Whole-person Education and Campus Culture Building 全人教育與校園文化建設
Date: 4 April 2022 (Mon)
Time: 12:00 nn – 1:30 pm
Speaker: Dr. Lawrence CHIU Chi-ming (Dean of General Education, S.H. Ho College),
Prof. Ann Huss (Associate Master, Dean of General Education and Warden, Morningside College)
Discussant: Prof. Thomas Hun Tak Lee (Director of University General Education)
Delivery Mode: Online via ZOOM
Language: English
Whole-person education is always emphasized in CUHK as a goal of both formal curriculum and non-formal education contributing to the overall quality of our students and graduates. This seminar explores the idea and implementation of whole-person education and campus culture building on following perspectives:
- how to incorporate whole-person education in College, especially through residential life in pandemic period;
- how to help students to adapt to campus life after the resumption of regular campus accommodation; and
- how to meet students' expectations on university life during the period of online teaching and learning
Dr. Lawrence CHIU Chi-ming (Dean of General Education, S.H. Ho College)
Dr. Lawrence Chiu is a Senior Lecturer in School of Life Sciences who has been studying and working in CUHK for more than 30 years. With a belief that personal growth is of same importance as academic education, Dr. Chiu has been enthusiastic in serving as mentors in activities organized by Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, Education Bureau, Examination and Assessment Authority, etc. over years. In 2017, Dr. Chiu joined S.H. Ho College as Dean of General Education, aiming to nurture adolescents' mental wellness through experiential learning activities. He received the Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education and the Faculty of Science Exemplary Teaching Award in 2012.
Prof. Ann Huss (Associate Master, Dean of General Education & Warden, Morningside College)
Ann Huss is the Associate Master, Dean of General Education and Warden of Morningside College. She received her PhD in Modern Chinese Literature and taught literature, film and language for a decade before taking up her current post. She directs college admissions, overseas exchange and service learning programmes, teaches College General Education courses, and collaborates with her team of Junior Fellows and Resident Tutors to provide an intellectually rigorous and culturally vibrant residential college experience for all Morningside students.
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