Academic honesty:
Cyranoski, D. (2014). Acid bath offers easy path to stem cells. Nature, 505(7485), 596-596.
Cyranoski, D. (2014). Cell-Induced Stress. Nature, 511(7508), 140-143.
Cyranoski, D. (2014). Stem-cell scientists mourn loss of brain engineer. Nature. doi: 10.1038/nature.2014.15679.
For writing the review paper:
Prof. HUANG Bo
Dr. HUANG Yefang, Lucy
- Dawson T., Perryman A. & Osborne T. (2016). Modelling Impacts of Climate Change on Global Food Security, Climatic Change, 134, 429-440.
- Fullbrook, D. (2010). Food as security. Food Security, 2(1), 5-20.
- Rehber, E. (2012). Food for thought: “Four Ss with one F”: Security, safety, sovereignty, and shareability of Food. British Food Journal, 114(2-3), 353-371.
- Ingram, J. (2011). A food systems approach to researching food security and its interactions with global environmental change. Food Security, 3(4), 417-431.
Prof. LAI Yuk Fo, Derrick
- Bajželj, B., Richards, K.S., Allwood, J.M., Smith, P., Dennis, J.S., Curmi, E., & Gilligan, C.A. (2014). Importance of food-demand management for climate mitigation. Nature Climate Change, 4, 924-929.
- Grimm, N. B., Chapin, F. S., Bierwagen, B., Gonzalez, P., Groffman, P. M., Luo, Y., Melton, F., Nadelhoffer, K., Pairis, A., Raymond, P. A., Schimel, J. and Williamson, C. E. (2013), The impacts of climate change on ecosystem structure and function. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 11, 474–482. doi:10.1890/120282.
- Kennedy, C. A., Ibrahim, N., & Hoornweg, D. (2014). Low-carbon infrastructure strategies for cities. Nature Climate Change, 4, 343-346.
Dr. LEE Wai Ying, Joanna
- Choi, W. Kimburley (2010): Constructing a decolonized world city for consumption: discourses on Hong Kong Disneyland and their implications. Social Semiotics, 20(5), 573-592.
- Samara, Tony Roshan. (2015). Politics and the social in world-class cities: Building a Shanghai model. Urban Studies, 52(15), 2906-2921.
- Short, J., Breitbach, C., Buckman, S. and Essex, J. (2000) From world cities to gateway cities: Extending the boundaries of globalization theory. City, 4(3), 317-340.
Prof. LEE Fung, Harry
- Lee, H.F., Fei, J., Chan, C.Y.S., Pei, Q., Jia, X., & Yue, R.P.H. (2017). Climate change and epidemics in Chinese history: A multi-scalar analysis. Social Science & Medicine, 174, 53-63.
- Lee, H.F., Zhang, D.D., Pei, Q., & Fei, J. (2016). Downscaling and disaggregating NAO-conflict nexus in pre-industrial Europe. Chinese Geographical Science, 26(5), 609-622.
Prof. Lawal MARAFA
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- Jansen-Verbeke, M., & Dietvorst, A. (1987). Leisure, recreation and tourism: A geographic view on integration. Annals of Tourism Research, 14(3), 361-75.
- Weaver, B. B. (2005). Mass and urban ecotourism: New manifestations of an old concept. Tourism Recreation Research, 30(1), 19-26.
Prof. NG Mee Kam
- Bina, O. (2013). The green economy and sustainable development: an uneasy balance? Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 31, 1023-1047.
- Bulkeley, H. (2006). Urban sustainability: Learning from best practice? Environment and Planning A, 38, 1029-1044.
- Connelly, S. (2007). Mapping Sustainable Development as a Contested Concept. Local Environment, 12(3), 259–278.
- *For reference, NOT for paper review:
Ng, M.K. (2007). Reporting sustainability in Hong Kong and the Central and Western District. Hong Kong, China: Sustainability Development Council and the University of Hong Kong.
Prof. NG Sai Leung
- Dowling, R. (2011). Geotourism’s global growth. Geoheritage, 3, 1-13.
- Ng, S. L., Li, J., Fang, S., & Ng, Y. C. Y. (2010). Geodiversity and geoconservation in Hong Kong. Asian Geographer, 27(1-2), 1-11.
- Ng, Y. C. Y., Fung, L.W., & Newsome, D. (2010). Hong Kong geopark – uncovering the geology of a metropolis. In D. Newsome, & R. Dowling (Eds.), Global geotourism perspectives (pp. 179-191). Oxford, UK: Good Fellow Publishers.
Prof. SHEN Jianfa
Dr. WONG Kwan Kit, Frankie
- Miller, R. B., & Small, C. (2003). Cities from space: potential applications of remote sensing in urban environmental research and policy. Environmental Science & Policy, 6(2), 129-137.
- Donnay, J.-P., Barnsley, M. J., & Longley, P. A. (2001). Remote sensing and urban analysis. In J.-P. Donnay, M. J. Barnsley & P. A. Longley (Eds.), Remote sensing and urban analysis (pp. 2-14). New York, NY: Taylor & Francis.
- Taubenböck, H., Esch, T., Wurm, M., Heldens, W., & Dech, S. (2010). From earth observation to urban planning in cities. Paper presented at the PLUREL Conference, 19-22 October, 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Prof. XU Jiang
- Bos, R., Coffeng, G., & Lee, S. M. Y. (2012). Accessibility based planning in the Netherlands: Better, faster, together. Paper presented at 48th ISOCARP Congress, 10-13 September, 2012, Perm, Russia.
- Williams, K. (2017). Chapter 1: Spatial planning, urban form and sustainable transport: An introduction. In K. Williams (Ed.), Spatial planning, urban form and sustainable transport (pp. 1-13). UK: Routledge.
- Wang, J. J., & Chan, C. (2007). Public transit in Hong Kong: Does it help the poor? In A. Laquian, V. Tewari, & H. M. Lisa (Eds.), The inclusive city, infrastructure and public services for the urban poor in Asia (pp. 171-196). Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
Prof. XU Yuan
- Erickson, W. P., Wolfe, M. M., Bay, K. J., Johnson, D. H., & Gehring, J. L. (2014). A Comprehensive Analysis of Small-Passerine Fatalities from Collision with Turbines at Wind Energy Facilities. Plos One, 9(9).
- Nordelof, A., Messagie, M., Tillman, A. M., Soderman, M. L., & Van Mierlo, J. (2014). Environmental impacts of hybrid, plug-in hybrid, and battery electric vehicles-what can we learn from life cycle assessment? International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 19(11), 1866-1890.
- Gautier, D. L., Bird, K. J., Charpentier, R. R., Grantz, A., Houseknecht, D. W., Klett, T. R. Wandrey, C. J. (2009). Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas in the Arctic. Science, 324(5931), 1175-1179.
Prof. YIM Hung Lam Steve
- Chan, C. K., & Yao, X. (2008). Air pollution in mega cities in China. Atmospheric Environment, 42(1), 1-42.
- Zhong, L. J., Louie, P. K. K., Zheng, J. Y., Yuan, Z. B., Yue, D. L., Ho, J. W. K., & Lau, A. K. H. (2013). Science policy interplay: Air quality management in the Pearl River Delta region and Hong Kong. Atmospheric Environment, 76, 3-10.
- Eliasson, I. (2000). The use of climate knowledge in urban planning. Landscape and Urban Planning, 48(1-2), 31-44.