and processing the applications for scholarships and financial aid. Meanwhile, Colleges and the Office of Academic Links administer their own schemes, and students may check with them for further details.
Local Studies
With the munificent support from many donors, the University offers various types of scholarships, prizes and awards to give due recognition to outstanding students and encourage them to make continued progress.
Admission Scholarships
The University offers admission scholarships to new undergraduate students on the basis of their excellent academic or non-academic performance. There is no need for the students to apply for these scholarships. The University will identify qualified new students and inform the selected students of the scholarship offers.
Scholarships for Local Studies
Most of the University scholarships/ awards are granted on the basis of academic merit. Yet other criteria such as leadership, personal qualities, financial need as well as records of extra-curricular activities and community services may also be taken into consideration.
Many scholarship recipients are nominated by Faculties / Schools / Departments or other relevant offices of the University, with some subject to the final selection or approval by the donors. On the other hand, some scholarships are open to students for application. Announcement of such scholarships will be posted on OAFA website at
Oversea Studies
Scholarships for Overseas Studies and Exchange
OAFA also makes announcement and invite applications for scholarships and awards which are designated for overseas studies and exchange. In addition to tuition fees, some scholarships cover living expenses during the course of study and the return airfare. Latest information on scholarships for overseas studies and exchange will be posted on OAFA website at