Community service : University YMCA

Community service : University YMCA

University YMCA® (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

The project aims to embody the missions of the Chinese University of Hong Kong – “bo wen yue li” and Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong – “to serve, not to be served”. Students are cultivated through different programmes in areas of physical, intellectual and spiritual so as to achieve a holistic development.

Global Vision Committee

Hoping to broaden fellow students’ horizon and experience the great cultural diversity, we organise programmes like overseas service trip and trainings. Students have the chance to explore and understand different cultures, and voice out for the disadvantaged community in the world.

Christian Action Committee

To deliver the message of God’s love to all students, we work with a number of Christian groups in university and local community to hold various programmes to foster their spiritual growth and achieve holistic development in body and soul.