Flourishing First Year @ CUHK
Flourishing First Year @ CUHK provides a series of workshops for all NEW students, in offering inspiration to apply the SEVEN WELL approach to combat stress, and encourage them to be patient when facing adversity; allowing small pieces to fall in place for the big picture. Flourishing First Year @ CUHK designs workshops and activities with reference to SEVEN WELL approach to encourage students to develop healthy habits, enhance interpersonal interaction, and have a flourishing life.
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What is SEVEN WELL approach?
The Clinical and Health Psychology Centre of the CUHK proposed “Seven-Well Stress Management Approach” in 2007*. The Seven Well Stress Management Approach emphasizes cultivating healthy habits in 7 aspects of life, i.e., to eat well, sleep well, exercise well, love well, play well, work well, and mind well. With these 7 wellness, we will have a better mental health and live a flourishing life.
*Reference: 「腦」力抗壓由生活開始 初版 (2007) 香港 : 香港中文大學心理學系臨床及健康心理學中心
- Healthy eating plate, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, link
- Tips to better sleep health, CUHK medical centre, reference: link
- 3-minute breathing space, reference: link
- Read more at Regular Physical Activity
- Watch more at The power of believing that you can improve