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HOYAN Hang Fung, Carole (何杏楓)
Professor, Department of Chinese Language and Literature (Director of CLC)
Telephone: 3943 6731
Office: G02, Fong Shu Chuen Building
Email: hoyan@cuhk.edu.hk
College Affiliation: Shaw College

Professor Carole Hoyan received her B.A. (Hons. First Class) and M.Phil. in Chinese Language and Literature from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She subsequently pursued her Ph.D. studies in Canada with the support of the Commonwealth Fellowship and the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowship for Overseas Studies (honorary). She received her Ph.D. degree in Asian Studies from the University of British Columbia and has been teaching at the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at the Chinese University of Hong Kong since 1996. She was appointed Director of the Yale-China Chinese Language Centre in August 2020.
Professor Hoyan’s research interests include modern and contemporary Chinese fiction and drama, Eileen Chang studies, Hong Kong literature, world literature and Asian studies, and Cantonese pronunciation and teaching. Her publications include Revisiting Modern Chinese Literature: Close Reading, Data and Reception (2020) and Re-investigating Eileen Chang: Adaptation, Translation and Research (2018). She also co-authored Tracing the Origin: Fun with the Etymology of Cantonese Vocabulary (2006), co-interviewed and co-compiled An Oral History of Hong Kong Drama: From the Thirties to the Sixties (2001), and co-edited Modern Chinese Literature: Methodology and Appraisal (1999). She is PI of the RGC General Research Fund projects “A Study on the Newspaper Literary Supplements of the Overseas Chinese Daily News (Wah Kiu Yat Po) of Hong Kong” and “The Reception of Eileen Chang (Zhang Ailing) in Hong Kong.” Professor Hoyan also participates in inter-disciplinary studies and publishes creative writings and film and theatre reviews. Professor Hoyan is a Ph.D. supervisor, Founding Committee Member of the Hong Kong Literature Research Centre of CUHK, Founding Editorial Board Member of Journal of Chinese Literature, and Founding Committee Member and Chairperson (4th-7th Award) of the Global Youth Chinese Literary Award of CUHK.
Professor Hoyan is also experienced in administration. Before serving as the Director of CLC, she was Acting Chairperson and Vice Chairperson (Student Affairs) of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature. She was also Acting Head of the Chinese Division of the Graduate School and Director of the MA Programme in the Division.
Professor Hoyan has also actively served the community. She has served as External Examiner for the B.Ed. Programme of The Education University of Hong Kong, adjudicator for the “Hong Kong Biennial Awards for Chinese Literature” and the “Awards for Creative Writing in Chinese” organized by the Hong Kong Public Libraries, and guest host for the TVB’s Programme “Fun Cantonese.”
1996 Doctor of Philosophy in Asian Studies, University of British Columbia
1992 Master of Philosophy in Chinese Language and Literature,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
1990 Bachelor of Arts (Honors, First Class) in Chinese Language and Literature,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Professional Experience
2022 - present Professor,
Department of Chinese Language and Literature,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2001 - 2022 Associate Professor,
Department of Chinese Language and Literature,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
1996 - 2001 Assistant Professor,
Department of Chinese Language and Literature,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
1992 - 1996 Commonwealth Fellow
Youde Scholar (for overseas studies, honorary)
Main Research Interests
Modern and Contemporary Chinese Fiction and Drama, Eileen Chang Studies, Hong Kong Literature, World Literature and Asian Studies, Cantonese Pronunciation and Learning
Selected Publications
Academic Papers
Carole Hang Fung Hoyan. “‘Include Me Out’: Reading Eileen Chang as a World Literature Author.” Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, National Taiwan University ed. Ex-position (NTU Studies in Language and Literature), issue 41 (June 2019), pp.7-32. DOI:10.6153/EXP.201906_(41).0002
Pun Tung Chu, Wing Tung Au & Carole Hang Fung Hoyan. “Effect of Alcohol-related Poems on Drinking,” Cogent Psychology, 6:1 (2019), DOI:10.1080/23311908.2019.1586079
MeiKi Chan, Wing Tung Au & Carole Hoyan. “Exploring Theater Experiences among Hong Kong Audiences.” Cogent Arts & Humanities, 6:1 (2019), DOI:10.1080/23311983.2019.1588689
Hoyan Hang Fung, Carole, “On the Translation of Eileen Chang’s Fiction.” Translation Quarterly, no. 18 & 19 (March 2000), pp. 99-136.
陳雄根、何杏楓:〈香港中學生粵語發音問題研究〉。香港中文大學教育學院編:《教育學報》。香港:香港中文大學出版社,2001年夏季號 (29:1),頁71-96。曾於「粵音及詩歌格律國際研討會」發表,香港中文大學中國語言及文學系主辦,1999年10月28日。
楊鍾基、何杏楓:〈新詩格律與粵音朗誦教學〉。香港中文大學教育學院編:《教育學報》。香港:香港中文大學出版社,2001年夏季號 (29:1),頁109-120。曾於「粵音及詩歌格律國際研討會」發表,香港中文大學中國語言及文學系主辦,1999年10月29日。
Hoyan Hang Fung, Carole “Modernism in Taiwanese Fiction: A Comparative Study of the Works of Wang Wenxing and Bai Xianyong.” British Columbia Asian Review, No 7 (Winter 1993-1994), pp. 36-53.
Book Chapters and Dictionary Entries
Hoyan, Hang Fung Carole. “Chang Ai-ling.” In Dictionary of Hong Kong Biography. Edited by May Holdsworth and Christopher Munn. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2012, pp. 75-76.
Anthony Yeung and Carole Hoyan Hang Fung, “The Soft Power in the Confucian ‘Kingly Way.’” The Renaissance of Confucianism in Contemporary China. Edited by Fan Ruiping. Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York: Springer, 2011, 109-135.
Conference Papers
Carole Hoyan, “The ‘Transgression Model’ of Worlding: Reading the Hong Kong Author Leung Ping-kwan (Yesi)” presented at “69th Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs (MCAA 2020),” co-organized by Indiana State University, Indiana University and Michigan State University, Oct 16-18, 2020.
Carole Hang-fung Hoyan. “The Reception of the Yan Lianke in Hong Kong,” presented at “AAS-in-Asia 2020 Asia at the Crossroads: Solidarity through Scholarship,” organized by Association for Asian Studies, Kobe, Japan, Aug 31-Sept 4, 2020.
Hoyan Hang Fung, Carole, “Reading Eileen Chang as a World Literature Author,” presented at “Canadian Comparative Literature Association Program for Congress 2019,” organized by CCLA, hosted by the University of British Columbia, June 2-4, 2019, https://complit.ca/2019/05/08/congress-2019-final-program/ and “2019 Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association,” organized by ACLA, hosted by Georgetown University, United States, March 7-10, 2019, https://www.acla.org/annual-meeting.
Hoyan Hang Fung, Carole, “Memory as Literary History: On Ann Hui’s Xiao Hong Biopic The Golden Era,” presented at “Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association 72nd Annual Convention,” organized by RMMLA, Cheyenne, United States, October 4-6, 2018 and “2018 Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association,” organized by ACLA, hosted by University of California, Los Angeles, United States, March 29-April 1, 2018.
Hoyan Hang Fung, Carole, “Lu Xun’s Reception of Eroshenko,” presented at “The 8th Academic Forum (Vienna) of the International Society of Lu Xun Studies: The Transference of Knowledge-Lu Xun and European Culture,” co-organized by the International Society of Lu Xun Studies and the University of Vienna, Austria, July 3, 2017. Paper in Proceedings, pp. 81-87.
何杏楓:〈文學如何成為寫作方法論?(and vice versa?) ——論董啟章《貝貝的文字冒險》及其舞臺改編的跨界實踐〉,「華文與比較文學協會雙年會:文本、媒介與跨文化協商」,香港中文大學文化及宗教研究系文化研究中心、香港中文大學中國語言及文學系香港文學研究中心、杜克大學教務長辦公室、三一文學院、亞洲人文研究課程、中央研究院中國文哲研究所合辦,2017年6月21日,www.cuhk.edu.hk/crs/accl2017。
Carole Hoyan Hang Fung, “Romancing Eileen Chang: The Reception of the Story and the Film “Lust, Caution” in Hong Kong,” International Symposium on Eileen Chang: Romancing Two Cultures, organized by Faculty of Arts, The University of Hong Kong, April 9-10, 2009.
Creative Writings & Literary and Cultural Reviews
何杏楓:〈隔離與斷捨離:2020讀愛玲〉(評論)。《ZLive 活》,香港:進念‧二十面體,2020.05.28. https://zuniseason.org.hk/en-explore-details-eileen_chang_isolation.html
Carole HOYAN. “Isolation and Decluttering: Reading Eileen Chang in 2020.” (Review) ZLive. Hong Kong, 2020.05.28.
何杏楓:〈古堡〉(散文)。《香港文學》,第424期「香港作家散文專輯」 (2020年4月),16-19頁。http://www.hongkongliterary.com/dzdetail.jsp?id=12398&pid=34475092&dzid=50457074&nav=1
何杏楓:〈歲月如歌——悼念陶然先生〉(散文)。《香港文學》,第412期 (2019年4月),頁26-27。
何杏楓:〈神奇女俠在醫院冥想〉(散文)。《香港文學》,第405期 (2018年9月),頁32-33。http://www.hongkongliterary.com/dzdetail.jsp?id=8574&pid=34454114&dzid=50216363&nav=1
何杏楓:〈坐看雲起——回憶黃繼持老師〉(散文)。《香港文學》,第357期 (2014年9月),頁81-85。收錄於,陶然主編:《繁華落盡見真淳——〈香港文學〉筆記選》。香港:《香港文學》出版社有限公司,2016年9月,頁163-170。另收錄於《吐露春風五十年:香港中文大學中文系圖史文集》。香港:香港中文大學中國語言及文學系出版,2015年,頁178-184。
Research Grants
Serving as Principal Investigator
Reading Leung Ping-kwan as a World Literature Author (梁秉鈞作為世界作家), Direct Grant (Arts and Languages Panel), CUHK (Jun 2020 -Jun 2021).
Vocational Chinese Language Programme for Non-Chinese Speaking School Leavers for 2019/20 and 2020/21 (2019/20至2020/21學年已離校非華語人士職業中文課程,Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR), Education Bureau (Aug 2019- Aug 2021).
“On the Path of Language and Culture” Putonghua International Exchange (University Campus Visit and In-School Visit)「語言路‧文化緣」普通話國際交流活動(外訪及到校活動),Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR), Education Bureau (Aug 2019- Aug 2021).
The Reception of Eileen Chang (Zhang Ailing) in Hong Kong (張愛玲在香港的接受情況研究), General Research Fund, Research Grant Council (Sept 2008-Aug 2010).
A Study on the Newspaper Literary Supplements of the Overseas Chinese Daily News of Hong Kong (《華僑日報》副刊研究), Earmarked Grant for Research, Research Grant Council (Jul 2003-Jun 2005).
An Investigation of the Literary Supplement “Qian Shui Wan” edited by Liu, Yichang in Hong Kong Times (1960.2.15-1962.6.30) (劉以鬯主編《香港時報.淺水灣》時期研究), Direct Grant (Arts and Languages Panel), CUHK (July 2002-June 2003).
An Investigation of the Pre-war Modern Chinese Drama in the “Modern Chinese Drama Collection” in the United College Library of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (香港中文大學聯合圖書館「中國現代戲劇特藏」內抗戰前中國現代劇本提要及評論), Direct Grant (Arts and Languages Panel), CUHK (July1998-December 1999).
Serving as Co-Investigator
Literary Convergence in May Fourth Hong Kong: A Theatre Education Project (「文學匯流‧五四香港」劇場教學計劃), Quality Education Fund (Jul 2018-Jun 2021)
A Study on Supplements of the New Life Evening Post (Hsin Sheng Wen Pao) (《新生晚報》副刊研究), Earmarked Grant for Research, Research Grant Council (Sept 2005-Aug 2007).
The First Phase of a Computerized Database of the Entire Body of Extant Chinese Encyclopedias (Leishu) (中國傳統類書電子資料庫首期研究計劃), Earmarked Grant for Research (Sept 2001-Aug 2004).
The Image of Hong Kong in the Works of Mainland Visiting Writers after 1979 (1979年以來中國短期訪港作家筆下的香港), Direct Grant (Arts and Languages Panel),CUHK (Jan 2000-Jun 2001).
An Investigation of the Pronunciation Problems of the First Year Students of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature in The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Language Enhancement Grants, Working Group on Language Enhancement, CUHK (Mar 1997-Aug 1998).
Invited Keynote Speech and Presentation
Keynote Speaker, “On Lu Xun’s Reception of Eroshenko” on China Day Event, organized by Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, York University, 2020.1.28.
Academic Journals
創刊編委,《中國文學學報》(Journal of Chinese Literature,前《中文學刊》),香港中文大學中國語言及文學系與北京大學合編,2003至今。
主編,《Language Matters 雅禮中國語文研習所通訊》,香港中文大學雅禮中國語文研習所出版,2020至今。
編委,《Shaw Link 逸林》,香港中文大學逸夫書院出版,2017至今。
Academic Review
Reviewer of Book Manuscripts and Journal Papers
Reviewer of Lexington Books, Rowman & Littlefield, 2019.
Reviewer of Sino-Humanitas (人文中國), Journal of Oriental Studies (東方文化), Tsinghua Journal of Chinese Literature (清華中文學報), Chung Wai Literary Quarterly (中外文學), Newsletter of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy (中國文哲研究通訊), Thoughts and Words (思與言), Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Chinese Literature Essays Articles Reviews (CLEAR).
Review for Grant Projects
Reviewer for Competitive Research Funding Schemes for the Local Self-financing Degree Sector under Research Grants Council, Faculty Development Scheme, 2014 and 2017.
External Reviewer, 2013 Multi-Year Research Grant (MYRG), Research Committee of the University of Macau, 2013.
External Examiner for Program/Module and Member of Advisory Group
External Module Examiner, School of General Education and Languages, The Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (2012-present)
Member, Advisory Peer Group, Curriculum of Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Writing and Film Arts, The Open University of Hong Kong (2017-present)
External Examiner for 4-year full-time Bed (Chinese Language)-Secondary Programme, The Education University of Hong Kong (2006-2010)
Interview Board Member for Recruitment and Scholarships
Member of the Selection Interview Board, Recruitment of Assistant Lecturer/Lecturer (Chinese Team), Independent Learning Centre, CUHK (2019)
External Member of the Selection Interview Board, Recruitment of Teaching Fellow (Chinese Language) in School of General Education and Languages, Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (2013, 2016)
Interview Board Member, Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowships and Scholarships for Overseas Studies 1999/2000, Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund Council (1999)
Curriculum and Teaching Materials Development
Teacher in Charge, “PCE1002 Intensive Program on Cantonese” (for all First-year Students), responsible for program design, coordination and teaching (全校本科一年級生「粵語精修課程」統籌、課程設計及任課老師), 1997-2003.
Teacher in Charge, “Summer Class in Languages and General Education (Cantonese)” (for Secondary School Students), responsible for course design, coordination and teaching (「語文及通識夏令營:粵語精修課程」統籌、課程設計及任課老師), 1997-2002.
香港教育署課程發展處編《中六中國文學課程——名著選讀簡介》 撰稿學者,2002。
香港特別行政區教育署教育統籌局(Education and Manpower Bureau)及香港中文大學中國語言及文學系合辦,「小學中國語文科在職教師培訓班」,講者,2002年3月12日、19日及26日。
Course Coordinator, “ACC1120/ GEE227F Art and Literature in Hong Kong” (Faculty based core course), Faculty of Arts, responsible for course design, coordination and teaching, 2000-2001.
Knowledge Transfer Activities
香港公共圖書館主辦「香港中文文學雙年獎」小說組評判 (2015, 2017, 2021)
香港公共圖書館主辦「中文文學創作獎」文學評論組評判 (2004, 2006, 2008, 2014, 2016)
粵音正音協會及香港電台聯合主辦,第一屆「學界粵語正音大賽」總決賽評判 (2004)
教統局優質教育基金計劃「提升幼兒母語語言發展及製作語文學習教材套」教師粵音測試評審員 (2004)
商務印書館第十七至十九屆「中學生閱讀報告比賽(中文組)」總選評判 (2002-2004)
香港理工大學中文及雙語學系中文進修課程部徵文比賽散文組評判(1998, 1999, 2002)
第二十五屆至三十二屆及第三十五屆「青年文學獎」徵文比賽評判 (1997-2004, 2007)
香港城市大學第一至第七屆「城大文學創作獎」散文組評判 (1997-2003)
第一屆「香港藝術發展局文學獎」新秀獎評判 (1997)
嘉賓主持,電視廣播有限公司(TVB) 翡翠台電視節目「全線大搜查」「妙趣廣州話」,2000年。
Professional Organizations Membership
Member, Association of Asian Studies (AAS), since 1996.
Founding Member, Management Committee, Hong Kong Literature Research Centre, CUHK, since 2001.
Member, Canadian Comparative Literature Association (CCLA), since 2018.
Member, Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association (RMMLA), since 2018.
Member, American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA), since 2019.