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Professor Tsui Tsz Ki, Martin


(Office): Rm 288, Science Centre South Block, CUHK
(Lab): Rm 376, 376A and 377, Science Centre South Block, CUHK

  People Martin Tsui


(Office): (852) 3943 6123
(Lab): (852) 3943 1307

Fax (852) 2603 7246
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  



2010 Ph.D., University of Minnesota
2002 M.Phil., Chinese University of  Hong Kong
2000 B.Sc., Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


  • 2021/6-now    Associate Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • 2022/8-now    Joint appointment with Earth and Environmental Sciences programme, Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • 2022/8-now    Director of Environmental Science Programme, Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • 2019-2021      Associate Professor, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
  • 2013-2019      Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
  • 2011-2013      Turner Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Michigan

Research Interests

  • Environmental pollution
  • Ecosystem biogeochemistry
  • Stable isotope applications

Representative Publications

  1. Ulus Y, Tsui MTK, Sakar A, Nyarko P, Aitmbarek NB, Ardón M, Chow AT (In press) Declines of methylmercury along a salinity gradient in a low-lying coastal wetland ecosystem at South Carolina, USA. Chemosphere 308: 136310.
  2. Li H, Tsui MTK, Ku P, Chen H, Yin Z, Dahlgren RA, Parikh SJ, Wei J, Hoang TC, Chow AT, Cheng Z, Zhu XM (2022) Impacts of forest fire ash on aquatic mercury cycling. Environmental Science & Technology 56: 11835-11844.
  3. Chen H, Wang, JJ, Ku P, Tsui MTK, Abney R, Berhe A, Zhang Q, Burton S, Wiley WR, Dahlgren RA, Chow AT (2022) Burn intensity drives the alteration of phenolic lignin to (poly) aromatic hydrocarbons as revealed by pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS). Environmental Science & Technology 56, 12678-12687.
  4. Yang YH, Kwon SY, Tsui MTK, Motta LC, Washburn SJ, Park J, Kim M, Shing KH (2022) Ecological traits of fish for mercury biomonitoring: Insights from compound specific nitrogen and stable mercury isotopes. Environmental Science & Technology 56: 10808-10817.
  5. Waiker P, Ulus, Y, Tsui MTK, Rueppell O (2022) Mercury accumulation in honey bees trends upward with urbanization in the USA. Agricultural & Environmental Letters 7: e20083.
  6. Li M, Kwon SY, Poulin B, Tsui MTK, Motta L, Cho M (2022) Internal dynamics and metabolism of mercury in biota: A review of insights from mercury stable isotopes. Environmental Science & Technology 56: 9182-9195.
  7. Liu J, Li Y, Duan D, Peng G, Li P, Lei P, Zhong H, Tsui MTK, Pan K (2022) Effects and mechanisms of organic matter regulating the methylmercury dynamics in mangrove sediments. Journal of Hazardous Materials 432: 128690.
  8. Hylton CA, Tsui MTK (2021) Alteration of acute toxicity of inorganic and methyl mercury to Daphnia magna by dietary addition. Scientific Reports 11: 22865.
  9. Flower J, Tsui MTK, Chavez J, Khan S, Hassan A, Smith L, Jia Z (2021) Methyl Mercury triggers endothelial leukocyte adhesion and increases expression of cell adhesion molecules and chemokines. Experimental Biology and Medicine 246: 2522-2532.
  10. Ullah R, Tsui MTK, Chen H, Chow A, Williams C, Ligaba-Osena A (2021) Microplastics interaction with terrestrial plants and its impacts on agriculture. Journal of Environmental Quality 50: 1024-1041.

Research Grants

  • 2022-2023, Faculty of Science Direct Grant, CUHK, Mercury bioaccumulation and biomagnification in subtropical forest food webs, $150,000 (HKD)
  • 2022-2023, Countryside Conservation Funding Scheme HKEPD, From Valley to Plain: Conservation and Revitalisation from ‘Ng To’ to Kuk Po river and plain via multi-disciplinary, educational and action research, $3,000,000 (HKD) (Co-I)
  • 2020-2023, Department of Energy (USA) Biological and Environmental Research, Exploratory Proposal: How does mercury methylation respond to intensive forest management and the creation of anoxia in floodplain soils?, $132,285 (USD)
  • 2019-2024, National Science Foundation (USA) Division of Earth Sciences, Collaborative Proposal: Response of mercury cycling to disturbance and restoration of low-gradient forested watersheds, $164,740 (USD)
  • 2018-2022, National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USA), Storage, reactivity, and bioavailability of mercury in managed forests-balancing mercury toxicity and wildfire risks through effective fuel reduction techniques, $199,826 (USD)
  • 2017-2018, National Science Foundation (USA) Division of Earth Sciences, RAPID: Hurricane-mediated alteration of microbial mercury methylation in coastal wetlands, $49,826 (USD)
  • 2014-2015, North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute (USA) Competitive Grant, Linkages of mercury and methane cycles in Piedmont streams and rivers in North Carolina, and implications for mercury bioaccumulation in food webs, $60,000 (USD)
  • 2014-2017, National Science Foundation (USA) Division of Environmental Biology, Collaborative Proposal: Identifying sources and degradation mechanisms of methylmercury in temperate forest ecosystems, $97,000 (USD)


  • 2015, Candace Bernard & Robert Glickman Dean’s Professorship, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
  • 2011, Honorable Mention, Dissertation Award, Universities Council on Water Resources
  • 2010, Turner Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Michigan
  • 2009, Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, University of Minnesota
  • 2009, Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant, U.S. National Science Foundation
  • 2007, Chris Lee Award for Metals Research, Society Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry

Professional Activities

Editoral Services

  • Editorial Board member, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (2021-now)
  • Associate Editor, Journal of Environmental Quality (2017-now)

Research Proposal Review

  • National Science Foundation (USA)

Manuscript Review (selected journals)

  • PNAS, Nature Geoscience, Environmental Science & Technology, Science of the Total Environment, etc.