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How to Set Up Current Awareness Services in Law Databases: Manupatra


Some legal databases offer alerting services. Alerting services allow you to set up a profile detailing the subjects that interest you. The database will then alert you by e-mail each time new material is added which matches your interests.

RSS feeds

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. You can sign up to RSS feeds anywhere you see the RSS logo . These are updates that either 'feed' into your email inbox or into a 'feed' reader. These are usually free to set up and offer one place to collect all feeds as well as freeing up your inbox.


Create Alerts - Manupatra

An Indian legal database of cases and legislation.

Manupatra Desktop Alert service is a complimentary service from Manupatra. After installing the application on your desktop, you will find the updates of cases, notifications, Statutes through summaries.

For more information:

Manupatra Desktop Alert: