In Dialogue with Humanity
Best Essay Award - Gold Award |
SO Yong Yin Eva Year 1, Psychology, United College 快樂製造商 – 不丹商業夢

Best Essay Award - Silver Awards |
HO Yin Lam Year 1, Biomedical Sciences, Chung Chi College A Summer of Freedom's Night Dream: A Reflection on Suffering in Hong Kong's 2019 Pro-democracy Movement

LI Shanglong Year 1, Laws, S.H. Ho College 去留肝膽兩崑崙

WAN Yuxuan Year 1, Artificial Intelligence: Systems and Technologies, C.W. Chu College 論幸福 – 《尼各馬可倫理學》與《莊子》的幸福觀比較

Best Essay Award - Bronze Awards |
CHENG Ka Man Year 1, Earth System Science, Wu Yee Sun College 自由與束縛 ,何者讓我們人生美好?

LAU Kei Ching Year 1, Medicine, New Asia College 「逍遙與空」– 一種人生態度的結合

LEUNG Wai Shan Year 1, Social Science, New Asia College (Major in Journalism and Communication in the academic year 2020-2021) 淺談《心經》與《存在主義是一種人道主義》對行善的認知

LEUNG Yin Year 1, Medicine, Morningside College Paradox of a Purposeful Life: Oedipus' Tragedy from the Buddhist Perspective

LI Xinting Year 1, Science, New Asia College (Major in Sociology in the academic year 2020-2021) The Wandering Idiot to be Named "Philosopher" – A Reflection on How Philosophy Interacts with Reality

TSE Wai Yi Year 1, Biomedical Sciences, Wu Yee Sun College Ladder Towards Freedom

WAN Tsz Yan Year 2, Biomedical Sciences, S.H. Ho College Hope and Hemlock

YAO Jinyou Year 1, History, New Asia College 通往幸福的兩座橋 :公利 、私利的關係與未來

In Dialogue with Nature
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Best Essay Award - Gold Award |
HEIBA Serageldin Amre Abdelaziz Year 1, Energy and Environmental Engineering, Morningside College Man, Nature, and COVID-19: The Origins and Resolutions of the Pandemic

Best Essay Award - Silver Awards |
HUANG Jieling Year 1, Chinese Language and Literature, New Asia College 論求知 、自我與自然

TSOI Pui Lam Year 1, Medicine, United College Complexity and the Physical Aspect of Life

YU Ziling Year 2, Global Economics and Finance, Morningside College Interpreting The Beauty of Science Through J. S. Bach's Music

Best Essay Award - Bronze Awards |
CHAN Lok Hang Brandon Year 1, Medicine, S.H. Ho College Truth, Beauty and the Pursuit of Science

HO Kwok Cheung Year 2, Chinese Language and Literature, New Asia College 自由與科學的「枷鎖」 — 相刃抑或相成?

LAU Ka To Year 1, Medicine, New Asia College Solving the Unsolvable

SHU Ying Chi Camille Year 1, Medicine, Chung Chi College The Bearer of Morality

TSE Howard Hau Fung Year 1, Linguistics, New Asia College The Next Spring

YEUNG Yuk Ling Year 2, Computer Engineering, Shaw College 讓孩子「與自然對話」,發掘生命之美

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