Newspaper clippings, 1982, 1987-1998, 2000, 2002, 2005, 2007, undated
Consists of clippings collected by David Hawkes, chiefly on religion, history, philosophy, language and archaeology, etc. Arranged chronologically.
• Items 1-20:
-春節的社火。周汝昌。剪報 1 張;21 x 11 cm. 《北京晚報・ 百家言》。1982 年 1 月 26日 (Note 2)
-The bias in believing. John McManners. 1 sheet ; 41 x 30 cm. A book review of: John Kent's The Unacceptable face : the modern church in the eys of the historian. TLS (Times Literary Supplement), July 31, 1987, page 829. "Regius Prof. Emeritus of Eccl. History, O.U." (Note 2)
-Letter to editor. Graham Clarke. 1 sheet ; 13 x 6 cm. "GW 6/9/87" (Note 2)
-And now for a brief prayer. Bert Lodge. 1 sheet ; 15 x 30 cm. "T.E.S. 9-10-87" (Note 2)
-1 sheet ; 41 x 30 cm. TLS (Times Literary Supplement), December 11-17, 1987, pages 1383-1384. Includes: 1) Moves in a mysterious way. Adrian Cussins. Book review of: Richard Swinburne's The Evolution of the soul. 2) Guardians against Antichrist. Alastair Hamilton. Book review of: Ulrich Gabler's Huldrych Zwingli. 3) Healing the body politic. Helen Oppenheimer. Book review of: Ronald H. Preston's The Future of Christian ethics (Note 2)
-1 sheet ; 41 x 30 cm. TLS (Times Literary Supplement), December 25-31, 1987, pages 1437-1438. Includes: The ways of the Master. Owen Chadwick. Book review of: Peter Hinchliff's Benjamin Jowett and the Christian religion. 2) People in the Book. J.R. Porter. Book review of: Peter Calvocoressi's Who's who in the Bible. 3) Through a glass darkly. Leszek Kolakowski. Book review of: David McLellan's Marxism and religion (Note 2)
-The Cross and the Swastika. By Harvey Cox. 1 sheet ; 25 x 29 cm. The Guardian. August 28, 1988, page 20 (Note 2)
-1 sheet ; 41 x 30 cm. TLS (Times Literary Supplement), September 2-8, 1988, page 972. Includes: 1) Mingling of tongues. R.B. Le Page. Book review of: John R. Rickford's Dimensions of a creole continuum. 2) Signs of the time. David Robey. Book review of: Thomas A. Sebeok, editor's Encyclopedic dictionary of semiotics (Note 2)
-1 sheet ; 41 x 31 cm. TLS (Times Literary Supplement), September 9-15, 1988, page 999. Includes: 1) Convinced unbelievers. Stephen Grover. Book review of: 1) David Berman's A History of atheism in Britain. 2) Minster masterpiece. Rosamond McKitterick. Book review of: Nicolas Barker, editor's The York gospels (Note 2)
-1 sheet ; 41 x 30 cm. TLS (Times Literary Supplement), September 23-29, 1988, pages 1035-1036. Includes: 1) Trial and error. Anthony Pagden. Book review of: Pietro Redondi's Galileo. 2) In the sight of God. John Bossy. Book review of: James A. Brundage's Law, sex and Christian society in medieval Europe (Note 2)
-Women and early Christianity. G.E.M. de Ste Croix. 1 sheet ; 41 x 15 cm. "TLS 29/9/88" (Note 2)
-1 sheet ; 41 x 31 cm. TLS (Times Literary Supplement), September 30-October 6, 1988, pages 1077-1078. Includes: 1) Low life. Paul G. Bahn. Book review of: David Kempe's Living underground. 2) On the way back. David Ridgway. Book review of: R.D. Barnett and C. Mendleson, editors' Tharros. 3) On the ground of autonomy. John Gray. Book review of: Susan Mendus and David Edwards, editors' On toleration. 4) Ghosts in the mirror. A.W. Moore. Book review of: W.D. Hart's The Engines of the soul (Note 2)
-1 sheet ; 41 x 31 cm. TLS (Times Literary Supplement), September 30-October 6, 1988, pages 1075-1076. Includes: 1) Royal reassessment / J.R. Maddicott. Book review of: Michael Prestwich's Edward I. 2) Positions of power. Christopher Haigh. Book review of: David Starkey, editor's The English court. 3) Standing fast in the Promised Land. David Martin. Book review of: Richard W. Pointer's Protestant pluralism and the New York experience. 4) Muslims on the periphery. Alastair Hamilton. Book review of: Nehemia Levtzion and John O. Voll, editors' Eighteenth-century renewal and reform in Islam (Note 2)
-1 sheet ; 41 x 23 cm. TLS (Times Literary Supplement), October 7-13, 1988, page 1131. Includes: 1) Secret service. John McManners. Book review of: Georges Minois's Le Confesseur du roi. 2) Freeing the spirit. Richard Mackenney. Book review of: Silvana Seidel Menchi's Erasmo in Italia 1520-1580 (Note 2)
-Tutsi and Hutu differences. Merrick Posnansky. 1 sheet ; 14 x 12 cm. Letter to editor. "GW 9/10/88" (Note 2)
-Questions about Jesus. Keith Hudson. 1 sheet ; 15 x 6 cm. "GW 9/10/88" (Note 2)
-Bad breath and bad faith. Jarolaw Anders. 1 sheet ; 20 x 22 cm. Book review of: Paul Johnson's Intellectuals. "TLS 13/10/88" (Note 2)
-1 sheet ; 41 x 15 cm. TLS (Times Literary Supplement), October 28-November 3, 1988, page 1203. Includes: 1) Prejudice and the liberal mind. Roger Scruton. 2) 'Galileo : Heretic'. Adriano Carugo and A.C. Crombie (Note 2)
-1 sheet ; 41 x 30 cm. TLS (Times Literary Supplement), October 28-November 3, 1988, pages 1191-1192. Includes: 1) Contemplating what might once have been. Eugen Weber. Book review of: Ernest Gellner's Plough, sword and book. 2) Paladin of the counter-revolution. Norman Hampson. Book review of: Richard A. Lebrun's Joseph de maistre (Note 2)
-'The Trial of Scorates'. Gregory Vlastos. 1 sheet ; 27 x 9 cm. TLS (Times Literary Supplement), November 4-10, 1988, page 1227 (Note 2)
• Items 21-40:
-1 sheet ; 41 x 31 cm. TLS (Times Literary Supplement), November 4-10, 1988, pages 1219-1220. Includes: 1) Coming to terms with the determined. Daniel C. Dennett. Book review of: Ted Honderich's A Theory of determinism. 2) Early eros, late libido. A.W. Price. Book review of: Gerasimos Santas's Plato and Freud (Note 2)
-Assumptions of superiority. Geoffrey Sampson. 1 sheet ; 21 x 30 cm. Book review of: Wilhelm von Humboldt's On language. TLS (Times Literary Supplement), November 11-17, 1988, page 1258 (Note 2)
-Of dubious ancestry. Derek A. Roe. 1 sheet ; 21 x 23 cm. Book review of: Roger Lewin's Bones of contention. TLS (Times Literary Supplement), November 11-17, 1988, page 1256 (Note 2)
-1 sheet ; 41 x 22 cm. TLS (Times Literary Supplement), November 18-24, 1988, page 1274. "TLS 24/11/88". Includes: 1) The Crusades, as seen by the English… . Norman Housley. Book review of: Christopher Tyerman's England and the crusades, 1095-1588. 2) … and by the Jews. Bernard Hamilton. Book review of: Joshua Prawer's The History of the Jews in the Latin kingdom of Jerusalem (Note 2)
-'Galileo : Heretic'. John H. Charles. 1 sheet ; 11 x 9 cm. "TLS 24/11/88" (Note 2)
-'A Theory of Determinism.' Ted Honderich. 1 sheet ; 41 x 16 cm. TLS (Times Literary Supplement), November 18-24, 1988, page 1279. "TLS 24/11/88" (Note 2)
-Oriental attitudes. Robert Irwin. 1 sheet ; 25 x 30 cm. TLS (Times Literary Supplement), December 2-8, 1988, page 1353 (Note 2)
-Kinship and continuity. Neil Berry. 1 sheet ; 21 x 16 cm. "TLS 8/12/88" (Note 2)
-Looking to Genesis. J.N.D. Kelly. 1 sheet ; 30 x 16 cm. Book review of: Elaine Pagels' Adam, Eve, and the Serpent. "TLS 8/12/88" (Note 2)
-The AIDS crisis. 1 sheet ; 31 x 9 cm. "15/12/88 TLS" (Note 2)
-1 sheet ; 41 x 31 cm. TLS (Times Literary Supplement), December 16-22, 1988, pages 1391-1392. Includes: 1) Disappearing into the desert. Zygmunt Bauman. Book review of: Jean baudrillard's Selected writings. 2) The invention of the rational. Jonathan Barnes. Book review of: G.E.R. Lloyd's The Revolutions of wisom. 3) In more ways than one. John D. Barrow. Book review of: Freeman Dyson's Infinite in all directions (Note 2)
-'Hands together, eyes closed.' Gerald Haigh. 1 sheet ; 42 x 30 cm. Photocopy. The Times Educational Supplement, December 23, 1988, page 13 (Note 2)
-6 sheets ; 32 x 26 cm. Sunday Times Magazine. Dec. 24, 1988. Pages 12-22. Includes: 1) What happened to Christianity? 2) Jesus on the screen. 3) Who was Jesus? (Note 2)
-Questionable propriety. Gred Baumann. 1 sheet ; 24 x 16 cm. Book review of: Hanspeter Duerr's Nacktheit und Scham. TLS (Times Literary Supplement), January 6-12, 1989, page 18 (Note 2)
-Friend of liberty, critic of democracy. Hugh Brogan. 1 sheet ; 29 x 30 cm. Includes: 1) Book review of: Andre Jardin's Tocqueville. 2) Book review of: Alexis de Tocqueville's Oeuvres completes. "TLS 12/1/89" (Note 2)
-1 sheet ; 41 x 31 cm. TLS (Times Literary Supplement), January 20-26, 1989, pages 51-52. Includes: 1) Claims of common citizenship. Brian Barry. Book review of: Henry Phelpsbrown's Egalitarianism and the generation of inequality. 2) Thinking anew. Maurice Cranston. Book review of: Carol C. Gould's Rethinking democracy (Note 2)
-1 sheet ; 41 x 30 cm. TLS (Times Literary Supplement), January 27-February 2, 1989, pages 77-78. Includes: 1) Creators of ourselves. Adam Morton. Book review of: Kathleen V. Wilkes' Real people. 2) Those up and down artists. Stuart Sutherland. Book review of: D. Jablow Hershman and Julian Lieb's The Key to genius. 3) Trying to get through. Peter Fuller. Book review of: Rosemary Dinnage's One to one (Note 2)
-1 sheet ; 41 x 31 cm. TLS (Times Literary Supplement), February 17-23, 1989, pages 155-156. Includes: 1) Fundamental objections. Patrick Collinson. Book review of: Margaret Aston's England's iconoclasts. 2) Free to interpret. Patrick Curry. Book review of: Roger Chartier's Cultural history (Note 2)
-Too important for tact. Jeremy Waldron. 1 sheet ; 41 x 22 cm. TLS (Times Literary Supplement), March 10-16, 1989, page 248 (Note 2)
-1 sheet ; 8 x 12 cm. "TLS KORN 16/3/89" (Note 2)
• Items 41-60:
-Gospel truths and transformations. Geza Vermes. 1 sheet ; 24 x 30 cm. Book review of: Paula Fredriksen's From Jesus to Christ. TLS (Times Literary Supplement), March 24-30, 1989, page 321 (Note 2)
-Liberalism : the Christian connection. L.A. Siedentop. 1 sheet ; 41 x 22 cm. TLS (Times Literary Supplement), March 24-30, 1989, page 308 (Note 2)
-Natural aptitudes. Peter Carey. 1 sheet ; 22 x 22 cm. Book review of: Nigel Barley's Not a hazardous sport. TLS (Times Literary Supplement), March 31-April 6, 1989, page 349 (Note 2)
-Questions about the Resurrection. 1 sheet ; 16 x 22 cm. Includes 4 letters to the editor. The Guardian Weekly, Vol. 140, No. 15. Week ending April 9, 1989, page 2. "GW 9/4/89" (Note 2)
-The moral market. J.W. Burrow. 1 sheet ; 41 x 22 cm. Book review of: Boyd Hilton's The Age of atonement. TLS (Times Literary Supplement), April 7-13, 1989, page 356. "TLS 13/4/89" (Note 2)
-Religion and Toleration. G.E.M. de Ste Croix. 1 sheet ; 41 x 15 cm. TLS (Times Literary Supplement), April 14-20, 1989, page 395 (Note 2)
-Bishop's search for truth. Philip Vernon. 1 sheet ; 7 x 11 cm. "GW 23/4/89" (Note 2)
-Islamic Revolution 'really aimed at the 20th century'. James Cuvier. 1 sheet ; 15 x 16 cm. The Guardian Weekly. No. 27. Week ending July 2, 1989. "WG 2/7/89" (Note 2)
-Bridge to understanding. 1 sheet ; 17 x 28 cm. The Cambrian News, 25 August 1989 (Note 2)
-Mynd J'R Cwrdd. gan Y Dyfarnwr. 1 sheet ; 38 x 17 cm. Photocopy. Poem in Welsh. "Barcud Rhif. 136. Aug 1989." (Note 2)
-2 sheets ; 39 x 29 cm. The Guardian, September 3, 1989, pages 9-12 (Note 2)
-Children on God : who art in heaven? 1 sheet ; 34 x 15 cm. "SC 8/10/89" (Note 2)
-Mr Greene and God. By Walter Schwarz. 1 sheet ; 17 x 27 cm. "WG 8/10/89" (Note 2)
-And California said : Let there be Ramtha. Mike Bygrave. 1 sheet ; 21 x 15 cm. "SC 8/10/89" (Note 2)
-Questions of science baffle the British. By David Utting. 1 sheet ; 20 x 26 cm. Page 4. "SC 19/11/89" (Note 2)
-Happiness : the greatest good? Jonathan Glover. 1 sheet ; 24 x 10 cm. "CS 26/11/89" (Note 2)
-Finding what makes us the way we are. Robert Matthews. 1 sheet ; 29 x 10 cm. "CS 26/11/89" (Note 2)
-Metaphor answering metaphor : one way to understand the Salman Rushdie uproar is to read the Koran. Francis Spufford. 1 sheet ; 21 x 41 cm. The Sunday Correspondent, December 24, 1989, page 31 (Note 2)
-Christ : not lamb but tiger. Anthony Burgess. 1 sheet ; 60 x 23 cm folded to 30 x 23 cm. "Sunday Correspondent." December 24, 1989 (Note 2)
-Divine Evidence. 1 sheet ; 35 x 24 cm. "Gilbert Adair, SC 24/12/89" (Note 2)
• Items 61-80:
-The riddle of Glastonbury. By Ralph Whitlock. 1 sheet ; 20 x 18 cm. "GW 24/12/89" (Note 2)
-Knowing the mind of God. Roy Peacock. 1 sheet ; 34 x 11 cm. Page 39. "GW 19/3/90 ('Media Guardian')" (Note 2)
-1 sheet (photocopy). Includes: 1) Parent's RE protest backed by Clarke. By Bert Lodge. "29.3.91". 2) £400,000 for RE project. "15.2.91". 3) Christians criticize multi faith RE. "8-6-90". 4) A last resort. John White (Note 2)
-'Iran bid to run UK Muslims.' By Ahmad Vahdatkhah. 1 sheet ; 30 x 11 cm. The Independent on Sunday, 22 July 1990 (Note 2)
-2 sheets ; 43 x 30 cm. Photocopy. Includes: 1) A rearguard action by the soldiers of Christ. 2) Quest for order amid fears of mayhem. 3) Controversies within the meaning of the Act. The Times Educational Supplement, 2.11.90, pages 12-13 (Note 2)
-A ritual fabrication. By David Hebditch and Nick Anning. 2 sheets ; 41 x 30 cm. The Independent on Sunday, 30 December 1990, pages 8-10. "ISR 30/11/90" (Note 2)
-A book that changed me. by Ludovic Kennedy. 1 sheet ; 25 x 10 cm. The Independent on Sunday, 20 January 1991, page 29 (Note 2)
-Obituaries : Evan Luard. Kenneth Kirkwood. 1 sheet ; 26 x 20 cm. Photocopy. "11/2/91" (Note 2)
-The golden calf in context. David Crawford. 1 sheet ; 16 x 28 cm. "16.2.91 INDEPENDENT" (Note 2)
-Obituaries : Professor A.C. Graham. P.M. Thompson. 1 sheet ; 17 x 23 cm. Photocopy. "Independent 5/4/91" (Note 2)
-Time to slay the fearful dragons. Philip Lewis. 1 sheet ; 39 x 11 cm. "Ind 6/4/91" (Note 2)
-1 sheet ; 17 x 14 cm. Includes: 1) An act on duplicity. Paul Jenks. 2) War blessing. Gerald Seedman. "IM 6/4/91" (Note 2)
-Orkney family begins to pick up the pieces. By James Cusick. 1 sheet ; 20 x 15 cm. "Ind. 6/4/91" (Note 2)
-God creates beings in different ways. Sidney Brichto. 1 sheet ; 38 x 11 cm. "20/4/91" (Note 2)
-Playing the pipes of peace. Stuart C. Matthews. 1 sheet ; 9 x 11 cm. "GW 21/4/91" (Note 2)
-Unconvincing portrait of a conservative pope. Ann Pettifer. 1 sheet ; 21 x 12 cm. Guardian Weekly, April 21, 1991 (Note 2)
-Risen Christ 'fraud' claims rebuffed. Peter Beaumont. 1 sheet ; 6 x 22 cm. "Obs. 26/4/91" (Note 2)
-Lord help this wishy-washy dad. Jim White. 1 sheet ; 25 x 30 cm. The Independent, 27 April 1991 (Note 2)
-Top Tories threathen tha power of church schools. Barry Hugill. 2 sheets ; 12 x 19 cm - 16 x 10 cm. "Nursery education will be a Cinderella' warn top Tories". "28/4/91" (Note 2)
-No cautious calm for Cantuar. 1 sheet ; 16 x 16 cm. "GW 28/4/91" (Note 2)
• Items 81-100:
-Jews shalt not work on the sabbath. From David Horovitz. 1 sheet ; 28 x 6 cm. "Ind 4/5/91" (Note 2)
-Missionaries in a Godless land. Report by Dorothy Wade ; potographs by Robert Goldstein. 4 sheets ; 31 x 23 cm. The Independent Magazine, 4 May 1991, pages [33]-40. "I.M. 4/5/91" (Note 2)
-Wrestling with time (Letters). 1 sheet ; 31 x 15 cm. The Independent Magazine, 4 May 1991. "I.M. 4/5/91" (Note 2)
-Germaine Greer on beauty and suffering. 1 sheet ; 30 x 23 cm. The Independent Magazine, 11 May 1991, page 18 (Note 2)
-UK betrayal of the Assyrian Christians. From Christopher J. Walker. 1 sheet ; 23 x 6 cm. "Ind 11/5/91" (Note 2)
-Pakistani liberals say Sharia Bill 'divisive'. From Ahmed Rashid. 1 sheet ; 15 x 16 cm. "I 18/5/91" (Note 2)
-Natural selection. John Durant. 1 sheet ; 27 x 11 cm. Page 28. "I 18/5/91" (Note 2)
-Polish abortion bill rejected. Patricia Clough. 1 sheet ; 13 x 10 cm. "I 18/5/91" (Note 2)
-Government 'to retain death penalty in military'. Christopher Bellamy. 1 sheet ; 21 x 6 cm. "I 18/5/91" (Note 2)
-Surgical intervention (Letters). 1 sheet ; 30 x 15 cm. The Independent Magazine, 18 May 1991. "IM 18/5/91" (Note 2)
-Ritual conceals impotence of Commons, Benn says. Stephen Goodwin. 1 sheet ; 22 x 15 cm. 18 May 1991 (Note 2)
-Asking King James to the funeral. Margot Thompson. 1 sheet ; 8 x 15 cm. "O 19/5/91" (Note 2)
-1 sheet ; 30 x 15 cm. Includes: 1) No impatience for paradise (Letters). 2) Female Castration (Letters). The Independent Magazine, 25 May 1991. "IM 25/6/91" (Note 2)
-The verdict on man. D.E. Bridge. 1 sheet ; 7 x 10 cm. "I 1/6/91" (Note 2)
-Two wrongs don't make a right. 1 sheet ; 15 x 17 cm. "GW 2/6/91" (Note 2)
-1 sheet ; 57 x 40 cm folded to 29 x 40 cm. Includes: 1) A shaft of light. Richard Harries. 2) Cheers and brickbats (incomplete). Observer, 2 June 1991, page 21 (Note 2)
-Chief Rabbi under fire. 1 sheet ; 9 x 14 cm. "I 8/6/91" (Note 2)
-Pope rails against the 'sensual' West. Patricia Clough. 1 sheet ; 18 x 11 cm. "I. 8/6/91" (Note 2)
-Brothers under the skin - so kill Muslims. Peter Hillmore. 1 sheet ; 38 x 11 cm. "O 9/6/91" (Note 2)
-No comparison between Begin and Nazis. Fred Langer. 1 sheet ; 32 x 11 cm. Guardian Weekly, June 9, 1991 (Note 2)
• Items 101-120:
-No shafts of light from the Church. 1 sheet ; 25 x 11 cm. "O 9/6/91" (Note 2)
-1 sheet ; 13 x 9 cm. Includes: 1) Druids seek access to Stonehenge. 2) 'Stump up' appeal to Anglicans. "I 15/6/91" (Note 2)
-1 sheet ; 30 x 23 cm. Includes Letters: 1) The midwife's work. Coral Hassall & Ruth Alleyne. 2) Ways of death. Nicholas Walter ; 3) Curing cholera. Sarah Meyer. 4) Hated by none. Michael Osmond. 5) Dress for success. Susan Hill. The Independent Magazine, 15 June 1991, page 9. "IM 15/6/91" (Note 2)
-Army ceremonies. Eric Westman. 1 sheet ; 18 x 9 cm. "RT 22/28 June 91" (Note 2)
-The feminist case is based on ethics. By Daphne Hampson. 1 sheet ; 43 x 11 cm. "I. 13/7/91" (Note 2)
-The God of altar and the God of earth. Anne Primavesi. 1 sheet ; 61 x 17 cm. The Independent. 27 July 1991. Page 13 (Note 2)
-Beyond eccentricity. C.H. Lawrence and Peter Daive. 1 sheet ; 12 x 11 cm. "I 3/8/91" (Note 2)
-Letter from John Gibson to the editor. 1 sheet ; 20 x 6 cm. "I. 7/9/91" (Note 2)
-Big matter of a little grey matter. Robin McKie. 1 sheet ; 25 x 25 cm. Page 64. "O. 8/9/91" (Note 2)
-Faith takes a beating in the unholy empire. Chris McGreal. 1 sheet ; 26 x 11 cm. "IS. 27/10/91" (Note 2)
-New patriarch revives hope in a tiny relic of Byzantium. Hugh Pope. 1 sheet ; 21 x 19 cm. The Independent, 3 November 1991 (Note 2)
-1 sheet ; 28 x 10 cm. Includes: 1) Death threats as school declares a pig-free zone. By Haydn Price. 2) The authority for a taboo. Diana Hinds. "IS. 10/11/91" (Note 2)
-On the origin of speeches. Steve Connor. 1 sheet ; 38 x 30 cm. The Independent on Sunday, 10 November 1991, page 51 (Note 2)
-Thank God … and naïvety … (incomplete title). Alec Vans. 1 sheet ; 9 x 6 cm. "8/12/91" (Note 2)
-1 sheet (incomplete) ; 23 x 11 cm. On Laurens van der Post. "IS 8/12/91" (Note 2)
-Men must hunt while the women must bleed. By Steve Connor. 1 sheet ; 10 x 23 cm. "IS 8/12/91" (Note 2)
-How Victor Hugo keeps the faith in Vietnam. Teresa Poole. 1 sheet ; 34 x 37 cm. The Independent on Sunday, 29 December 1991, page 13 (Note 2)
-Muslims open 'parliament' with defiance. By Diana Hinds. 1 sheet ; 23 x 12 cm. "IS 5/1/92" (Note 2)
-Egypt jails writer for blasphemy. By Adel Darwish. 1 sheet ; 34 x 11 cm. Page 14. "I on Sunday 5/01/92" (Note 2)
-The voice of British Islam? By Cal McCrystal. 1 sheet ; 31 x 22 cm. The Independent on Sunday, 12 January 1992 (Note 2)
• Items 121-140:
-The Battle for Algiers. Robert Fisk. 1 sheet ; 60 x 39 cm folded to 30 x 39 cm. The Independent on Sunday, 19 January 1992, page 17 (Note 2)
-British Jews reject plea by Major on Israel expulsions. 1 sheet ; 10 x 10 cm. "26/1/92" (Note 2)
-Witchfinder general to Pope John Paul. By Cal McCrystal. 1 sheet ; 31 x 38 cm. The Independent on Sunday, 26 January 1992, page 21 (Note 2)
-The worm and the fruit-fly find the elixir of life. From Tom Wilkie. 1 sheet ; 6 x 27 cm. "IS 9/2/92" (Note 2)
-Parent power turns sour. Donald MacLeod and Judith Judd. 1 sheet ; 60 x 39 cm folded to 30 x 39 cm. The Independent on Sunday, 16 February 1992, page 17 (Note 2)
-Moderate leads Muslim revival. By Diana Hinds. 1 sheet ; 17 x 15 cm. "IS 23/2/92" (Note 2)
-Irish priests help women set up secret abortions. By Jason Bennetto. 1 sheet ; 28 x 11 cm. "IS 23/2/92" (Note 2)
-1 sheet ; 20 x 38 cm. Includes: 1) Karabakh falls prey to revenge. Helen Womack. 2) Islam damns ancient city. Ahmed Rashid and Raymond Whitaker. The Independent on Sunday, 8 March 1992, pages 15-16 (Note 2)
-The from-here people who don't need tribalism. Neal Ascherson. 1 sheet ; 21 x 26 cm. The Independent on Sunday, 8 March 1992 (Note 2)
-Christian Scientists' media ambitions divide the faithful. John Lichfield. 1 sheet ; 44 x 23 cm. The Independent on Sunday, 22 March 1992 (Note 2)
-Jesus saves, and Cerullo collects. 1 sheet ; 40 x 15 cm. "28/4/92" (Note 2)
-When in doubt blame science. Steve Jones. 1 sheet ; 38 x 11 cm. 17 May 1992 (Note 2)
-Muslims all shook up over pop group. By Jack O'Sullivan. 1 sheet ; 8 x 24 cm. "SI 28/6/92" (Note 2)
-Why bring God in? Nicolas Walter. 1 sheet ; 17 x 6 cm. "GW 5/7/92" (Note 2)
-Church vote setback for women priests. By Andrew Brown. 1 sheet ; 17 x 20 cm. "IS 12/7/92" (Note 2)
-Ex-porn merchant defends his church. By Jason Bennetto. 1 sheet ; 17 x 14 cm. "19/7/92" (Note 2)
-Visions of the Virgin fill Greek skies. Helena Smith. 1 sheet ; 18 x 10 cm. "G 17/8/92" (Note 2)
-Messing with the Messiah. William Leith. 1 sheet ; 40 x 27 cm. Interview of A N Wilson. "IS 13/9/92" (Note 2)
-True stories of good and evil. By Elspeth Barker. 1 sheet ; 24 x 29 cm. "20/9/92" (Note 2)
-Briefly. 1 sheet ; 10 x 9 cm. "SI 27/9/92" (Note 2)
• Items 141-160:
-1 sheet ; 39 x 30 cm. Includes: 1) Dark side of genetic screening. Interview by Jean-Yves Nau. 2) The Etruscans - fleshing out the myth. By Yvonne Rebeyrol. 3) Liverish view of the future. By Yvonne Rebeyrol. Guardian Weekly, October 11, 1992, pages 13-14 (Note 2)
-Saudis Behead Man For 'Insulting The Prophet.' By Caryle Murphy. 1 sheet ; 18 x 12 cm. "GW 11/10/92" (Note 2)
-Human rights and the Royal Family. Mrs A. Holland. 1 sheet ; 11 x 12 cm. Guardian Weekly, October 18, 1992 (Note 2)
-Inquisition in the clear over Galileo. From Patricia Clough. 1 sheet ; 17 x 15 cm. "SI 1/11/92" (Note 2)
-Gummer's gospel truth. Geraldine Bedell. 1 sheet ; 20 x 18 cm. "SI 6/12/92" (Note 2)
-God's gift to the English people? Andrew Brown. 1 sheet ; 23 x 15 cm. "SI 13/12/92" (Note 2)
-1 sheets ; 38 x 30 cm. Includes: 1) All sorts of reasons for being unreasonable. By Galen Strawson. 2) Quantum leaps. Danah Zohar. 3) Skeletons in the family cupboard. David Papineau. The Independent on Sunday, 13 December 1992, page 39 (Note 2)
-1 sheet ; 26 x 10 cm. Includes: 1) Hindus gather at wrecked mosque. 2) Muslim ban. "SI 3/1/93" (Note 2)
-Leading archaeologist says Old Testament stories are fiction. By David Keys. 1 sheet ; 16 x 18 cm. "IS 28/3/93" (Note 2)
-Where Koran and calculators sit side by side. Diana Hinds. 1 sheet ; 35 x 15 cm. "SI 4/4/93" (Note 2)
-Jesuits sack bible sceptic. David Keys. 1 sheet ; 19 x 6 cm. "SI. 4/4/93" (Note 2)
-一輩子為了「尤利西斯」:第一位中譯者金隄談翻譯。林黛嫚。剪報 1 張;58 x 40 cm folded to 29 x 40 cm. 《中央日報》1993 年 11 月 11 日,第五版 (Note 2)
-Darwin's disciple. Nick Cohen. 1 sheet ; 41 x 27 cm. On Richard Dawkins. "I.S. 2/1/94" (Note 2)
-Evolution versus religion : even Darwin had his doubts. 1 sheet ; 23 x 18 cm. "I.S. 9/1/94" (Note 2)
-Genes that don't fit. 1 sheet ; 27 x 11 cm. "Guardian 21/5/95" (Note 2)
-… wife of a god (incomplete title). Christine Aziz ; photograph by Caroline Penn. 1 sheet ; 31 x 21 cm. "Guardian 10/6/95" (Note 2)
-Creating whoopee. Stephen Bates. 2 sheets ; 37 x 29 cm. The Guardian Weekend, 15 July 1995, pages 28-30. "15/7/95" (Note 2)
-In the grip of Jehovah. Deborah Holder. 1 sheet ; 37 x 24 cm. The Independent on Sunday, 23 July 1995 (Note 2)
-Marwolaethau / Obituaries. 1 sheet ; 47 x 19 cm. The Cambrian News, 1 December 1995, page 21 (Note 2)
-Proofs of God in a photon? Martin Redfern. 2 sheets ; 37 x 30 cm. The Independent on Sunday, 24 December 1995, pages 36-37 (Note 2)
• Items 161-180:
-1996 : the year ahead. Archie Dunlop. 1 sheet ; 58 x 74 cm folded to 58 x 37 cm. The Independent on Sunday, 31 December 1995, pages 6-7 (Note 2)
-The real romance in the stars. Richard Dawkins. 1 sheet ; 58 x 37 cm folded to 29 x 37 cm. The Independent on Sunday, 31 December 1995, pages 17-18 (Note 2)
-Astrology: fact or fraud? 1 sheet ; 58 x 37 cm folded to 29 x 37 cm. The Independent on Sunday, 7 January 1996, page 18 (Note 2)
-Doctor, spare that foreskin. Oliver Gillie. 1 sheet ; 28 x 37 cm. The Independent on Sunday, 7 April 1996, page 8 (Note 2)
-How come all ye faithful? By Martin Bright ; photographs by Toby Glanville. 3 sheets ; 37 x 29 cm. Observer Life, 23 June 1996, pages 12-14, 16 (Note 2)
-Child of Evangelism. James Wood. 3 sheets ; 42 x 32 cm. London Review of Books, 3 October 1996, pages 3, 6-8 (Note 2)
-War with Memory. Anthony Hecht. 1 sheet ; 38 x 13 cm. Book review of: Paul Fussell's Doing battle. "GW 20/10/96" Page 18 (Note 2)
-If the Pope can find Darwin why can't Dawkins find God? By Colin Tudge. 1 sheet ; 36 x 37 cm. The Independent on Sunday, 27 October 1996, page 21 (Note 2)
-Not even the Vikings could hold out against Christainity. So what was it about those Lithuanians? Nikolai Tolstoy. 1 sheet ; 29 x 18 cm. Book review of: Richard Fletcher's The Conversion of Europe. "Observer Review. 7 Sept 97" (Note 2)
-Losing the habit. Simon Buerk. 1 sheet ; 46 x 36 cm folded to 27 x 36 cm. "SCMP Saturday March 21, 1998" (Note 2)
-Nice script, Dodgy scriptures. By Karen Armstrong ; illustration by Paul Hamlyn. 1 sheet ; 60 x 37 cm folded to 31 x 37 cm. The Observer Review, 13 December 1998, page 18. "DAVID" (Note 2)
-Hommage du CML à Gao Xingjian, prix Nobel de littérature 2000. 1 sheet ; 18 x 25 xm. L'Independendant, 14 October 2000, page 7. In French (Note 2)
-Professor Piet van der Loon. 1 sheet ; 58 x 74 cm folded to 30 x 37 cm. The Times, 28 May 2002, page 31 (Note 2)
Conditions Governing Access: Accessibility level = 1 (Totally open to public on the online archive; physically available upon request made to CUHK Library or Prof. John Minford)
-The Translation Wars : how the race to translate Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky continues to spark feuds, end friendaships, and create small fortunes. By David Remnick. 3 sheets ; 30 x 42 cm. Photocopy. The New Yorker, 7 November 2005, pages 98-109. With handwritten notes (Note 2)
Conditions Governing Access: Accessibility level = 1 (Totally open to public on the online archive; physically available upon request made to CUHK Library or Prof. John Minford)
-Hamas must be part of solutions. 1 sheet ; 38 x 10 cm. The Canberra Times. [18 June 2007]. Page 10 (Note 2)
Conditions Governing Access: Accessibility level = 1 (Totally open to public on the online archive; physically available upon request made to CUHK Library or Prof. John Minford)
-Paying the price for ignoring the voice of the Palestinians. Robert Fisk. 1 sheet ; 12 x 40 cm. The Canberra Times, 18 June 2007, page 11 (Note 2)
Conditions Governing Access: Accessibility level = 1 (Totally open to public on the online archive; physically available upon request made to CUHK Library or Prof. John Minford)
-Paintings of naked Christ to go from church nave. 1 sheet ; 28 x 6 cm (Note 2)
-Your invitation to hear : Luis Palau. 1 sheet ; 21 x 10 cm. On forthcoming Tell Wales meetings (Note 2)
-What do Jehovah's Witnesses believe? 1 sheet ; 15 x 29 cm folded to 15 x 10 cm. Leaftlet. Copyright 1987 by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. Pages 1-6 (Note 2)
-Brain 'sex spot' renews Church dispute on gays. Oliver Gillie. 1 sheet ; 39 x 15 cm. Page 3 (Note 2)
• Items 181-184:
-Godless to the grave. Mandy Robotham. 1 sheet ; 21 x 14 cm (Note 2)
-Myths of the virgin birth that obscure Jesus's family life. Geoffrey Parrinder. 1 sheet ; 60 x 30 cm folded to 31 x 30 cm. Page 18 (Note 2)
-Free spirits : living faiths. Clare Jenkins. 1 sheet ; 19 x 30 cm (Note 2)
-Occasion to remember : Jack Golson honoured. 1 sheet ; 19 x 16 cm. Photocopy (Note 2)
- 1982, 1987-1998, 2000, 2002, 2005, 2007, undated
Language of Materials
Conditions Governing Access
Conditions Governing Use
Note 2: Copyright restrictions may apply
184 item(s)
- From the Fonds: Hawkes, David, 1923-2009 (Creator, Person)
Repository Details
Part of the CUHK Library Archival Collections Repository
Special Collections Reading Room
3/F, University Library
The Chinese University of Hong Kong