Professor, National Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies and the Department of History, Fudan University, Shanghai
Professor Ge is Professor at the National Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies and the Department of History at Fudan University. He is a leading scholar of history, literature and religion. His works include: A History of Chinese Zen Buddhist Thought: From the 6th to 10th Century (1995, 2006); An Intellectual History of China (Volume 1-2, 1998, 2000); Here in ‘China’ I Dwell: Reconstructing Historical Discourses of China for Our Time (2011, its English translation was recently published by Brill in 2017); Inner and Outer in Historical China (2017), etc.
Professor Emeritus, Department of Asian Languages and Cultures, University of California, Los Angeles
Professor Chou Hung-hsiang, student and research assistant of Professor the Honourable Jao Tsung-I in his early teaching years, is now Professor Emeritus of the Department of Asian Language and Cultures, University of California, Los Angeles. Professor Chou is a renowned scholar in the study of oracle bone script, his research interests are Chinese archaeology and ancient culture. Professor Chou’s major publications include Bibliography of Studies of Xia History and Xia Culture, The Imperial Records of Shangyin Dynasty and Oracle Bone Collections in the U.S.
Professor of Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University
Professor Yuan Xingpei, whose ancestral home is Wujin, Jiangsu, was born in Jinan, Shandong. Professor Yuan serves as Professor of Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Director of Faculty of Humanities, Dean of Institute of Traditional Chinese Culture, Director of International Academy for China Studies, and Editor-in-chief of Studies in Sinology at Peking University. Professor Yuan has held the posts of President of Central Institute of Chinese Culture and History, Vice-Chairman of China Democratic League, as well as member of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council. He was also a member of the Eighth and Ninth National Committees of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and member of the Tenth Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress.
Former Member, Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Institut de France
Former Director, École Française d'Extrême-Orient
Leon VANDERMEERSCH was born in 1928, France (Department: North). He received Diploma in Chinese (1948) and Vietnamese (1951) from Paris Institute for Eastern Languages, and National PhD in Law (1950), in Literature (1975) from Paris University. His rich academic experiences include: Research Fellow in Kyoto University (1959-1961 and 1964-1965), in Hong Kong University (1981-1964); Teacher in Vietnam Middle School (in Saigon :1951-1954, in Hanoi:1954-1955); Research-Member of the French Institute for Far-Eastern Studies (EFEO) (1956-1966); Lecturer in the University of Aix-en-Provence (1966-1973), in the University of Paris7 (1973-1979); Professor in the University of Paris7 (1973-1979); Director of Research-Work in Paris Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (EPHE) (1979-1993, Professorship in History of Confucianism); French Director in Tokyo French-Japanese House (1981-1984); Director of EFEO (1988-1993); Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres Correspondent Member. His most important books include Wangdao; or, The Royal Way (Wangdao ou la Voie royale), The New Chinese World (Le nouveau monde sinisé) and so on. He was awarded the Prix Stanislas Julien prize, the nobel prize in sinology studies, in 1980.
Renowned Swedish Sinologist
Member, Selection Committee of Nobel Prize in Literature
Prof. Nils Göran David Malmqvist was a leading Swedish sinologist. After receiving a degree from the Uppsala University, Professor Malmqvist followed the studies of ancient Chinese literature and Chinese phonology under renowned Prof. Bernhard Karlgren at Stockholm University in 1946 and then obtained his Fil. Lic. in Chinese from this university. In the following 60 more years, Professor Malmqvist had actively involved himself in Chinese literary studies and translation and has taught Chinese in top universities in Europe and Australia. Professor Malmqvist was a prolific writer with extensive interest in Chinese culture. Over the years, he had published widely in English and Swedish on Chinese history and literature. He had translated over 30 volumes and some 200 literary pieces from Chinese. He had made great contributions in promoting academic and cultural exchanges between Sweden and China (including Hong Kong) as well as between the Western and the Chinese cultures. His distinguished achievements had earned him numerous awards, such as the Knighthood of the Northern Star, the Royal Prize by Swedish Academy, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Translation Prize.
Visiting Scheme: Young Scholars Visiting Scheme
Visiting Period: October 4 – December 24, 2021
Position: Assistant Professor, University of Nottingham, Ningbo, China
Research Interest: Modern Chinese History
“Records of Enemies and Puppets: Qingcha Diwei Dang’an Xiaozu Dang’an in Modern Chinese History,” Twentieth Century-China, 45:3 (October, 2020), 369-377.
“Staging China’s “Age of Extremes”: Divergent Radicalizations among Chinese Youth in Europe, 1922–1924,” Twentieth-Century China, 44:1(January, 2019), 33-52.
‘Young China’ in Europe: Life and politics of May Fourth youth in Europe, 1919-1923,” Historical Research, 91:252 (May, 2018), 353-374.
“Partyfing Sichuan: The Chinese Youth Party in Sichuan 1926-1937,” Frontiers of History in China, 8:2(2013), 223–258.
Visiting Scheme: Young Scholars Visiting Scheme 2021
Visiting Period: September 1 – December 31, 2021
Position: Assistant Professor, Kent State University, USA
Research Interest: Artisanal experience in late imperial China, materiality of calligraphy, cross-cultural interaction between China, Korea, and Japan
“From Epigraphy to Inscribing Objects: Recarving Ancient Relics into Inkstones,” Orientations, vol. 51, no. 6 (2020), 64-71.
“Lan Ying 藍瑛 (1585-1664 or later), Rock (寶晉齋石)”;“Fang Hengxian 方亨咸 (act. c. 1647-1678), Painting and Calligraphy (書畫冊) (after 1659)”;and“Jiang Shijie 姜實節 (1647-1709), Landscape (山水扇面) (1701).” In The Artful Recluse: Painting, Poetry, and Politics in Seventeenth-Century China, edited by Peter C. Sturman and Susan S.
Tai, 188-89, 218-21, 264-65. Santa Barbara: Santa Barbara Museum of Art, 2012.
Visiting Scheme: Young Scholars Visiting Scheme 2021
Visiting Period: July 12 – December 31, 2021
Position: Associate Professor, College of William and Mary, USA
Research Interest: Modern Chinese humanities (film, media, and literature), cultural studies, and critical theory, with particular emphases on western Marxism, gender and sexuality studies, and postcolonial and transnational studies
The Art of Useless: Fashion, Media, and Consumer Culture in Contemporary China. New York: Columbia University Press, 2021. Website: http://cup.columbia.edu/book/the-art-of-useless/9780231192491
“The Geopolitical Aesthetics: The Migrant Workers, Performance, and Globalization in Jia Zhangke's Film The World (2004).” Prism: Theory and Modern Chinese Literature. 18.1 (2021): 170-187.
“Socks and Revolution: The Politics of Consumption in Sentinels under the Neon Lights (1964).”The Cold War and Asian Cinemas, co-edited by Poshek Fu and Man-Fung Yip. New York: Routledge, 2020.158-173.
“Decaffeinated England: Thames Town and its Discontents.” Verge: Studies in Global Asias. 2.1 (2016): 76-83.
“Dirty Fashion: Ma Ke’s Fashion ‘Useless,’ Jia Zhangke’s Documentary Useless, and Cognitive Mapping.” Journal of Chinese Cinemas 9. 3 (2015): 253-270.
“‘Mao’s Children are Wearing Fashion!’” The Changing Landscape of China’s Consumerism. Ed. Alison Hulme. Oxford: Chandos Publishing, 2014. 23-55.
Visiting Scheme: Young Scholars Visiting Scheme 2020
Visiting Period: September 15, 2020 – January 15, 2021
Position: Assistant Professor, Grinnell College, USA
Research Interest: Pre-modern Chinese Literature
Publications :
“Divorcing North and South: Gender, Poetry and Politics in Early Medieval China,” The Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia (JOAS) 49 (2017): 50-70.
Translated Xiaofei Tian’s chapter “From the Eastern Jin through the Early Tang (317–649),” in The Cambridge History of Chinese Literature, edited by Kang-i Sun Chang and Stephen Owen (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011). Chinese translation published by Shenghuo, dushu, xinzhi sanlian shushe in 2013, 232-324.
Co-author, “The Lost Learning of an Ancient Sage: the Religious Characteristic of the Flood-like qi” (Wangsheng de yiduan juexue: lun haoran zhi qi de zongjiao shuxing “往聖”的一段“絕學”:論浩然之氣的宗教屬性), Chinese Culture Research 中國文化研究 2(2005): 48-59.
“Tracing the Dark Palace Calendar” (Xuangong lifa de zuizong 玄宮曆法的追踪), New Asia Journal 新亞論叢 3 (2003): 1-4.
“From a Talented Poetess to a Jealous Wife: The Transformation of Su Hui and the Late Tang Literary Culture” (under review by Nan nü)
Visiting Scheme : Young Scholars Visiting Scheme 2019
Visiting Period : September 16 – December 23, 2019
Position : Assistant Professor, Ca’ Foscari University, Italy
Research Interest : Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature, Translation Studies
L’oeuvre narrative de Yu Dafu en italien et en français : spécificités, problèmes et stratégies de traduction [Yu Dafu’s Fiction in Italian and French: Specificities, Problems, and Translation Strategies], Lille, ANRT, 2014.
“Traduire un texte entre les langues. Retour sur l’expérience de traduction de Hong bai hei” [Translating a Text Between Languages. Some Remarks on the Translation of Hong bai hei], TRANS 22, 2017.
“A City That Never Existed: Xiao Bai’s Literary Remaking of 1931 Shanghai”, Journal of Architecture and Urbanism 41, 2017: 92-100.
“Qiu Xiaolong’s 'Death of a Red Heroine' in Chinese Translation. A Macro-Polysystemic Analysis”, Annali di Ca’ Foscari, Serie Orientale 51, 2015: 95-108.
“Stratégies humoristiques et stratégies de traduction dans Shenme shi laji, shenme shi ai de Zhu Wen” [Humour and Translation Strategies in Zhu Wen’s Shenme shi laji, shenme shi ai], Impression d'Extrême-Orient 3, 2013.
“La traduction et la lettre, ou le ryokan du lointain : vers une pratique de la différence dans la traduction des langues orientales” [Translation and the Letter, or the Ryokan in the Distance: Towards a Practice of Difference in the Translation of East Asian Languages], Impressions d'Extrême-Orient 2, 2011.
Visiting Scheme: Young Scholars Visiting Scheme 2019
Visiting Period: May 21 – August 20, 2019
Position: Research Associate, Doshisha University, Japan
Research Interest: Japanese Modern Literature, Late Qing Literature
《摩登哥児(モダンガール)としての中國人女子留學生――崔萬秋〈新路〉を読む 》(作為摩登哥兒的中國留日女學生 讀――崔萬秋〈新路〉),《野草》(日本中國文芸研究會會刊)第97號,2016年2月。
《賈寶玉、日本へ行く――南武野蛮〈新石頭記〉を読む 》(賈寶玉的日本之行――讀南武野蛮〈新石頭記〉),《饕餮》(中國人文學會會刊)第24 號,2016年9月。
《余計者としての〈留學生〉――張資平〈一班冗員的生活〉を中心に》(多餘的「留學生」 ――以張資平〈一班冗員的生活〉為中心,《現代中國》(日本中國現代學會會刊第 90 號,2016年9月。(收錄神奈川大學中國人留學史研究會論文集•《中國人留學生と「國家」・「近代」・「愛國」》(中國留學生與「國家」・「近代」・「愛國」),東方書店,2019年3月)
《〈アジアの子〉試論――時代に迫られた留學生たち》(試論〈亞洲之子〉――為時代所迫的留學生們)《同志社国學》 (同志社大學国文學會會刊)第79號,2013年12月。
Visiting Scheme : Young Scholars Visiting Scheme 2019
Visiting Period : May 7 – August 15, 2019
Position : Assistant Professor, Valparaiso University, USA
Research Interest : Chinese Language, Literature and Culture
Yuedu Tao Yuanming 閱讀陶淵明. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju 中華書局, 2016. 291 pp. ISBN: 9787101120219. Chinese Translation of Reading Tao Yuanming: Shifting Paradigms of Historical Reception (427 - 1900), by Wendy Swartz. Cambridge: Harvard University Asia Center, 2008.
Zhonggu wenxue zhong de shi yu shi 中古文學中的詩與史(The Interaction of Poetry and History in Medieval Chinese Literature). Shanghai: Fudan 復旦University Press, completed and accepted, forthcoming 2019.
Lore and Verse: Poems on History in Early Medieval China. Albany: State University of New York, in progress.