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Guide to Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Submission (CUSIS Electronic Submission) (只提供英文版本)

A. File Format

  • PDF
    • Full-text file – contains the whole thesis/dissertation including cover, table of contents, abstract, body of the thesis and bibliography
    • It is recommended to copy and paste the PDF text into Notepad or Microsoft Word to ensure that it is complete and searchable. Readable text indicates searchable content. It may be necessary to adjust settings (e.g. Unicode, ligatures, mathematical symbols) until the text is readable.

B. Recommended File Naming Convention

  • Filename should be in lower case containing only alphanumeric characters (a-z, 0-9) or hyphens
  • Maximum of 20 characters.

C. Creating A PDF File
D. Joining Several Files Together in One PDF File

Guide to Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Submission (CD-ROM/DVD Submission) (只提供英文版本)

A. File Organization and Format
B. Recommended File Naming Convention
C. Creating A PDF File
D. Joining Several Files Together in One PDF File

A. File Organization and Format

It is required to submit the soft copy of your thesis in a CD-ROM/DVD.  The CD-ROM/DVD should contain two folders:

  1. PDF – to store all converted PDF files of  thesis/dissertation
  2. SOURCE – to store the original files of the thesis/dissertation and any accompanying files


File Organization and Format

1. PDF Folder should contain:

  • Abstract file – contains only the abstract
  • Full-text file – contains the whole thesis/dissertation including cover, abstract and table of content with pages in the abstract file 

PDF Folder should contain
Please make sure that you have done the following on the PDF file:

  • Embed all fonts
  • No password protection
  • Allow printing
  • No Compression  

*Please refer to Section B below for file naming convention.

2. Source Folder should contain:

The original source file(s) that are used to generate full-text of your thesis/dissertation. Please note that No compression (No Zip Files) or password protection should be used on the source files. Acceptable file formats include the followings:  

a. Text editors

  1. MS Word [Embedded with all fonts is recommended]
  2. MS Excel
  3. MS PowerPoint
  4. ASCII files (txt)  

b. Images

  1. Gif
  2. jpeg(.jpg or .jpeg)
  3. PDF (.pdf with embed fonts)
  4. Tiff (.tif or tiff)

 c. Video

  1. Apple QuickTime (.mov)
  2. Microsoft AVI (.avi)
  3. Mpeg
  4. MP4 (.mp4)

d.  Audio

  1. AIFF (.aif or .aiff)
  2. CD-DA
  3. CD-Rom/XA
  4. MIDI (.mid or .midi)
  5. Mpeg-2
  6. SND (.snd)
  7. WAV (.wav)
  8. MP3 (.mp3)

 e. Others

  1. Any other accompanying files

Source Folder should contain

B. Recommended File Naming Convention

1. PDF Files for Abstract

  • student number-last name first name-submission year month-degree-abstract.pdf

    • 1123456789-chan tai man-201606-phd-abstract.pdf
    • 1123456789-chan tai man-201606-mphil-abstract.pdf

2. PDF Files for Full-text

  • student number-last name first name-submission year month-degree-fulltext.pdf

    • 1123456789-chan tai man-201606-phd-fulltext.pdf
    • 1123456789-chan tai man-201606-mphil-fulltext.pdf


  • Filename should be in lower case containing only alphanumeric characters (a-z, 0-9) or hyphens
  • Use “yyyymm” format for submission year and month, e.g. 201606
  • Use following abbreviations for name of degree:
    • “phd” for PhD
    • “mphil” for MPhil
    • “edd” for Doctor of Education
    • “dnurs” for Doctor of Nursing
    • “md” for Doctor of Medicine
    • “dmus” for Doctor of Music
    • “mmus” for Master of Music
    • “psyd” for Doctor of Psychology
    • “dsc” for Doctor of Science

3. Source Files

  • Save the files in its original format and follow the naming convention below. 
  • “student number-last name first name-submission year month-degree-“ and followed by a term indicative of the file contents.
  • Examples:
    • 1123456789-chan tai man-201606-phd-thesis.doc
    • 1123456789-chan tai man-201606-phd-abstract.doc
    • 1123456789-chan tai man-201606-phd-tables.xls
    • 1123456789-chan tai man-201606-phd-presentation.ppt
    • 1123456789-chan tai man-201606-phd-graph.jpg

C. Creating a PDF File

Make sure you have followed the General Information for Thesis Preparation and Submission of the “Postgraduate Student Handbook”. There are many ways to generate a PDF file for submission. You are recommended to generate by using Adobe Acrobat or other software such as Microsoft Word to generate the desired file.

A. Using Adobe Acrobat to generate PDF file (Recommended)

  1. Launch the Adobe Acrobat X Pro application (not Adobe Reader) from your computer. (If your computer does not install Adobe Acrobat, please use computers at the CUHK Library)
    *Please note that some menu items and functions may be different for different versions, Adobe Acrobat X Pro is used in this guide.
  2. Select  “PDF from File” under the “Create” menu.
  3. Browse the folder where your files stored and click “Open”. (Please make sure the file is named according to the file naming convention in Section B above)
  4. The compiling time is dependent on your file size. It may take a while if your source file is large.
  5. The converted file will be shown in the Adobe Acrobat application as follow:
    Converted file
  6. Select “Save” from the “File” menu
  7. If your source file is named according to our naming convention, you can simply save the file using the same name of the original file. Otherwise, you may need to rename the file.
    Name of the original file
  8. Perform the same procedure for other files when all files should be ready for further processing.
    all files

B. Using Microsoft Word to generate PDF file

If you are using Microsoft Word version 2007 or above, there is a built-in PDF conversion function. To do this:

  1. Select “Save As” from the “File” Menu.
    Save As
  2. Select “PDF (*.pdf)” from the “Save as type” menu
  3. Select “Options…” from the “Save as” diaglogue box  
  4. Make sure none of the PDF options are selected, click “OK” when done.
    PDF options
  5. If your document file is named according to our naming convention, you can simply save the file using the same name of the original file by clicking the “Save” button

D. Joining Several Files Together in One PDF File

You may have several original or accompanying files which are in different formats, such as spreadsheet or PowerPoint.  If this is the case, you need to convert these separate files one by one into PDF files and then combine them into one large PDF file.  To do this:

  1. Select “Combine Files into a Single PDF” from the “Create” Menu.
  2.  Select “Add Files” or drag and drop the desired files.
    Add Files   Add Files
  3.  You can rearrange their order by dragging and dropping or using the move up/down function.
    Rearrange file order
  4.  When it is ready, click “Combine Files”.
    Combine Files
  5.  The combined PDF will appear in the Adobe Acrobat application.
    combined PDF
  6.  Select “Save As” function from the File menu and rename file according to the naming convention listed above.
    Save As

If you encounter any problems in the course of creating PDF files, you are welcome to contact the Research Support & Digital Initiatives of the CUHK Library at 3943-8787 or via e-mail to digitization@lib.cuhk.edu.hk.