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Plastic Free Change Makers Training Workshops

Landfills in Hong Kong will be full in 2030 soon. According the figures from Environmental Protection Department, we are sending over one million of municipal solid wastes to the landfills everyday, with plastic taking up 21%, second highest by category.  

Plastic bottles, plastic cutlery and plastic food boxes, these are the things through which throw-away culture has made its promise on convenience, and yet at the same time, brought to the Earth severe pollutions. Plastic has entered the sea, to the food chain, and causing potential harms to human health. We need to take action, in our daily lives and in communities, to advocate for a plastic free future.   

 "Plastic Free Change Makers Training Workshops"  aims at equiping college students with innovative thinking for advocay of plastic reduction at campus and in the communities. Core contents include:
1.    Introduction to the problems of plastic pollution, with local and international trends and development in innovation solutions.
2.    Demonstration on policy analysis with Impact Gap Canvas.
3.    Introduction to Design Thinking, and developing a trial solution.
We are looking for people who love the Earth and want to act! Please join us!

25th Feburary, 2023 (Sat) | 2:00pm-6:00pm @Yasumoto International Academic Park (YIA), CUHK
Workshop 1: An overview of complex challenges as outlined by the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Through interactive exercises, students will identify the issues they care about and establish empathy with the affected community, as well as active imagination and explore case studies that turned challenges into opportunities and came up with innovative solutions.
Instructor: Melaine (WildBound)  

Workshop 2: This workshop will feature two NGOs who are campaigning on plastic reduction as well as examine the current policy interventions on reducing plastic waste. Participants will work in small groups to map out the current problem and solutions landscape with the Impact Gap Canvas.
Guests: Leanne (Greenpeace)  , Hahn Chu (The Green Earth)  

26th Feburary, 2023 (Sun) | 2:00pm-6:00pm @Yasumoto International Academic Park (YIA), CUHK
Workshop 3: Using design thinking and systems thinking tools, participants will be facilitated to go through the process of designing their own action plan to conduct the program training secondary school students as well as collecting data effectively, guided by clear objectives for their plan. Students will present their plans in small groups and receive feedback from their peers and facilitators. Some of the plans will be get the opportunity to be implemented and tested in upcoming events and activities.
Instructor: Songqiao (WildBound)

Registration: https://bit.ly/changemakers_plasticfree

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