Scholarship & Financial Assistance
Financial Assistance
Financial Aid
Both the Hong Kong SAR Government and University provide different types of financial aid to help students who have financial need.
Government Financial Aid
The Hong Kong SAR Government provides the following financial assistance to full-time local students who are taking up exclusively University Grants Committee-funded or publicly-funded student places of recognised programmes:
- Tertiary Student Finance Scheme – Publicly-funded Programmes (TSFS)
- Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Full-time Tertiary Students (NLSFT)
- The Government Community Care Fund
Please refer to the website of Student Finance Office of the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency at for more information.
University Financial Aid
CUHK offers various financial aid schemes to needy students:
- University Bursaries and Loans
- Summer Subsistence and Travel Loan Scheme
- Student Residence Bursary Scheme offers
- Student Campus Work Scheme
Details of the above financial aid schemes can be found here: Non-local students with financial difficulties may approach Office of Admissions and Financial Aid for more information.