Lunch Seminar 通識午餐聚會
Promoting Effective Peer Learning: Experience Sharing of Implementing Peer Assisted Study Session (PASS) in General Education Foundation Programme
日期 Date : 2019-01-28 (星期一 Monday)
時間 Time:12:30 pm to 2:00 pm
地點 Venue: 香港中文大學許讓成樓 701, Hui Yeung Shing Huilding, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
講者 Speakers:
Dr. Szeto Wai Man, Dr. Li Ming Kenneth, Dr. Wu Jun Vivian, Dr Yip Lo Ming Amber (General Education Foundation Programme)
同儕輔讀計劃 (PASS) 是一種被廣泛應用的同儕學習方法,能有效提升學生的學習。在中大的通識教育基礎課程兩個必修科目中,學生可自由選擇參與PASS,在每周一小時的共修中互相幫助。每節的PASS各有輔讀員帶領,他們都曾在該科目取得佳績,並了解同學在該科常遇到的困難。PASS 提供輕鬆、互相支援的學習環境,學生在當中整理學習所得,加強對關鍵概念的理解,同時建立有效的學習方法。
講者將在是次的通識午餐聚會分享PASS在通識教育基礎課程自2010年推行以來的實踐經驗,並以定期的評鑑為例,作出解說。講者亦將闡述PASS在通識教育基礎課程的發展,當中包括:輔讀員及管理人團隊的擴展、「資深輔讀員」的參與、PASS 作為閱讀工作坊的實踐,以及輔讀員如何在PASS應用蘇格拉底式反詰法。受邀輔讀員亦將在是次通識午餐聚會分享他們第一身的輔學經驗。講者最後將闡述PASS作為一種教學法,如何應用到不同的學科,以推廣有效的同儕學習。
Brief Description
Peer Assisted Study Session (PASS) is a widely adopted peer learning model with proved effectiveness in enhancing student learning. For the implementation in the two required courses under the General Education Foundation Programme (GEFP) at CUHK, PASS consists of weekly one-hour, voluntary group study sessions led by “PASS Leaders” who excelled in the specific course in the past and also understand the struggles typically faced by students enrolled in the course. In PASS, students work together in a relaxed and supportive learning environment to consolidate understanding, reinforce key concepts and develop effective study strategies.
In this GE lunch seminar, the speakers will share their experience of implementing PASS in the GEFP since its pilot stage in 2010, with the illustrations from its regular evaluation. The speakers will explain how PASS has been developed in GEFP, including the expansion of the PASS Leader team and the PASS Supervisor team, the involvement of “Senior PASS Leaders”, the implementation of PASS in the form of reading workshops, and the application of the Socratic method by PASS Leaders. Invited PASS Leaders will also share their first-hand experience of leading PASS sessions and facilitating students’ learning. This seminar will also illustrate how the general PASS model can be adapted to target courses to promote effective peer learning.
Speakers' Bio
Dr Szeto Wai Man, Dr Li Ming Kenneth, Dr Wu Jun Vivian and Dr Yip Lo Ming Amber are Lecturers of the General Education Foundation Programme (GEFP). After completing the accredited PASS Supervisor Training held by The Australasian National Centre for PASS, they formed the PASS Working Group to implement PASS in GEFP and to collaborate with other units to promote PASS in CUHK.
報名 Registration
電郵 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
電話 Tel: 3943-8625 (Andy Heung)
截止報名 Deadline: 23/1/2019